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Silver mine.

Silver mine.

15 авг. 2022, 17:4715.08.22

Silver mine.

We need a more productive way to farm silver. The costs of upgrading the equipment and regearing the champions is insane compared to how little silver you get by farming. The game gets very stale when all you do all day is farm silver, but that has been my journey for the last month, and it's killing the fun for me.

And you don't even know what substats will be improved!! That's like taking your car to a mechanic, and paying him money to MAYBE fix something....and you don't know if he'll put in a new engine or fix a flat. 

- Hey, man. Can I pour this potion from smaller bottles into a bigger bottle? 

- Yeah, 100K silver. 

- No, no, no, I'm not buying potions or bottles, these are mine, I just need to pour them from smaller bottles into bigget bottles.

- Yeah, 100K. 

- Forget it, pass me that barrel of XP Brew, I'll level my champ instead.

- Yeah, 1M silver.

- It's my brew, I paid for it. 

- Like I said, 1M silver.

- Well, what about this gear, can you upgrade it?

- For sure, just keep throwing silver at me, and maybe it'll upgrade.

- Well, how much silver?

- I don't know. I just hammer away and sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. Either way, I get paid. 

- Ok, can you increase the crit.rate on this one?

- It's not an exact science....see, we roll the dice, and whatever improves improves. All good, though, because we still get paid. 

- I'm sorry, I don't have that much silver to gamble with. 

- No worries, for $29.99 USD, you can get 3M silver, and just so you don't forget, I'll remind you every time you get back to your bastion that you are too broke to upgrade the equipment you got. 

15 авг. 2022, 17:4915.08.22

It might seem like a problem for you right now - but I can assure you it gets better over time. The real game-changer though is when you start being able to solo-farm dungeons with food. At that point you stop needing to run campaign, and silver really starts rolling in.

15 авг. 2022, 17:5515.08.22

You are not selling enough of gear if you have silver problems.  I am very late game, so I sell 99/100 items.  But even n00bs should be selling 95%.  Also, cut your losses after first roll if its not good.  If you are near storage capacity, do a deep clean.  Half of your inventory will never be used.  Today's "this might be good" is next week/month an autosell without rolling. Raise your gear standards a notch  (or three notches) up, and you will never have silver problems again :) 

15 авг. 2022, 18:0315.08.22

It might seem like a problem for you right now - but I can assure you it gets better over time. The real game-changer though is when you start being able to solo-farm dungeons with food. At that point you stop needing to run campaign, and silver really starts rolling in.

I don't even run campaign anymore, outside of daily quests. I have plenty of food to max the champs I have, but even if I do, I have hardly any decent gear to outfit them. I'm trying to gear out the ones I did max for end-game content, but it's just grinding and grinding for silver most of the time. Grinding all day nets me a couple mil of silver, which is just 1 fully upgraded artifact, and past lvl 4, you're losing money on even trying to upgrade them. 

Out of curiosity, what content do you level champions for? I have the teams to farm all dungeons, my CB team could use improvements, but I get the top UNM chest in 3-4 keys, Arena team is good enough to farm medals, and I feel like Faction Wars is the only content where I still have ways to go. That said, I need decent gear for the last stages of FW, and that's just a lot of grinding and silver. Doable but not fun at all. 

15 авг. 2022, 18:0915.08.22

You are not selling enough of gear if you have silver problems.  I am very late game, so I sell 99/100 items.  But even n00bs should be selling 95%.  Also, cut your losses after first roll if its not good.  If you are near storage capacity, do a deep clean.  Half of your inventory will never be used.  Today's "this might be good" is next week/month an autosell without rolling. Raise your gear standards a notch  (or three notches) up, and you will never have silver problems again :) 

It's not the first roll, it's the second and third that screw me lol

When the first roll is good, and the second is trash, you're just cutting your losses and not really making silver.

I'm curious if anyone came up with a statistic about cost of upgrading in gear units. For example, if I sell 99 pieces of gear, can I fully upgrade the 1? 2? 3? I have a feeling that selling the 99 may be just enough to break even after upgrading the 1 haha.

