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Classic Arena Offense Team Upgrade (F2P)

Classic Arena Offense Team Upgrade (F2P)

20 фев. 2022, 16:0720.02.22

Classic Arena Offense Team Upgrade (F2P)

My current team (Spirithost lead, Warmaiden, Kael, Ninja; all 6 stars) can just barely get me to silver III and I'm trying to figure out now how to progress to gold tiers. I pulled Skullcrown, Miscreated Monster, Elhain, Zargala, and Apothecary. I still have to fully upgrade them but once I get them to 6 stars, I was thinking of the following arena team:

Skullcrown lead, Miscreated Monster, Elhain, Ninja

Would Apothecary fit well in this team and/or is there a more optimized team composition I'm somehow missing? 

I also have all the characters to fuse Relickeeper, is he worth it over some of the others I already have?

20 фев. 2022, 16:2320.02.22

No,  Relickeeper  is  not  worth  it  at  all.  You  do  need  to  get  him  eventually  however  due  to  the  mission.

Your  best  team  that  you  could  do  would  be:

Skullcrown-  Lead




Apothecary  goes  first-  put  your  best  speed  gear  on  him  so  he  can  boost  the  rest  of  your  team.

Next,  Warmaiden  goes.  Just  make  her  fast  with  lots  of  Accuracy  so  she  does  her  part  with  Defense  down.

Skullcrown  goes  third-  she  is  your  main  Nuker.  Give  her  enough  speed  to  not  get  cut,  but  mainly  focus  on  Attack,  100%  Crit.  Rate,  and  Crit  Damage.  Accuracy  is  also  a  bonus  to  land  that  weaken  in  case  you  don't  wipe  the  whole  team,  but  don't  prioritize  it.

Lastly,  Ninja  goes.  He'll  both  put  out  Freeze,  so  give  him  good  speed  and  accuracy,  but  he  can  also  hit,  so  you  can  have  him  clean  up  what  Skullcrown  left  standing  (that's  where  the  weaken  might  help  out  a  bit).

That  should  get  you  further  into  Arena  tiers.  Later  on  you  can  swap  Ninja  for  High  Khatun  for  double  speed  boost  to  make  sure  you  go  first  and  get  your  turn,  but  you'll  need  pretty  good  speed  gear  to  make  that  happen.

20 фев. 2022, 16:2720.02.22
20 фев. 2022, 16:29(отредактировано)

No,  Relickeeper  is  not  worth  it  at  all.  You  do  need  to  get  him  eventually  however  due  to  the  mission.

Your  best  team  that  you  could  do  would  be:

Skullcrown-  Lead




Apothecary  goes  first-  put  your  best  speed  gear  on  him  so  he  can  boost  the  rest  of  your  team.

Next,  Warmaiden  goes.  Just  make  her  fast  with  lots  of  Accuracy  so  she  does  her  part  with  Defense  down.

Skullcrown  goes  third-  she  is  your  main  Nuker.  Give  her  enough  speed  to  not  get  cut,  but  mainly  focus  on  Attack,  100%  Crit.  Rate,  and  Crit  Damage.  Accuracy  is  also  a  bonus  to  land  that  weaken  in  case  you  don't  wipe  the  whole  team,  but  don't  prioritize  it.

Lastly,  Ninja  goes.  He'll  both  put  out  Freeze,  so  give  him  good  speed  and  accuracy,  but  he  can  also  hit,  so  you  can  have  him  clean  up  what  Skullcrown  left  standing  (that's  where  the  weaken  might  help  out  a  bit).

That  should  get  you  further  into  Arena  tiers.  Later  on  you  can  swap  Ninja  for  High  Khatun  for  double  speed  boost  to  make  sure  you  go  first  and  get  your  turn,  but  you'll  need  pretty  good  speed  gear  to  make  that  happen.

Thank you for the detailed response! I already have High Khatun which I forgot to mention in my original post. I don't have great speed gear in general right now, I will try to farm some out and focus on upgrading Apothecary/Skullcrown/High Khatun in the meantime. I'm also two characters away from being able to fuse Rhazin (I need Magus and Preserver) but I'll wait until I get him to start experimenting.

