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Void Fellhound Deflect Skill bugged

Void Fellhound Deflect Skill bugged

7 янв. 2020, 17:4307.01.20

Void Fellhound Deflect Skill bugged

The void fellhound will only use his deflect skill on the leader using the aura skill in the party. Even if the leader has full health, he will never use it on the weakest champion or a champion who has just 1% of life remaining, just the leader. If the leader dies, then the fellhound will just put deflect on itself, never anyone else. 

Please fix this. 
7 янв. 2020, 19:0107.01.20
sopankhurana said:

The void fellhound will only use his deflect skill on the leader using the aura skill in the party. Even if the leader has full health, he will never use it on the weakest champion or a champion who has just 1% of life remaining, just the leader. If the leader dies, then the fellhound will just put deflect on itself, never anyone else. 

Please fix this. 
I will pass it on.
7 нояб. 2020, 23:5007.11.20
8 нояб. 2020, 00:03(отредактировано)

Not sure who this was supposed to be passed on to, but clearly it never went anywhere. With Fellhound on Auto, Deflect is worse than useless. Fellhound keeps casting it on somebody with nearly full HP and a nearly full turn meter. This means that Fellhound wastes a turn casting a one turn ignore damage on somebody who is goes right after -- and the instant that that champion takes their turn, Deflect wears off. So on Auto, Deflect ends up being a completely wasted turn! The skill's duration is too short for it to be useful and the champion that makes sense to cast it on never gets it. 

Is it possible to have the option to set a champion to never use a skill when the game is running on Auto? There are other champions where a skill is situational and you'd rather they just not use one specific skill at all. There are others like Fellhound where the champion uses a skill when there's absolutely no point for them to use it. Sometimes you'd rather just have them use their A1 instead on Auto. 

8 нояб. 2020, 17:5708.11.20

The developers are aware of many problems with the AI and in theory in one of the next patches they will improve that of several PCs, I do not know if this will be one of them.

It has also been mentioned several times to block some skill so that they do not use it or that they prioritize one in Auto, but it is not yet known whether or not they will apply it to the game and even less when they would.