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Debuff skill bugs

Debuff skill bugs

16 сент. 2019, 11:2116.09.19

Debuff skill bugs

Since the last patch there seem to be a lot of new bugs with debuff Skills.

So far I've seen bugs with skills from these champs:

Alure (arena) - Floating Zzz's from [Sleep] debuff persist after debuff ends.

Astralith (arena) - Upon explosion of [Bomb] debuff the word "Unkillable" appears on the target just before it dies (target has no such trait).

Astralith (arena) - Upon explosion of [Bomb] debuff the target takes no damage. Happens seperately from Unkillable bug above.

Ignatius (arena) - Battle Shout skill applies [HP Burn] FX which persists for the match.

Magmablood (faction wars) - Green ribbon from [Bomb] debuff persists if debuff is removed

Pounder (faction wars) - Frost particles from [Freeze] debuff persist after debuff ends.

18 март 2021, 22:4818.03.21

I have been noticing this as well. What is happening is the Icon for the debuff is removed but the debuff remains. I am seeing this for Buffs as well. There was an arena fight I just had where I removed all the counter attack buffs from the enemy team, the icon was gone so that should be it, but every hit was making them counter attack still. It was not being caused by counter attack gear as it never said they were counter attacking. It was acting exactly like the buff was still there.

Same goes for debuffs, I would remove Fear and True Fear debuffs from my team, and yet when their turn came and I try to use a skill, I would get feared and skill did not go off. This has been happening for a few weeks now at least.