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Celestial Griffin

Celestial Griffin

25 фев. 2022, 00:0325.02.22

Celestial Griffin

Still cannot beat 185 level. Been stuck in same spot on Doom Tower for weeks. We need more help in game and more silver and more rewards. Rewards are horrible in this game. I cannot get good champions after almos two years of playing.

25 фев. 2022, 00:0725.02.22

Similar to other thread: please post your roster. There's a chance you might be better off than you think, and at the very least we can try to come up with a plan for this content and overall. 

25 фев. 2022, 00:1225.02.22

How do I post roster?

25 фев. 2022, 00:3525.02.22

Says image is too big. Will not load.

25 фев. 2022, 00:5125.02.22


25 фев. 2022, 00:5525.02.22

 Thats a 2 month roster, not a 2 year roster.

12.3 brutal for more 6star champs 

Dragon20 for better gear 

25 фев. 2022, 00:5925.02.22

Cannot get to 20 in Dragons Lair yet. Most dungeons at 13 or 15 level.

25 фев. 2022, 01:0025.02.22

Took me years to get those. lol I cannot draw good champions. Only 3 or 5 Legendaries so far.

25 фев. 2022, 01:1525.02.22
A10C Warthog

Took me years to get those. lol I cannot draw good champions. Only 3 or 5 Legendaries so far.

You have way, way too many champions at 50 versus 60. 

The good news: You have a ton of good to great champions who are 5* or lower. In no order: Visix, Rhazin, Ninja, Lys, Psylar, Seer (though I worry about gear here, she pairs well with the next champ), Maus Mage, Miscreated, Geomancer, Skullcrown, Rector, Achak, Doompriest, Sinesha...you basically need to live in 12-3 for a while and come out with a very stacked account.

25 фев. 2022, 01:4525.02.22

You have way, way too many champions at 50 versus 60. 

The good news: You have a ton of good to great champions who are 5* or lower. In no order: Visix, Rhazin, Ninja, Lys, Psylar, Seer (though I worry about gear here, she pairs well with the next champ), Maus Mage, Miscreated, Geomancer, Skullcrown, Rector, Achak, Doompriest, Sinesha...you basically need to live in 12-3 for a while and come out with a very stacked account.

I think Ninja is the next 60 I would recommend from your list. He is an aboslute DPS unit and will help in every dungeon, clan boss, and doom tower. After that it gets fuzzy cause there are SO MANY good options. Perhaps Miscreated Monster for shields, CC and survivability in Spider, or Pyslar/Lyss for TM control (depending on how your books look).

No matter which upgrades you choose, more 60s will help you advance. Just focus on farming food in 12.3 for a bit and you'll make huge leaps, OP.

25 фев. 2022, 03:1625.02.22

4 lvl 60 champs in 2 years. That is ..., well, that ..., I'm just speechless. 

25 фев. 2022, 04:5525.02.22

The only way to upgrade champs for me is to buy the chickens. Spent over a thousand dollars on game but it has done me no good. The cost to change gear is absurd. Cant get many speed boots or 6 star gear. Just commons is what I get mostly. 

25 фев. 2022, 04:5825.02.22

Miscreeted Monster does not work. Keeps letting all my champions die and he dies quickly. Cannot figure out the gear for him. No matter all the gear I tried he is pretty weak. 

25 фев. 2022, 10:3425.02.22
A10C Warthog


OK, this is a very neglected account. 

First: Visix, Alexander, Ninja, Lyssandra, Psylar, Seeer, Mausoleum Mage, Dark Elhain, MiscreatedM., Achak, Geomancer, Rector, Doompriest, Sinesha&Skullcrown - need to go 6* ASAP. Then you can assemble a proper team for later stages Dungeons. At least stage 20.

Then, for the following months, and pretty much forever - farm gear. It's what we all do. 

Simultaneously, do as much FW as possible, as high as possible. Gliphs make a huge difference. 

As for proper gearing, go to YouTube where you can find guides on pretty much every champion that is any good. I'm speculating, their gear is also either bad or just wrong. 

IMO, that is the only way to shift your account in proper direction. 

Oh and don't neglect Arbiter missions either. 


