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Blessing Failure (or oversight)

Blessing Failure (or oversight)

10 сент. 2022, 05:5410.09.22

Blessing Failure (or oversight)

I have not seen anyone else comment on this, so I figured I would bring it up.

Not every offensive champion is Attack Based. In a lot of content, Attack based champions are avoided unless they fill a role in the team composition like Royal Guard or Coldheart.

Now take Cruelty Blessing. This seems to be a must have blessing, fortunately I am using Psylar in a lot of my groups and she uses attack and it is nice that everything she throws is AoE so I'll get a lot of use out of this blessing on her.  But she is my only Attack based in a lot of my teams. The remaining are HP and Defense based. Other people may be using a diffent control champion that may not be Attack based but needs cruelty. If they get it on a non-attack, part of the blessing is not used.

On another blessing, Heavencast. I was considering using this on a debuffer/provoker but the champion is Defense based. Then I saw on this blessing, it too has attack stat attached to it.

Blessing need to be more dynamic. Instead of 400 attack on half the blessings change the attack to a %string% in the code that identifies the type of champion and the blessing bonus changes from Attack, to Defense or HP based on which stat influences the champion's abilities.
