11 июнь 2021, 10:2011.06.21
The tech of your forum is so 2001
- thread openers can delete the whole thread. Thread-op asks some question, somebody elaborates a page-long guide to answer it, thread-op decides to delete his opening post, guide gone
- user names are given more than once, there is a user with the same name as your community manager, there is a whole bunch of users with the same name as mine
- you can not quote only parts of a post. Even you want to replie to just one point of a very long post, you have to quote all or nothing
- the search function is weird. Example: I searched for a post about the champ Peydma and I saw that there are 3 users with that name, so I klicked on the button to show the search results. No users found. Why does the search function show results that are not existing?