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Loop of frustation

Loop of frustation

14 авг. 2022, 18:1814.08.22

Loop of frustation

let's get to the topic, for most it should be an old topic, or irrelevant, but I'll leave my report before leaving.
First, the game is beautiful, well made, good content, for those who like the style of strategy and calculating comps is magnificent.
But the developers took the worst of Eastern games and put it all together.
First of all is the frustration loop that they put players who don't want to spend a car a month in a game, these people even organizing themselves in events constantly go through an eternal loop of frustration, because their Sumon events are horrible, TERRIBLE, instead of ALWAYS putting sumon with guarantee, they put a x10 of what you want with a chance of 0.5%, well you really want that champ that will improve your team, but with 0.5% it's 200/1 the chance that you will be frustrated , since it doesn't guarantee after an amount that it will take, so it's the same as saying, well, I'm going to put my customers in frustration on purpose, even if they get organized, the chance of not getting it is very high, effort is thrown in the trash, and more leave it all to luck, that nasty Eastern mentality. 

why the hell would i migrate from epic seven that guarantees me what i want to come and frustrate me here, another thing, everything needs to be RNG? item upgrade need to be rng shit?
today i spent 1.8 million for the item to go from 13 to 14, do you want me to get frustrated with stupid things like that?
do you really want to push me to sell 2m for the price of a complete set so you don't move the shit item from 14 to 15? 

how much life do i have to spend with fucking RNG in this game instead of some content that amuse me or make me have to think about how to do it?
I even understand rgn in the item drop, but upgrade?
rng to upgrade the fucking skill?
but why..., you don't let me allocate where I want? but what kind of greed is this? 

gentlemen I could do pages and pages of abusive and absurd things that you do here, but you better keep begging that your quota of players come with referral so that these people with the least common sense won't spend 20Us to have 0.5% chance to catch something, and if I catch something, something still comes that could be shit, or that won't make a difference.
of these 80 shards that I tried if a venomage came I might not be 200% frustrated as I am now, maybe 100%, but even within the chance of getting it, it's still likely that it won't.

80 shards, 0 legos, 0 epics i want, alot of rares useless, 25 days to make this pull, 25 days of my life to nothing, amasinggggggggg work on make the pp drop the game.
As an entrepreneur I see you as a failure, throwing my customers into a loop of frustration is the same as asking them to play something else, something else your prices are abusive, it's better to profit with quantity, see the example of warframe and other games, good, there must be trained people in the company to tell them about it. 

for the fan boys nothing to declare, every game has its insane fans, for the community that got used to it i feel sorry. 

14 авг. 2022, 19:2614.08.22

Yes the game is designed to fleece you for as much money as possible, and they dont even try and hide it

And yes fusions require ridiculous amounts of resources and times.

And i also agree that they deliberately line events up to be as wasteful as possible (such as the shard timings)

And finally i agree some of the prices are comical.


You can progress as ftp, i have been ftp almost my entire game time (i spent $20 at the start and that is it).  I have completed most content (hard DT, FW, Reached G1 in tag etc) and have a decent roster.

You can also do the fusions as ftp, but not all of them, pick the fusions you want to do is the best bet.

But honestly? the best way to enjoy this game is to not worry about min maxxing and optimising and treat it as fun...didnt finish your dailies?- who cares? want to blow your gems on some shards?...ignore those telling you they are a waste of gems and do what you want.

I think trying to be optimal in everything sucks the fun from games like this. I think trying to compete with, or measure yourself against whales is also the way to be frustrated

14 авг. 2022, 19:4714.08.22
14 авг. 2022, 19:48(отредактировано)

Agree with Trevor , game is designed to milk you out but you can easily have tons of fun if you dont META it all ;)

80 shards ? 80 Sacred shards ? 80 mystery shards ? Which one ? ...  If you did go 80 Sacred shards without a legendary , id understand your frustration ....

Also , how can you say "style of strategy and calculating comps is magnificent. " but yet call rares useless ? You can clear most content in game just using rares ... 

How many days you played so far , whats you roster like ,etc wouldve been more useful to know

14 авг. 2022, 20:0914.08.22

Agree with Trevor , game is designed to milk you out but you can easily have tons of fun if you dont META it all ;)

80 shards ? 80 Sacred shards ? 80 mystery shards ? Which one ? ...  If you did go 80 Sacred shards without a legendary , id understand your frustration ....

Also , how can you say "style of strategy and calculating comps is magnificent. " but yet call rares useless ? You can clear most content in game just using rares ... 