15 авг. 2022, 18:1315.08.22

I don't even run campaign anymore, outside of daily quests. I have plenty of food to max the champs I have, but even if I do, I have hardly any decent gear to outfit them. I'm trying to gear out the ones I did max for end-game content, but it's just grinding and grinding for silver most of the time. Grinding all day nets me a couple mil of silver, which is just 1 fully upgraded artifact, and past lvl 4, you're losing money on even trying to upgrade them. 

Out of curiosity, what content do you level champions for? I have the teams to farm all dungeons, my CB team could use improvements, but I get the top UNM chest in 3-4 keys, Arena team is good enough to farm medals, and I feel like Faction Wars is the only content where I still have ways to go. That said, I need decent gear for the last stages of FW, and that's just a lot of grinding and silver. Doable but not fun at all. 

If you grind for the day and only have a couple mil silver, it means you're not selling many of those items. Sell more aggressively.

As for your other question - I'm not sure what you mean. But I can assure you that if you think you have all the champs you need, you are vey much incorrect. I have something like a hundred level 60s, and I still have more to level. There are a ton of very specific content areas that require their own set of champs - but more specifically, there is practically no area in which I use the same champs twice, except Hydra, and even there, I'm starting to work on Hydra-specific champs.

15 авг. 2022, 18:2115.08.22

If you haven't finished FW yet, just share gear to finish off the ones.  One good stoneskin set, a stun set, and some immortal....  Farm spider for the only faction specific stuff u need plus its the most silver.   Stop wasting energy in dragon for speed gear... overrated.... and less silver...

15 авг. 2022, 20:3715.08.22

If you grind for the day and only have a couple mil silver, it means you're not selling many of those items. Sell more aggressively.

As for your other question - I'm not sure what you mean. But I can assure you that if you think you have all the champs you need, you are vey much incorrect. I have something like a hundred level 60s, and I still have more to level. There are a ton of very specific content areas that require their own set of champs - but more specifically, there is practically no area in which I use the same champs twice, except Hydra, and even there, I'm starting to work on Hydra-specific champs.

Fair point, I'll try to go through my gear and be more picky. 

In terms of reusing heroes, I guess what I mean is that I have more maxed champs than good gear. I could use more champs to speed up my dungeon runs, obviously, but I don't have the ones I want. And the ones I have are kinda redundant. 

I guess the next step will be a gear cleanse and getting more selective in the gear I keep. I'll report on how that goes later. 

15 авг. 2022, 20:4115.08.22

If you haven't finished FW yet, just share gear to finish off the ones.  One good stoneskin set, a stun set, and some immortal....  Farm spider for the only faction specific stuff u need plus its the most silver.   Stop wasting energy in dragon for speed gear... overrated.... and less silver...

I'm not even close to finishing the FW, only got 2 all the way done, some of my factions are still struggling. Once I get closer, I may do something like that. 

I've been mostly farming FK for Savage gear, need to outfit my damage dealers better. 

15 авг. 2022, 20:4715.08.22

Fair point, I'll try to go through my gear and be more picky. 

In terms of reusing heroes, I guess what I mean is that I have more maxed champs than good gear. I could use more champs to speed up my dungeon runs, obviously, but I don't have the ones I want. And the ones I have are kinda redundant. 

I guess the next step will be a gear cleanse and getting more selective in the gear I keep. I'll report on how that goes later. 

Right - and hence my earlier comment about solo-farming dungeons with food. If you're at the point where gear is the limiting factor, then sure, stop farming campaign and start using the energy on dungeons instead. But if you can solo farm dungeons, you kill two birds with one stone.

15 авг. 2022, 20:4915.08.22

I'm not even close to finishing the FW, only got 2 all the way done, some of my factions are still struggling. Once I get closer, I may do something like that. 

I've been mostly farming FK for Savage gear, need to outfit my damage dealers better. 

Lol, I don't think I equipped a savage set til after I had ramantu... focus on support champs not damage dealers.

But you should work on FW, perception gear is by far my most used set.

