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Weak team in Arena is actually overwhelming...question.

Weak team in Arena is actually overwhelming...question.

7 июль 2022, 15:4407.07.22

Weak team in Arena is actually overwhelming...question.

How can a similar Arena team be immune to damage and also (mostly) single shot my entire team?

I recently went up against a team in classic arena where the player level was 15 below me. My team power was 20+ greater (mid 80's vs 60's) The team was very similar. My team was all level 60 with full lvl 16 gear. My opponent's team was two lvl 50's and two lvl 60s. We each had a Kael and an Apothecary and each had one legendary. Mine was Tatura, not sure of my opponents. My last champ was Warmaiden. All of my champs went first, Apothecary, Warmaiden, Kael and Tatura.  

My opponent had no buffs and a dec def from Warmaiden, but none took any damage, maybe two or three pixels on the health bar at best. That's it. Then they went and one shot my entire team. Not sure the order, but after their 3rd strike on their 1st turn, my entire team was down.

How is that possible? How can a lower level player with similar but lower level champs and a significantly lower power be both immune to damage without any buffs while simulteaneously delivering literally a hundred times more damage than my own team?

I know team power doesn't represent anything in general, but how can a team be soooo overwhelming while looking rather weak?


7 июль 2022, 16:0007.07.22

Player level is 100% irrelevant. Ignore it. It means literally nothing.

Team power is deceptive. As you get more experienced you'll learn how to interpret it better. That said, an enemy with team power of 60k is almost certainly a very weak team, especially given they are running level 50s. If your debuffs landed and you still did no damage to them, it's likely due to one of two things:

  1. Your nuker was the wrong affinity. Weak hits have several negative effects applied to them - they cannot be critical, which further means all your crit damage is useless, and on top of that, they do reduced damage. It's very possible that you normally do 50k+ damage on your nuke, but only 5k damage on a weak hit.
  2. They were running Reaction set items, which means they have a chance of turning a critical hit into a normal one. But, given their low team power, my guess is it's probably #1.
7 июль 2022, 16:3207.07.22

This could be so many different issues. I like Krama's assertion that it likely could be an affinity issue. Getting 3-4 weak hits happens more often than you would think, when you start playing a ton of arena. 

If you have a picture of the results screen, we could make better guesses as to what it could have been.

31 авг. 2022, 13:0031.08.22

I know this is rather old, but thanks for pointing out the 'weakness' issue.  

31 авг. 2022, 13:2431.08.22
Nebulous Leafer

I know this is rather old, but thanks for pointing out the 'weakness' issue.  

Old or not, glad it helped. :)