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Got at least 13 Arena tokens today

Got at least 13 Arena tokens today

10 авг. 2018, 12:5010.08.18

Got at least 13 Arena tokens today

Not the first time this happened. Probably should have reported this sooner, but anyways I'm reporting it now.

We're supposed to get 10 arena tokens per day. I've been getting more, sometimes.

It happens when I'm online when the daily reset happens. Like today.

In the screenshot you can see I've already completed my daily Arena quest.

But you can also see I still have 10 tokens remaining. I did not buy any arena tokens in the shop.

I was online when the daily reset happened. I used the tokens that were regenerating while I was online.

And later today when I logged in I found out that the tokens regenerated fully to 10 even though I already spent 3.

I am still using version 0.9.2. I'm unable to update the client because I cannot find an updated apk file.

I live in Europe and this game is not available for me on Google Play.

DeletedTechnical Support
14 авг. 2018, 09:5414.08.18

Hi, you get 10 Arena tokens per server day, not per your local-time day. For example 00.00-12.00 a.m UTC you receive 10 Tokens. After day reset, tokens start refilling with their usual pace and within several hours you can get more tokens because it is already a different day on the server, but still the same in your local time zone. 

14 авг. 2018, 10:2814.08.18

вот, ещё одно подтверждение о 13 арена токенов :)

и это не забытые три с предыдущего дня
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