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Scyl of the Drakes

Scyl of the Drakes

21 авг. 2022, 01:3421.08.22

Scyl of the Drakes

Scyl needs to be fixed. She does massive damage, heals, shields, and rezzes. I have yet to beat a single team that has her geared up. Doesn't matter if I target her first, second, last, it just doesn't matter. And at this point, almost everyone has Scyl on their team, and since I started late, I'm months away from getting her.

I know this sounds whiny, but each champion should have a specialty, not specialize in doing everything. 

Same goes for alchemist. If geared right, he just heals to full and whittles down a complete team of 60's, properly geared.

Please look at balancing some of the characters that are overpowering the game and making it almost unplayable.

21 авг. 2022, 01:4521.08.22

Or just wait it out like everyone else and enjoy when you do get her ?

I havent ran into your issue once and im 115days in .... You're talking about arena ... the place where you need to pick your fight ... what are you using for her to cause you this much trouble ? You facing full teams in offense ? Lots of info required before i say whiny ... cuz yea scyl is strong but no more of an issue than paragon in arena !

21 авг. 2022, 01:5921.08.22

Lol. Alchemist? Good story, bro :)

21 авг. 2022, 05:4721.08.22

scyl's whole deal is that she's kind of a jack of all trades champion. she brings a little bit of everything to your team, but she's really not great at anything you mentioned.

let's start with the easy one—shields. scyl's shields aren't especially strong because they don't exist. none of her abilities grant a shield buff.

next, lets look at her damage. i'd be quite interested to see some examples of scyl capable of dealing massive damage as you put it, because all the ones i come across are struggling to be any more than adequate. her multipliers are decent, but not great and her base defense is nothing to write home about. even if you built her with high crit rate and crit damage, she still wouldn't have the same damage potential as any true big hitter and you'd be making her a lot weaker overall since she's already fairly multi-stat dependent.

her heal is a nice bonus, but it's nowhere near enough to keep a team alive on its own. it can be a helpful as a secondary or tertiary boost to augment your main healer, but it's certainly not a gamebreaking ability on its own.

her revival is a very useful ability, i will grant you, but revival is just a great ability in general. if you compare her revive ability with others, she finishes middle of the pack at best.

i recognize you're struggling against her any i do sympathise, but scyl is not the balance breaker you make her out to be.

21 авг. 2022, 07:1121.08.22

Its easy to get stressed in this game and see things that are not there.  You should share your roster with the forum.  Give them a chance to help you build a team that gives you a better chance in arena.  Until you have a better team just avoid scyl.  I did the same with paragon until I got a decent champ in stun gear to take paragon out.  

The most important trick in arena is dont accept battles that you cant win.  Wait for the next free refresh.  There are a lot of single champ and bad teams that you can beat.  

21 авг. 2022, 14:5021.08.22

Scyl is great. 

But not that great when you find Arbitrer, Krisk, Lilitu, Siphi, Rotos, Trunda, Cardiel, Kymar, Leorius....

When you start to find your chances with teams made up only with this guys you know you are in trouble! 

I bet you have already champions to beat scyl but you just don't know it yet! 

In gold V you find mostly this and others, but there's a guy with a team of epics (high kathun, serris, genbo and stag knight) and that team is so nicely tuned that I often get my ass beat with scyl, Cardiel, Kymar and leorius.

It's all about equipment, masteries and books. 

A great champ helps but there's more to it!

21 авг. 2022, 14:5421.08.22

Who are you using she shouldnt Be that hard to beat id be more worried about miscreated monster he's a beast

21 авг. 2022, 17:3421.08.22

Scyl is one of those champions that I think early to mid game players often struggle with just due to a lack of answers. Later on you'll be actively targeting teams with them in it, more often than not. She is a strong support champ, but she's definitely balanced and nowhere near broken or in need of a fix. 

21 авг. 2022, 22:0821.08.22

Post your roster. Unless you're going way above your paygrade or you are very unlucky, you probably have enough champs for a decent arena team. Also, post the stats on your arena champs. 

22 авг. 2022, 03:2722.08.22

Seconded that we would love to see your roster, and your arena team builds too, and we can see if we can talk about how to beat Scyl a little easier. :)

22 авг. 2022, 19:1122.08.22

I think everyone has covered it -- she is a very good champ, but after  a while you probably wont even use her in arena, and she wont be hard to beat

Another offer here to make suggestions based on roster