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Enemies in Arena heal when they are hit

Enemies in Arena heal when they are hit

22 июль 2019, 13:5922.07.19

Enemies in Arena heal when they are hit

I originally posted this in the violations section, but that has not been responded to by anyone, so hopefully it will be responded here. There have been multiple times in arena where I have attacked an enemy, and during my attack they heal. The heals also change amounts almost randomly, and will heal them even if I only did shield damage. I first thought this was the result of hackers, but it has been happening so much that I now think it is a glitch, possibly with an artifact set or a mastery. I read over all the masteries to see if there was one that did this and I could not find one. The artifact sets also seem to be different. Initially I thought it was only lifesteal, immortal, and regeneration but I recently went against someone with no heals who healed every time I attacked them. If this is a correct mechanic in the game somehow, please anyone respond to me. I sent a report through the game, but the auto response makes me believe it wasn't even read.
2 авг. 2019, 03:3402.08.19

I figured it out. The units have the shadow heal mastery and my Valkyrie's lifesteal artifacts have been procing it, making it almost impossible for her to solo any units with the passive. It took someone in my clan telling me about a Jizoh healing whenever his Apothecary healed in arena. So thank you Plarium developers for ignoring all my comments and in game error reports that went unanswered because you were too busy making new units nobody asked for instead of fixing the multitude of units that currently exist that don't work properly. At least now I know that the next time a possible error or glitch it would probably be quicker to search through the game scripts to figure it out than send in an error report for anyone to fix.