20 фев. 2022, 17:1920.02.22

A lot is going to come down to just what speeds you can reach. Are you able to get Khatun/Apoth to around 270 SPD, and the other to around 230SPD? A "good" arena team for you would be Skullcrown lead, Khatun, Apoth, Ninja - I'll slightly disagree with Destroyer on that. I think you need the double speed boost in order to make sure that you can get the freeze from Ninja, since I don't think you'll have the gear otherwise. What you'll want to aim for is:

  • Skullcrown lead, about 150SPD, and pure offense stats - hopefully 100% CRATE, 150%+ CDMG, 4000+ ATK
  • Apoth 270SPD, rest of the stats are irrelevant
  • Khatun 230SPD, rest of the stats are irrelevant (but use speed tuner to make sure she goes right after Apoth)
  • Ninja 200 SPD, 250+ ACC, rest of the stats go into CR/CD/ATK, but are less important - and also use speed tuner to make sure he goes right after Khatun

It's unlikely you'll just flat-out oneshot the other team, but hopefully you'll have it tuned so they all unfreeze before Skullcrown, and she does significant damage, hopefully enough to kill their nuker. You'll probably need a few rounds to finish them off, but between Skullcrown and Ninja, you should be able to get it to work.

If you want to run the Warmaiden version, you'll want something like:

  • Skullcrown lead, about 150SPD, and pure offense stats - hopefully 100% CRATE, 150%+ CDMG, 4000+ ATK
  • Apoth 270SPD, rest of the stats are irrelevant
  • Ninja 230 SPD, 250+ ACC, rest of the stats go into CR/CD/ATK, but are less important - and also use speed tuner to make sure he goes right after Apoth
  • Warmaiden 151SPD (basically just a bit faster than Skullcrown), 250+ ACC, rest of the stats are irrelevant 

21 фев. 2022, 13:3621.02.22

The  reason  I  thought  that  Ninja  wasn't  going  to  be  the  best  of  use  is  the  Freeze.  You  can't  really  control  if  you  are  going  to  place  the  Freeze  100%  of  the  time,  and  you  can't  control  when  the  Freeze  comes  off.

As  long  as  the  OP's  speed  gear  level  is  decent  enough,  he  should  be  able  to  pull  off  the  double  turn  meter,  drop  defense,  and  nuke.  I  personally  don't  think  that  Ninja  really  does  improve  the  team  to  a  greater  extent.

21 фев. 2022, 14:3121.02.22

Thank you both, this has been really insightful. I was able to farm a bunch of better speed gear (better being relative to the crap I had before, but still not great) and I got Apothecary and Skullcrown to level 5 each. My characters' speeds are 172 (Apothecary), 164 (Ninja), 138 (Skullcrown), 132 (Warmaiden), and 131 (High Khatun). Tons of work to do but this has been a nice start.

21 фев. 2022, 18:3321.02.22

Do  you  have  a  screenshot of  your  roster?

21 фев. 2022, 22:3421.02.22
Player J

Do  you  have  a  screenshot of  your  roster?


22 фев. 2022, 03:4522.02.22

Dark  Elhain  may  be  someone  to  look  at  at  some  point  as  well.  She  hits  hard  and  places  Attack  Up  on  herself,  giving  the  potential  to  hit  harder  than  Skullcrown.  The  only  things  you  lose  are  the  Void  affinity  'bonus'  and  speed  aura,  but  both  will  be  able  to  take  part  in  3v3  Arena  teams.

For  other  people  in  areas  outside  of  Arena  to  focus  on  later,  I'd  recommend  Aothar  (quite  a  good  poisoner,  actually),  and  Doompriest  (who  is,  just,  DOOM  for  PvE  content).

22 фев. 2022, 03:5122.02.22

Here  is  what  you  need  to  know.

Arena   is  dominated  by  2  different styles.

