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Can't beat Scarab King Easy 1&2? Have Tormin?... you got it covered.

Can't beat Scarab King Easy 1&2? Have Tormin?... you got it covered.

18 фев. 2021, 12:5718.02.21

Can't beat Scarab King Easy 1&2? Have Tormin?... you got it covered.

Tormin says bring it on!

I've spent a little too much silver trying to do the 1st Normal Scarab King, at the end of last month and failed, at least I've learned some lessons. 

Since I don't want to spend any more resources on it and prefer leveling my good champions and get them masteries, I've was thinking of all sorts of ways to beat him.

I have proper champions and gear(mid game) to switch around but it will be too costly, way too much slowing my progression and at the end will have to switch it back... no thanks, not having good enough destroy set to overcome that switcharuu hurdle. BUT, I have Tormin.

He said, in his dwarvish accent - "A king you say, eh!? Bring it on."

I realized Tormin has this wonderful passive, that is on a long cooldown, BUT... Tormin is tank...

so... why not try taking this King 1on1, manu to manu, face to face and sort things out, eh!?

So I threw my best team in it and burst through the waves, did some burst 10% dmg to the Scarab King's health and then he started pissing all over...

after couple of minutes all of the team members were dead, but one.

The Stone Cold Tormin.

There he was with no lifesteal gear or destroy set on, just his normal accuracy and defence sets facing the throne room filled with bodies of unknown and legendary creatures and heroes...

The King was on his throne and with his shiled full and untouched he was looking down on the frozen dwarf with lordliness - "Little one you dare face me!? I'm gonna feast on your corpse!"

Tormin, looked around seeing his comrades bodies and without flintching or hesitation brought his hummer high and charged the enemy.

The battle has began...

...after 20 min of fighting the Scarab King the First was lying on the ground crying like a baby...

"...eeeeee, hi is immortaaaaal...nhaaaaaa.....(crying face)"


Few years has passed and the King passed the throne to his son, the Scarab King the Second. He was said to be even more ruthless and deadly. Heroes and champions of all race and rarity feared him and no one dared speaking his name outloud.

Tormin, heard about it and remembered the good old times brawling with his father - the Almight Scarab King the First, the bone crusher. He decided to see what's the fuzz all about and was hoping for some 1 on 1 time with the majesty himself. 

...and there he is again... Tormin facing the Scarab King... the second.

...they fought and fought, and fought... and after 30+ min of close combat brawl the king and his shield were defeated, and Tormin was like - "Eh, pal, me old bones broke your's and me not even wearing vampire gear. Bring me some brews and energy, before I decide to go after your cousin!"

Tormin killed bothe scarab king 1 and 2 on easy... easy peasy, scarab squeezy...

Of course, not really a good strategy for farming it, or if you have good destroy set, you may do it even as a farm 1on1(a bit slow, still working).

Now, I have enough time to sort gear and composition, and at the same time to reach the higher tiers of the normal Doom tower. 

Hope those who struggle and have Tormin to be able to break through this hurdle.

Just using your current built, no need swithcing anything. :) 

Good luck!
