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Unm clan boss help

Unm clan boss help

22 авг. 2022, 18:0022.08.22

Unm clan boss help




Do i have a team here that can 2 key or even 1 key ultra? Right now im running Helicath, Fat man, bad el kazar, frozen banshee, and iron brago. Hitting about 15million per key. 

22 авг. 2022, 18:3922.08.22

First and foremost - stop making so many level 50s. Quite a few of those you have at 50 and fully ascended are truly terrible, and shouldn't have even been at 50, let alone at 40. Focus your resources better - don't randomly level / ascend people just for the hell of it.

As for your CB team - I suggest you do a double 4:3 comp with Helicath and Warcaster, so you can have Block Damage active for all three attacks. The team unfortunately will not work against green CB, but you don't really have any way of handling that now anyway, so you'll just have to accept taking more keys on green.

The team you want to build is this one:


The specific tune you want to use is this one (the 3 champs between 186-189 speed version):


The specific champs you want to use are (replacements from above tune in brackets below):

  • Helicath (Sepulcher Sentinel)
  • Warcaster (Steelskull)
  • Anax (Rhazin)
  • Fatman (Frozen Banshee)
  • Skullcrusher 
22 авг. 2022, 19:1222.08.22

This is the most insightful comment ive gotten on this help forum, thank you so much!! I thought i had a good team but my helicath keeps getting stunned on me. I will check this out and let you know how it turns out. 

22 авг. 2022, 19:1722.08.22

This is the most insightful comment ive gotten on this help forum, thank you so much!! I thought i had a good team but my helicath keeps getting stunned on me. I will check this out and let you know how it turns out. 

Just a note on that, because admittedly I forgot to mention it. The stun target is affinity-specific, and will almost always be targeting the weak affinity champion on your team. The suggested team I gave you has three green-affinity champs (Helicath, Anax, and Fatman), and one red-affinity (Skullcrusher). The red affinity one isn't a problem because the team simply won't work against green CB. However, against red CB, the target will either be Warcaster or Skullcrusher. You need to make sure Skullcrusher is lead, so that Warcaster isn't targeted. Even in that scenario, depending on gear, Warcaster may end up being the target, so you'll need to play around with the gear to ensure he isn't.

Against blue affinity, you'll need to put either Anax or Fatman as team lead, so that Helicath isn't stunned.

22 авг. 2022, 22:3522.08.22
22 авг. 2022, 22:51(отредактировано)

I want to take a second and make a quick counterpoint before we feed a bunch of 50s.... While I'm a big fan of building champs directly to 60 as required, and not building a bunch of 50s, I am seeing mostly good and solid champs that OP has built and ascended to 50.

In fact, the following 50'd champs are very good and easily worth taking to 60: Elder Skarg, Ursala, Basher, Warcaster, Skullcrown, Aox, Rector, Rearguard, Toragi, Archmage Hellmut, Catacomb Councillor, Alure, Tayrel Fayne, Ghrush, Stag, Fenax, Vrask, Akoth, Venomage, Psylar, Magnarr, Conellia, Zargala, Anax, Dark Elhain... and arguably Hermit Jorgg, Hippo and Broadmaw (who can run at 50, so it's good they are 50 :D ).

So looking at the silver lining, we are SET for Faction Wars and can really go hard on pushing for Lydia at this point.

22 авг. 2022, 23:1822.08.22

Just to be clear, I wasn't recommending eating those 50's, or even the 40's for that matter. Just suggesting he stop making new 50's and 40's, and focus on the ones he already has.

22 авг. 2022, 23:2122.08.22

Additionally, lets talk about Clan Boss teams and the fact that you DO have a way to deal with Affinity Clan Boss and have a solid UNM team hiding there. I would not build the team Kram is recommending, sorry Kram. :)

You can use the Super Charged Hellcat team from DeadwoodJedi. This team will use Helicath to Block Damage and Tank Stuns, Skathix on a 4:3 to Block Debuffs, and fill out the rest of the slots with a Skullcrusher to place AoE CA, a Fahrakin for Ally Attack and in the 4:3 DPS slot, your choice of Rhazin, Fayne or Anax.

Here is the team plugged into the DWJ calculator, with the skill delays shown:


Looks like the only champ you need to finish building out for this is Skathix, and you've fortunately got a couple of 50s you can food. Let me know if you have any questions!!!

22 авг. 2022, 23:3122.08.22
22 авг. 2022, 23:36(отредактировано)

Here is the video for the general team composition: Helicath Clan Boss Team with TWO Fast DPS if you want more info, but honestly the team above is much easier than the one demonstrated, since he is laying out general issues and such, while you've got a good set of champs to run this comp with less issues.

And while there is some Affinity considerations in the link above, with Skathix in there, there's no issue with Spirit at all.... and just making sure you have a green champ in there to tank weak affinity stuns ( in your case the Fahrakin) will prevent stun issues on Helicath. :)

22 авг. 2022, 23:5522.08.22

I'm not convinced he'll survive the stun with Helicath, but certainly worth a try. I would definitely use Anax over Rhazin, though.

23 авг. 2022, 00:0423.08.22
23 авг. 2022, 00:15(отредактировано)

I'm not convinced he'll survive the stun with Helicath, but certainly worth a try. I would definitely use Anax over Rhazin, though.

Sooooo the team will work just fine and tank the stun fine with Helicath's shield.... and with Fatman's passive just in case. :) :)

As far as Anax over Rhazin, Rhazin is built and done. So you finish Skathix to build out the team and then can replace DPS champs as you see fit later. If he pulls a Draco or Jintoro, they go in there, for example.

Affinity friendly 1-2 key UNM team is the dream, and OP has one... that's the take home here. :) 

(PS... Helicath's Increase Defense buff is very good for Rhazin's damage output, don't overlook that defensive goodness)

23 авг. 2022, 00:1223.08.22
23 авг. 2022, 00:13(отредактировано)

I'm not convinced he'll survive the stun with Helicath, but certainly worth a try. I would definitely use Anax over Rhazin, though.

given your earlier concerns about OP's resource management, I think we'd want to take the above advice and take the quickest and most efficient route to the best source of resources in the game.

not to mention rhazin plays very very nicely with helicath.