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Game crashing on loading screen when you are about to enter battle.

Game crashing on loading screen when you are about to enter battle.

24 июнь 2019, 20:3924.06.19

Game crashing on loading screen when you are about to enter battle.

It’s happening a lot now, and not just me but multiple members in my clan. We enter a battle and as it’s loading, it stops loading and freezes. After this we have to exit and re-enter which causes us to lose keys ( which takes several hours just to get one!) or makes us lose coins for the arena and energy as well. 
25 июнь 2019, 13:3725.06.19
25 июнь 2019, 13:38(отредактировано)

Hi and welcome to the Forum!

Yes, sadly it's a known issue, and we’re working with the QA and dev teams to get it solved ASAP. This problem should be fixed in update 1.8, which will be released shortly. We’re really sorry for the inconvenience! 

thebeanbean said:

It’s happening a lot now, and not just me but multiple members in my clan. We enter a battle and as it’s loading, it stops loading and freezes. After this we have to exit and re-enter which causes us to lose keys ( which takes several hours just to get one!) or makes us lose coins for the arena and energy as well. 

26 июнь 2019, 19:3826.06.19

Valkyrie said:

Hi and welcome to the Forum!

Yes, sadly it's a known issue, and we’re working with the QA and dev teams to get it solved ASAP. This problem should be fixed in update 1.8, which will be released shortly. We’re really sorry for the inconvenience! 

 Thanks for the info, Valkyrie. This issue is driving us bonkers!