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Void Legendarys?

Void Legendarys?

4 авг. 2022, 02:3804.08.22

Void Legendarys?

So i was wondering as I have the worst luck on void shards (the best champ i pulled being ursala about 4.5 months ago), how long did it take you to get your first void leggo from a shard?? Make me feel unlucky! I'm not unlucky with other shards.

4 авг. 2022, 02:4504.08.22

I got my first one "fairly" early on - Cruetraxa. Second one took much longer, but the wait was definitely worth it - Raglin. And the last one is just a vault guardian - Angar.

4 авг. 2022, 02:5904.08.22
4 авг. 2022, 03:00(отредактировано)

First one took me over a year in which i was almost entirely opening during 2x and was doing NM/UNM top chest for at least 5 months before that: 

January: Inithwe

March: Tormin

July: Cardiel

Suffice to say my luck is clearly pretty good with voids overall :D

4 авг. 2022, 03:1504.08.22
4 авг. 2022, 03:16(отредактировано)

Took a long time.  Started keeping track of my pulls on February 13, 2021.  Since then I've opened 466 voids and got 2 leggos,  A dup visix and a dup Angar.  So no, u don't have the worst luck with voids.   Before I started keeping track I had pulled Turvold, Angar, and Ithos from shards.

4 авг. 2022, 11:1504.08.22

I pulled my first void leggo about 6 months into the game, it was Khoronar, and I had only 3 voids. Just pure luck. I think it was on  a 2x.

4 авг. 2022, 12:2404.08.22

My first void legendary was VERY early.  He was my second leggo total.  My first was Minaya, Warlord came shortly after.  Maybe 2 months in.  I underestimated him for almost a year before realizing hisfull potential.

4 авг. 2022, 12:2904.08.22

I'm on day 102 and i got Cardiel about 2 weeks ago. I think i must have opened a grand total of maximum 20 voids so far cuz i have 25 voids, but 4 of them are from the Broadmaw fusion, which do no require shards, and the 5th is Cagebound which i got in some tourney when i began.

I also got Warcaster (not bad) and Azure (trash) as epics. And oh ya, Coldheart too :P

4 авг. 2022, 12:4004.08.22
4 авг. 2022, 12:43(отредактировано)

First void lego was tormin, a year or so into the game.

They were extremely thin on the ground for me - i didnt pull another for ages except for jingwon

Everything changed recently i had a flurry of luck as i pulled chaguur, yumeko, venus and torvold within a 2 month period- oh i pulled duchess during this period too but not void. 

But it is an epic that has transformed my game the most, i pulled seer recently and it has transformed the game for me.