15 авг. 2022, 20:5015.08.22

Lol, I don't think I equipped a savage set til after I had ramantu... focus on support champs not damage dealers.

But you should work on FW, perception gear is by far my most used set.

This. I literally don't think I have a single champ using Savage.

15 авг. 2022, 22:0815.08.22

Though the 100k to combine a potion is ridiculous, with that I agree.  If you are combine lots of potions, I can see a faster silver drain for sure...

But I think that is WAI unfortunately...

15 авг. 2022, 22:1615.08.22

This. I literally don't think I have a single champ using Savage.

Wowzers. You two don't use Savage? It's a great set, and not just in Arena, in the silly high def of Doom Tower too.

I'm big on Regen, Immunity and Savage. Been farming predominantly Fire Knight for over a year at this point.

15 авг. 2022, 22:1715.08.22

Right - and hence my earlier comment about solo-farming dungeons with food. If you're at the point where gear is the limiting factor, then sure, stop farming campaign and start using the energy on dungeons instead. But if you can solo farm dungeons, you kill two birds with one stone.

Seconded. Solo farming dungeons is certainly the way to go if you can do it.

15 авг. 2022, 22:2515.08.22

Wowzers. You two don't use Savage? It's a great set, and not just in Arena, in the silly high def of Doom Tower too.

I'm big on Regen, Immunity and Savage. Been farming predominantly Fire Knight for over a year at this point.

Stats > Sets ;)

I never used immunity, and with all the buff strippers now I think it is nearly obsolete other than to counter specific tag teams. 

Regen I use quite a bit.

For DT, once you have seer... :)

15 авг. 2022, 22:2615.08.22

Wowzers. You two don't use Savage? It's a great set, and not just in Arena, in the silly high def of Doom Tower too.

I'm big on Regen, Immunity and Savage. Been farming predominantly Fire Knight for over a year at this point.

For DTH, I rely on HP Burn and Poison - I basically do zero face damage. My team is Kimi lead, Skarg, Maulie, BEK, and Raglin. For dungeons, I solo farm, so no need for savage there. Theoretically, I suppose it would speed up my FK runs, but ... I don't particularly care about FK gearsets :)

And for Arena, I find nuker gear to basically just be "win-more". It's very rare that my nuker not doing enough damage is the reason for not winning a fight.

15 авг. 2022, 22:2715.08.22

Seconded. Solo farming dungeons is certainly the way to go if you can do it.

I was 100% on this bandwagon, but now I think I need to upgrade to solo 24/25 or its not worth it.  I have more chickens than I could possibly use... but I figure that keeps my silver issue at bay since its 99% autosell... 😆 

15 авг. 2022, 22:4515.08.22
15 авг. 2022, 22:46(отредактировано)

For DTH, I rely on HP Burn and Poison - I basically do zero face damage. My team is Kimi lead, Skarg, Maulie, BEK, and Raglin. For dungeons, I solo farm, so no need for savage there. Theoretically, I suppose it would speed up my FK runs, but ... I don't particularly care about FK gearsets :)

And for Arena, I find nuker gear to basically just be "win-more". It's very rare that my nuker not doing enough damage is the reason for not winning a fight.

Nukers not doing enough damage to win a fight really shows up when I'm pushing Plat. Any time Monday-Saturday it isn't an issue at all.

Savage is an absolute must have for me on Sunday evening though. Crazy essential to not leave every Siphi ever and every Nekhret or Nekhret protected champ on 5% HP..... lol

15 авг. 2022, 22:4915.08.22

Nukers not doing enough damage to win a fight really shows up when I'm pushing Plat. Any time Monday-Saturday it isn't an issue at all.

Savage is an absolute must have for me on Sunday evening though. Crazy essential to not leave every Siphi ever and every Nekhret or Nekhret protected champ on 5% HP..... lol

Yeah - I hear you, but I'm not pushing plat, and I'm content to stay in G1 Tag. So ... yeah. No need for Savage :P

15 авг. 2022, 23:4715.08.22

Your back and forth was Hilarious!!