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New Player Looking for Advice.

New Player Looking for Advice.

7 нояб. 2019, 12:3407.11.19

New Player Looking for Advice.

Hi there everybody,

Im pretty new to this game just having been on it for nearly 2 months and honestly im quite liking it and the diversity in characters you can collect and content you can do. Tough here comes also the part that im struggeling a bit whit.

The amount of characters you can collect is at times a bit overwhelming and its pretty hard for me to figure out wich ones to focus on or how to build proper builds for each content : Clan boss , arena and dungeons mainly. 

So i was hoping if some of you more expirianced players can give me some advice and show me in the right direction ^^. 

To give you all a better idea what im dealing whit. I have one legendary wich is Zavia, and these are my epic characters : Gorgorab , Yaga the insatiable , Kallia , Alika , relickeeper , ripper , shaman , shatterbones , Thenasil , High Khatun , Fenax , Jizoh , Jinglehunter , Miscreated monster , Knight-errant, skullcrown, Karam, Tayrel.

My starting character was Kael where i already put quite a bit of effort into upgrading him. 

I hope somebody can help me as i realy want to improve and figure out how to properly build teams for those contents ^^ 

Thanks in Advance for any Advice.
7 нояб. 2019, 14:1707.11.19

With such champions I would use these:

For Clan Boss: Karam, Zavia, Tayrel (as leader), Thenasil, Gorgorab.

For Arena: Gorgorab (as leader), Tayrel, Skullcrown, Zavia

For Dugeons: Tayrel (as leader), Skullcrown, Thenasil, Shatterbones, Zavia

7 нояб. 2019, 14:4507.11.19
Hey thanks for the reply ^^. Ill wait for a bit to see if anybody else has any other sugestions and then ill give it a try ^^ Thanks already verry much.