The  best  way  to  describe  these  styles  is  with  a  Boxing Movie Metaphor.

I  am  going  to  assume you  have  seen  the  Boxing  Movies  Rocky.

1st  style  of  play  in  Arena  is  what  I  call  the  Clubber  Lang  way  of  fighting.

Clubber  Lang  was  a  Character  in  the  movie  Rocky  3.

Clubber  Lang  was  played  by  the  Character  named  Mr.  T.

Mr.  T  coined  the  phrase  "I  pity  the  fool!"

Clubber  Lang  style  of  Arena  play  is  I'm  fast  &  furious  &  I'm  going  to  take  you  out  with  single  blow  with  Hay  makers.

Your  going  to  get  KO'ed  And  Clubber  Lang  pity's  the  fool  he  knocks  out.

This  is  Clubber  Lang  style  of  play  and  we  call  this  style  of  play  Speed  Nuking.

2nd  style  of  play  in  Arena  is  what  I  call  the  Rocky  way  of  fighting.

Rocky  gets  hit  and  hit  and  hit  like  a  punching  bag.

The  endless  abuse  and  punishment the  poor  guy  withstands.

Your  just  wondering why  the  Referee hasn't stopped  the  fight  or  something.

Rocky  face  is  so  swollen he  can't even  see  thru  his  eyes.

Than  out  of  no  where  he  wins  the  fight.

Rocky  oppoents  hit  him  and  hit  him,  until  they  run  out  of  steam.

Than  he  comes  from  out  of  no  where  to  win.

This  is  Rocky  style  of  play  and  we  call  this  style  of  play  Defensive  Tank.

-  Ninja

-  Kael

-  Warmaiden

-  Elhain

-  SpiritHost 

All  the  above  heroes are  generally used  for  a  Clubber  Lang  type  of  team.

-  Miscreated Monster

He  is  used  for  a  Rocky  type  of  team.

Since,  you  have  more  Clubber  Lang  type  of  heroes level  up  to  60.

You  are  probably going  to  want  to  continue using  that  style  of  play.

A  team  I  would  recommend would  be :

-  Apothecary 

-  SpiritHost 

-  Warmaiden 

-  Ninja  or  Kael  or  Elhain --->  Skullcrown 

Now  I  don't know  what  gear  you  have  on  your  Ninja,  Kael,  or  Elhain.

The  one  you  want  to  use  will  be  the  one  who  hits  harder.

You  want  to  use  the  hero  who  you  built  to   do  tons  of  damage.

Later  on  down  the  road,  You  will  end  up  replacing Ninja/Kael/Elhain  with  Skullcrown.

Skullcrown  will  become  your  hard  hitting  nuker  when  she  reaches  lvl  60.

Your  Skullcrown  currently  is  still  lvl  50  so  she  will  hit  like  trash  till  you  get  her  maxed.

You  will  have  to  use  1  of  the  other  3  heroes in  the  mean  time  till  she  gets  sorted  out.

The  short  term  team  to  shot  for would  be:

Leader:  Skullcrown -  23%  Speed  Aura

1st  move: Apothecary 

2nd  move:  SpiritHost 

3rd  move:  Warmaiden 

4th  move:  Skullcrown 

Obviously,  you  need  to  make  Skullcrown &  Apothecary lvl  60.

You  will  definitely want  Skullcrown lvl  60  before  Apothecary.

Keep  in  mind,  this  team  has  further  growth  potential.

I  have  observed you  own  Doompriest  & Zargala

These  are  great  improvement champions.

Doompriest  does  Increased  Atk  which  could  optionally  replace  SpiritHost.

Zargala  does  Decrease Def  which  could  potentially replace  Warmaiden.

The  long term  team  to  shot  for would  be:

Leader:  Skullcrown -  23%  Speed  Aura

1st  move: Apothecary 

2nd  move:  Doompriest 

3rd  move:  Zargala 

4th  move:  Skullcrown


Now  so  far  all  the  advice  I  gave  you  has  been  around  the  Clubber  Lang  style  of  play.

