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Need help with running AUTO

Need help with running AUTO

7 сент. 2022, 13:5507.09.22

Need help with running AUTO

I get frustrated with what the auto mode is doing in a battle I could just scream.  What gets me is a pair of champs that keep getting revived from death, one is the reviver and the other the revivee. Most often the auto mode sends champs after the revivee over and over, whereas the reviver is the one I really want them to hit so it stops reviving the revivee.  This happens too many times for me.  Is there a solution other than to switch out of auto mode, I can't say I am any good at manual?


7 сент. 2022, 14:0407.09.22

Are you talking about for Clan Boss? Or for other game areas?

If you're talking about CB specifically, then there's an entire set of things you need to be doing, starting with the fact that unless your team is expressly designed for it, you should *never* have someone dying.

If you're talking about elsewhere, then I'd argue you still probably shouldn't be having anyone dying, at least not as consistently as you seem to be stating, and that the solution is likely to just build your champs better, or use a better team, likely involving someone with a good AoE CC ability.

7 сент. 2022, 14:1607.09.22

Are you talking about for Clan Boss? Or for other game areas?

If you're talking about CB specifically, then there's an entire set of things you need to be doing, starting with the fact that unless your team is expressly designed for it, you should *never* have someone dying.

If you're talking about elsewhere, then I'd argue you still probably shouldn't be having anyone dying, at least not as consistently as you seem to be stating, and that the solution is likely to just build your champs better, or use a better team, likely involving someone with a good AoE CC ability.

sorry, should have mentioned it is in both arenas

yup, death is a way of life for me, but there should be ways to counter the effect of misdirected targets

I wish you would focus on the question and not be hung up on telling everyone to just get stronger as if that is the only answer, maybe for you, but we are not all you, if we were you would be out of a job.

7 сент. 2022, 14:2207.09.22

Well - as mentioned, in CB specifically, nobody should be dying unless your team is built for it. Have you read up on how to build CB teams? There's quite a lot involved, in properly choosing which champs to use, in setting their move priorities, in potentially running on manual for a few turns to get their moves to line up properly, and, most importantly, and in tuning their speeds to ensure they act at the correct times. You can't just take five random champs and put them in whatever gear you think appropriate, and then hope for the best.

For other content, what answer are you looking for exactly? Are you asking for a way to prioritise which target gets revived by single-target revives when multiple champions are dead?

I don't have any confirmation on this, but I would imagine it likely works the same way as most targeted abilities do - they prioritise team lead, and then continue from there. So, if you want to ensure your reviver is always revived first, then make them team lead. 

7 сент. 2022, 14:3407.09.22

Sorry, it just seems there are so many gimmicks in this game buried in various places.  I am NOT talking CB, repeat NOT.  I cannot prejudge battles, the arenas have infinite varieties of teams to fight.  It just seems like AUTO is usually selecting the target champ I wish it did not, and I can never repeat the same battle again to try different things, like in Doom Tower. I try using provoke but that does not last long enough to help.

I guess I just need a variety of more "down to earth" answers from the common player and not the big "I have all the 5 star legos and 6 star artifacts" answer.

There must be something goofy about using auto, like it is a weaker choice.  So many challenges say, "do such and such on auto", as if they know it is weaker. I use it cuz it thinks faster than I ever can.

7 сент. 2022, 14:5107.09.22

Apologies, when you said "arenas" I assumed that was a typo and you meant to say "areas".

Again, though, to re-iterate what I said earlier - is your objective to have the revive always be used on a specific champ in your team when there are multiple champs dead? If so, I would suggest you try putting that champ as team lead. I think that should force it to be the revive target by default.

However, as you yourself noted, auto is indeed the weaker choice. There is very rarely ever a scenario where the auto AI will outpeform a human. In many cases it is significantly weaker, forcing you to build teams specifically around its limitations.

As for not being able to repeat the same battle again - why not? If you lose an arena battle, the other team remains in your list to fight again.

8 сент. 2022, 11:0108.09.22
8 сент. 2022, 11:42(отредактировано)

Okay, I think the OP is asking how to take out Scyl when she keeps reviving Trunda, as an example.  You don't have to run in manual, you can focus on a specific opponent Champ by taping them on your phone, or clicking on the on your computer, during the battle.  A red crosshair will appear at their feet.  This way, when you want to kill their reviver first, everyone will focus their single target attacks on that opponent, as long as it's not random.  You don't have to run in manual, but you will have to pay attention during the fight.

8 сент. 2022, 13:1808.09.22
8 сент. 2022, 14:16(отредактировано)

Okay, I think the OP is asking how to take out Scyl when she keeps reviving Trunda, as an example.  You don't have to run in manual, you can focus on a specific opponent Champ by taping them on your phone, or clicking on the on your computer, during the battle.  A red crosshair will appear at their feet.  This way, when you want to kill their reviver first, everyone will focus their single target attacks on that opponent, as long as it's not random.  You don't have to run in manual, but you will have to pay attention during the fight.

Great, that is the type of answer I was looking for.  Exactly is Scyl as reviver and anybody else on that team as revivee.

I will give it a try! and give update ,Thanx::

OK, did some runs in various situations and it is great! Never knew that before.  I liked especially in the faction wars being able to highlight the boss and bypass a lot of attention that was being given to the minions.

Thanks very much again!