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CVC time zones and sniping

CVC time zones and sniping

1 сент. 2022, 11:2601.09.22

CVC time zones and sniping

In two recent CVCs, my clan has come together to put up a strong showing, and then gotten sniped at the last minute - sometimes literally the last minute. In this CVC, our opponents surged in the closing hours of the event and then, apparently, put up about 200k points in the last minute, turning victory into defeat.

This is quite frustrating. First, as mentioned on a nearby thread, there's the issue of putting in a ton of resources to qualify for personal rewards and then getting absolutely nothing because we did not win. That sucks.

Second, we seem to consistently get matched against clans from Europe or Russia, even though most of us are on North American time. This means that at the time the event ends, most of us are asleep. Therefore, our opponents know as the event is ending what number they hit to win, whereas we do not know before we go to bed what we need to do to win. This is obviously a huge disadvantage for us.

Third, the fact that our opponents can change the score by hundreds of thousands of points in the last minutes of the event when the total scores are only a few million means you really have no idea whether you're going to win or lose. So you don't know whether the resources you are investing are going to get you something cool or just drain your account.

And that sucks. CVC takes a lot of planning and a huge amount of resources to even have a chance of doing well. Whether you buy those resources or save them up F2P, nobody wants to put a lot of effort and resources into an event and then lose for reasons that are basically beyond their control.

1 сент. 2022, 12:4001.09.22

I hear you.

My clan is predominanatly North America based, and our last nearly dozen matchups or so have been against Russian or Eastern European clans. This means I also understand how tough it is to get sniped, as you can guess.

We have taken to making a decision with about 12 hours remaining in CvC if we are within range to be sniped, or even to snipe someone, and set a plan in place for particular people to hold resources and get up early to put them in and snipe, or prevent the snipe.