You  do  have  Rocky  style  of  play  potiental!

The  only  reason  I  haven't mention  it  is  because you  don't have  Rhazin,  yet.

You  will  eventually get  Rhazin  and  Rhazin  is  a  total  beast!

A  Defensive  Juggernaut that  can  bring  the  pain!

You  can  make  a  very  scary  looking  Rocky  set  up.

Let  me  give  you  a  brief  example:

Leader:  Rhazin  -  90%  Resist  Aura

1st  move:  Tarshon

2nd  move:  Dhukk  the  pierced.

3rd  move:  Rhazin

4th  move:  Miscreated Monster

Obviously,  you  don't have  Rhazin  at  the  moment.

You  still  have  plenty  of  time  available.

You  don't have  to  rush.


Now  1  thing  I  want  to  mention:

Alot  of  the  Epics  &  Leggo's you  have  are  worth  keeping.

Don't do  anything  foolish.

Don't  sacrifice them.

Over  the  3  years  I  have  been playing  this  game,  I  have  found  beginners   have   an  extremely bad  tendency to  feel  as  if  they  need  to  save  time.

They  look  at  all  the  advice  people say  and  most  of  the  advice people give  is  to  level  up  heroes to  60.

Most  beginners get  triggered into  thinking  I  need  to  sacrifice some  of  these  epics  &  leggos  I  have  to  level  up  heroes to  60  faster  to  save  time.

NO  -  WRONG!  

I  have  over  200  heroes lvl  60.

If  you  ask  me  how  many  heroes I  still  need  to  lvl  to  60,  You  want  to  know what  my  answer  will  be?  


I  stare  at  my  200  heroes lvl  60.

I  stare  at  my  roster  of  unleveled  heroes.

And  I  think  in  my  mind  I  don't have  enough lvl  60's.

I  need  100's  more  -  I'm  so  behind.

Beginners  think  they  will  save  time  by  sacking  heroes.

Guess  What?  Your  not  Saving  anything.

In  fact,  your  costing  yourself more  time  because the  random hero  you  got  rid  of  is  going to  be  the  very  specific champion  you  need  to  complete a  quest  or  mission  or  faction  wars  crypt.

Your  going  to  have  to  wait  another  year  just  to  repull  the  heroes  you  sacrificed.

Your  costing  yourself  

-  more  time  

-  more  aggravation

-  more  frustration 

And  the  feeling of  needing  to  lvl  up  more  heroes to  lvl  60  never  goes  away.

I  have  come  to  accept it  and  I  suggest  you  do  the  same.

And  lets  not  forget  the  Self-Torment!

I  sacrificed  my  High  Khatun  -  The  30  day  login  champion.

I  convinced  myself  I  didn't need  her.

It  took  me  2  years  to  repull  a  High  Khatun  from  a  shard.

The  self  torture,  self  torment,  &  self  regret  that  transpired  during those  2  years  I  wish  upon  no  one.

Than  the  youtubers  started  making  videos of  High  Khatun.

OMG  she  is  so  amazing for  Scrab  Boss  &  Dungeons  &  everywhere.

Its  like  they  poured  salt  right  in  the  open  wounds.

I  already  felt  ran  over  and  the  youtubers  put  the  car  in  reverse  and  ran  me  over  again  for  good  measure.

I'm  just  saying.

Think  long  and  hard  before you  get  click  happy.

22 фев. 2022, 03:5422.02.22

Can you do dragon 20? If not, forget arena until then :)

Skullcrown and dark E are upgrades at nuker, but not that much imo.  It is least important member of an arena team.  What matters more is:

1. Gear  (dragon 20)

2.  Comp

3. Speed tune

The 3 champs that go before your nuker will determine 99% of your outcomes. Based on the speeds you listed, you should be farming dragon20 for at least 60 days non stop :)

Good luck.

22 фев. 2022, 07:5622.02.22

@Player J Sometimes I really would like for you to do is say more with less. There is no earthly reason I can imagine why your reply would need to be 1064 words and include some sort of a Rocky 3 fanfiction in there. 

