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Looking for a Clan. New to this game, but very experienced with RPGs. 30 plus years worth.

Looking for a Clan. New to this game, but very experienced with RPGs. 30 plus years worth.

13 июль 2020, 22:3213.07.20

Looking for a Clan. New to this game, but very experienced with RPGs. 30 plus years worth.

As the title stated. I'm only level 13 at the time. But I've been playing RPG games since Final Fantasy 1, and Dragon Warrior 1 way back on NES.

I've been in guilds/clans/alliances in every game I've played that has them. I know what's required of me on a daily basis, and will be a daily player and donations etc. Whatever the game requires.

My ign is GalVintronus

I use Discord, but if the server requires me to give my phone #. I don't have one, as I use a free service. Hopefully I don't have that issue again.

Edit. Level 25 now