9 июнь 2019, 06:1009.06.19
Spider loot bugged
I can only farm fast on auto spider stage 8, there are dropping 3-5 ring / 3-5 amulet / 3-5 banner
So i beat the boss 3 times in a row and getting only green shards 2-3 per drop...i said that probably i'm unlucky and i did another run, i got a brew... after that next 2 runs i got green shards again... what is this bug/offense or that is this ?????? i 'm lv 50 and still don't have rings on my main heroes. (i stopped after cuz i felt that you made bad jokes on me, atleast uncommon/comm rings i don't see)
Show me the drop chance or something, FIX your game. i spent 100 energy for some green shards? and it's spider with big loot.