How many days you played so far , whats you roster like ,etc wouldve been more useful to know

People are so immersed in a bad thing that they don't understand certain things.
25 days of work, or farming in a game for nothing is relevant, I don't know any other game that is not abusive that this, all games of effort have to be rewarded, and players help with continuity, if you adjust I just feel sorry for the sick, just to see your arguments so I can perfectly understand the point, why I can understand my system, why I can't understand my system, my opinion is solid and based on facts. that I mentioned congratulations, I certainly, along with thousands of people, do not like it.
and that the game continues to enter the referrals recommendation that does not abandon the game. 

if my explanation wasn't clear enough that you don't understand the absurd and clear things I mentioned patience.
There are good rares and they are a minority and for specific uses, but it's a fact that I only caught useless or repeated ones or the ones I don't want at the moment, do you use your shards to get rares?
Didn't really get the point?
as a friend mentioned above, if you play the game like this, then maybe you'll have fun, aaaaaa what a clueless thing, well, good game for you, I'm going to play a real game that my ability and not the RNG are the representative. 

14 авг. 2022, 20:2014.08.22

First, please stay polite when talking to other players. 

I'm a kraken,  dthorne (mod) is a light spender, Quinn (mod) is ftp and we're all about equal. 

I have most of the champs in the game and can do a few things quicker than they can, maybe more damage in some areas. Other than that we're all about the same progression wise. 

It's about resource management and enjoying yourself. 

15 авг. 2022, 02:3215.08.22

besides the good news no one has told him 80 shards is 20 from mercy if he has not spent some prior right ???

15 авг. 2022, 02:3515.08.22

But more seriously I get teh frustration to some degrtee like others had mentioned prior .Answer me this tho what good game is not challenging so that when you break through that level or place your stuck you feel accomplished . ?   You might be someone who plays his games on easy mode it sounds like but me I like it to be on the hardest setting so I can feeel accomplished winning and compoleting things not just breeze through it win everything and say ok I win I am  done .  Its all perspective and enjoying what you play . If you dont have fun or enjoy it dont play it clearly the game is not for you . and this is towards anything in life not just video games .  If you are not enjoying life and what you do stop make a change life is to short to not enjoy yourself  and do things you like . have a good day

15 авг. 2022, 03:2415.08.22

People are so immersed in a bad thing that they don't understand certain things.
25 days of work, or farming in a game for nothing is relevant, I don't know any other game that is not abusive that this, all games of effort have to be rewarded, and players help with continuity, if you adjust I just feel sorry for the sick, just to see your arguments so I can perfectly understand the point, why I can understand my system, why I can't understand my system, my opinion is solid and based on facts. that I mentioned congratulations, I certainly, along with thousands of people, do not like it.
and that the game continues to enter the referrals recommendation that does not abandon the game. 

if my explanation wasn't clear enough that you don't understand the absurd and clear things I mentioned patience.
There are good rares and they are a minority and for specific uses, but it's a fact that I only caught useless or repeated ones or the ones I don't want at the moment, do you use your shards to get rares?
Didn't really get the point?
as a friend mentioned above, if you play the game like this, then maybe you'll have fun, aaaaaa what a clueless thing, well, good game for you, I'm going to play a real game that my ability and not the RNG are the representative. 

If the only thing you got after 25 days of farming was a chance to get a good champ, then I might agree with you.

But in those 25 days of farming, you either got a bunch of food leveled to improve the overall quality of your roster through new 60s, or you got a bunch of items to improve them through better gear (or, if you solo farm dungeons, both). Also, in those 25 days, aside from just getting the shards, you doubtless also got tomes, hopefully of the legendary kind - again, to improve your roster.

And, lastly, if you had made this argument a year ago, you may have had somewhat more merit - but Plarium have now made it rather regular to introduce guaranteed legendary events. So now, you don't even need to play the lottery - you just need to stockpile your shards and wait for a guaranteed event that is for a champ you need.

Though the last line of your post pretty much sums it up. If your goal is to avoid playing games of chance, then you probably should avoid this one. Even if you do play it in a way that doesn't involve spending money, you're going to be constantly presented with low-probability situations, and if every time you encounter one of those, you get upset because you failed the roll, well ... then you won't find this game any fun at all.

15 авг. 2022, 04:4015.08.22

Dont worry we pulled over 200 shards in this 10x events,10 percentage was void shards. All was rare. Thats a nice numbers isnt ? Happy Raiding fellow.

15 авг. 2022, 04:5315.08.22

besides the good news no one has told him 80 shards is 20 from mercy if he has not spent some prior right ???

nope, he is 120 away from mercy...and I can tell you from own experience...getting the 4th Queen Eva from a mercy pull does not feel rewarding...