25 фев. 2022, 11:0225.02.22
A10C Warthog

The only way to upgrade champs for me is to buy the chickens. Spent over a thousand dollars on game but it has done me no good. The cost to change gear is absurd. Cant get many speed boots or 6 star gear. Just commons is what I get mostly. 

Sorry not trying to be rude but I have been told I am rude without trying 😀

You do understand that mystery shard give level 10,20 and 30 champs that you use as food for other champs?

Example 1 fill level 10 eats another base level 1 to create a level 20, 1 full 20 eats 2 base level 20s to make a 30, so on and so forth.

People normally level food champs in brutal dugeon 12 3 level bext xps plus silver for the energy.

I really hope this help as buying chickens to make higher level champs for cost 2 arms and 2 legs 😁😃😜

25 фев. 2022, 11:5325.02.22
25 фев. 2022, 11:57(отредактировано)

Here's a video on the basics of farming Minin is talking about, produced a long time ago by Raid:


Here is a Hellhades video on farming that goes through basics. all the way through efficient dungeon food farming:


25 фев. 2022, 12:3625.02.22

I agree with the above that you need to focus more on getting champs to level 60.

That said, I have found that Scyl can solo Giffin quite well.  I basically built her out with immortal set from CB focusing mainly on HP and defense, and she autoed the boss quite nicely.  This carried me through to all of normal Doom Tower, plus Giffin on floor 10 in hard without any changes.  After that I had to start to build a proper team to deal with it

I only mention this because you already have Scyl at level 60, so this could be an option for you.  That said, if most of your dungeons are at level 13 then you probably aren't far enough in CB to get decent immortal gear, in which case I would recommend holding off on DT for a while, and instead focus on dungeons and CB instead

25 фев. 2022, 22:2925.02.22

You  dont  need  to  Buy  chickens  to  upgrade  I  promise  and  sadly  your  account  is  very  neglected  but  you  can  do with  Time  put  in  right  place  i  farm  stage  12.3  brutal  when  i  get  xp  boost  it  takes  time  but  with  all  The  free  stuff  from  clan  boss and  other  parts  of  the  game  you  can  make  a  6  star  champ  in  alittle  over  two  months.  now  the  rewards  Depends  on  where  your  At  in  the  game  and  what  your  doing  in  the  game  i  enjoy  the  rewards  i  get  from  cb  and  events  and  i  have  been  playing  for almost  two  years  my  self  and  my  roster  looks  different  from  yours  and  i  havent  spent  thousands  of  dollars  in  the  game  i  would  love  to  help  you  progress  

25 фев. 2022, 23:1025.02.22

Also I would really recommend focusing on one champion at the time.

Almost your entire rooster is ascended. Im guessing geared too?

It can be okay to put some bad to decent gear and level to 8 just for faction war progression. But really the only champs you should invest in is the ones at 6-star. Normally I dont bother gearing a champion until it is 6-star and I focus on building one champion at the time. If you put gear on them before you might have gotten a new champion/new gear before you are finished building the current champion and as you said silver is sparse. So avoiding changing gear/leveling gear is one way to make it less sparse.

Raid requires alot of TIME. If you dont have that or dont want to spend it you will progress very slowly and thats fine as long as you have fun. But just dont expect a easy progress in doomtower.

If you play on pc there are tools like RSLHelper that can diminish the time comsumption abit.

27 фев. 2022, 01:0427.02.22

I play this game everyday for hours. Howeve I can only upgrade champions to 6 Star is to buy chickens. I cannot upgrade most of them to 4 or 5 without chickens. But I am tired of losing all the time. Tried speed and tried defense and tried offense and tried mixing them all but does no good. Right now trying to put 4 star glyphs upgrades on and nothing but fails and cannot keep silve with all the fails. Lost several million last two days on nothing but failed upgrades. Should not cost 5 million silver to upgrade a gear from 15 to 16 level. 

27 фев. 2022, 01:1127.02.22

On Campaign Battles throught all of them throuhg Nightmare. Nightmare some still two star. Cannot get two champions through alone. Last Nightmare stage lose most battles on boss but every now and then I get a win. Lyssandra and Scyl and Kael and Ninja but Ninja only gets me to last stage and he quickly dies.