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Legendary book rewards nerf - bullshat

Legendary book rewards nerf - bullshat

17 март 2020, 13:0317.03.20

Legendary book rewards nerf - bullshat

Is anyone else a little annoyed at how they're treating new players in this game with respect to skill books? NM and UNM chests nerfed. Events nerfed. It's like extending a giant middle finger to newer players.

Most NM and UNM teams used to be able to pull 1-2 legendary books or so a month. Clan members aren't seeing that frequency of drops (1 every few months now). Events used to be 6500k champion training level points for a legendary book. Lately it's been 30k points. Same problem with Epic books.

Plarium, is this really how you want to treat new players? Yeah, it used to be much easier to upgrade your champions, good luck playing the game the same way that everyone else is. If you aren't a streamer, where you get free legendary books every week, and you didn't acquire a bunch before they nerfed clan boss and events, too bad. It's going to take 2x or 3x as long as everyone else to upgrade that new legendary champion. 

Honestly, I'd prefer to pull epic champions right now, since I don't want any more legendaries that need skill books to be viable.

At this rate, I'll have to play for a year to upgrade the skills of 2-3 legendary champions. Maybe I'll just go play 7 Deadly Sins instead. It looks fun on StewGaming's YouTube streams. Seems more friendly to new players.

23 март 2020, 13:0423.03.20

I agree that the drop rate is horrible for red tomes on clanboss and event tomes are only for big wales.

I pulled some good legendaries the last months, but i cant use one of them, because all require books to shine....at moment most epics and some rares are better.

I play now for a while and i have booked 3 legendaries....that was it, now i cant get any legandary book from campaign or missions. In all my time doing nightmare and UNM clanboss i got 1 red tome. Events nearly impossible to get a red tome.

So i am on the point where i am thinking about quitting....what shall i do......the game is about getting better champs to make faster runs and better combos......i cant use new champs because unable to book them.

I dont be angry about the game or on plarium...they want to make money...thats ok....but on my point i had great fun, but now i cant do anything more......3 legendaries are waiting for booking.....nn new champs only books!
25 март 2020, 02:0425.03.20
25 март 2020, 02:04(отредактировано)
The situation with the legendary books and the legendary and epic drop rate are pretty terrible. There is so much room for improvement when it comes to this game.