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Hakkorhn Smashlord Bugs

Hakkorhn Smashlord Bugs

27 июль 2019, 13:3827.07.19

Hakkorhn Smashlord Bugs

Hey so i´ve noticed two quite major bugs with my legendary champion Hakkorhn Smashlord. The first one is that his own defence also reduces his damage output from A3 since it reduces the self inflicted damage.

The secound bug that in my opinion is more frustrating and game breaking is that after ascending him to 3 stars you unlock his A2 ascension which is both a huge heal based on Hakkorhns HP aswell as a block debuffs (prior to 3 star ascension it just clears debuffs) for 2 turns which is great under the right situations. the problem is that in auto battles ( such as arena defence ) he now uses his A2 as his opener rather than A3 which both wastes an outstanding heal aswell as wasting his turn. Basicly his AI needs improvements.

In arena offense this isnt a problem since i do everything manually but its rather frustrating having my arena rating tanking due to my defence being bugged.

Thanks for looking into it.

5 авг. 2019, 03:5005.08.19
pls fix this
5 авг. 2019, 08:0405.08.19
He also doesn’t use his AOE in spider on auto.