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Translation Bug and translation suggestions for Champion Prosecutor (High Elves,Rare,Spirit)

Translation Bug and translation suggestions for Champion Prosecutor (High Elves,Rare,Spirit)

16 июнь 2023, 07:4816.06.23

Translation Bug and translation suggestions for Champion Prosecutor (High Elves,Rare,Spirit)

In the german description of the Champion Verfolger (Prosecutor) the A3 Ability(Prosecute - Belangen) list in the text description the following.

"Verleiht diesem Champion vor dem Angriff für 2 Züge einen 50% [ANG-Steigerer] Buff." 

This means its an [Increase ATK] -Buff, but the champion has an [Increase ACC] on his A3. So the correct Text should be.

"Verleiht diesem Champion ,vor dem Angriff, für 2 Züge einen 50% [GEN-Steigerer] Buff." 

In the summary of the Abilty it correctly says [GEN-Steigerer]

Also in general the Translation Prosecutor -> Verfolger is rather incorrect . Verfolger correctly translates to  Pursuer. The correct translation of Prosecutor would be Ankläger.  In addition the ability Name for the A3 prosecute would be better translated to anklagen instead of belangen. 