OP didn't mention once about crunching his epics or legendaries, so again, I'm rather confused. 

Kramas laid out a few comps with stats and reasoning and Trips laid out a sensible plan/skeleton to approaching arena/gearing without writing the War & Peace of forum replies. If your aim is to help players out with your advice, perhaps making your posts a bit more accessible would be tremendous for those players.

22 фев. 2022, 11:3922.02.22
Player J

Here  is  what  you  need  to  know.

Arena   is  dominated  by  2  different styles.

The  best  way  to  describe  these  styles  is  with  a  Boxing Movie Metaphor.

I  am  going  to  assume you  have  seen  the  Boxing  Movies  Rocky.

1st  style  of  play  in  Arena  is  what  I  call  the  Clubber  Lang  way  of  fighting.

Clubber  Lang  was  a  Character  in  the  movie  Rocky  3.

Clubber  Lang  was  played  by  the  Character  named  Mr.  T.

Mr.  T  coined  the  phrase  "I  pity  the  fool!"

Clubber  Lang  style  of  Arena  play  is  I'm  fast  &  furious  &  I'm  going  to  take  you  out  with  single  blow  with  Hay  makers.

Your  going  to  get  KO'ed  And  Clubber  Lang  pity's  the  fool  he  knocks  out.

This  is  Clubber  Lang  style  of  play  and  we  call  this  style  of  play  Speed  Nuking.

2nd  style  of  play  in  Arena  is  what  I  call  the  Rocky  way  of  fighting.

Rocky  gets  hit  and  hit  and  hit  like  a  punching  bag.

The  endless  abuse  and  punishment the  poor  guy  withstands.

Your  just  wondering why  the  Referee hasn't stopped  the  fight  or  something.

Rocky  face  is  so  swollen he  can't even  see  thru  his  eyes.

Than  out  of  no  where  he  wins  the  fight.

Rocky  oppoents  hit  him  and  hit  him,  until  they  run  out  of  steam.

Than  he  comes  from  out  of  no  where  to  win.

This  is  Rocky  style  of  play  and  we  call  this  style  of  play  Defensive  Tank.

-  Ninja

-  Kael

-  Warmaiden

-  Elhain

-  SpiritHost 

All  the  above  heroes are  generally used  for  a  Clubber  Lang  type  of  team.

-  Miscreated Monster

He  is  used  for  a  Rocky  type  of  team.

Since,  you  have  more  Clubber  Lang  type  of  heroes level  up  to  60.

You  are  probably going  to  want  to  continue using  that  style  of  play.

A  team  I  would  recommend would  be :

-  Apothecary 

-  SpiritHost 

-  Warmaiden 

-  Ninja  or  Kael  or  Elhain --->  Skullcrown 

Now  I  don't know  what  gear  you  have  on  your  Ninja,  Kael,  or  Elhain.

The  one  you  want  to  use  will  be  the  one  who  hits  harder.

You  want  to  use  the  hero  who  you  built  to   do  tons  of  damage.

Later  on  down  the  road,  You  will  end  up  replacing Ninja/Kael/Elhain  with  Skullcrown.

Skullcrown  will  become  your  hard  hitting  nuker  when  she  reaches  lvl  60.

Your  Skullcrown  currently  is  still  lvl  50  so  she  will  hit  like  trash  till  you  get  her  maxed.

You  will  have  to  use  1  of  the  other  3  heroes in  the  mean  time  till  she  gets  sorted  out.

The  short  term  team  to  shot  for would  be:

Leader:  Skullcrown -  23%  Speed  Aura

1st  move: Apothecary 

2nd  move:  SpiritHost 

3rd  move:  Warmaiden 

4th  move:  Skullcrown 

Obviously,  you  need  to  make  Skullcrown &  Apothecary lvl  60.

You  will  definitely want  Skullcrown lvl  60  before  Apothecary.

Keep  in  mind,  this  team  has  further  growth  potential.

I  have  observed you  own  Doompriest  & Zargala

These  are  great  improvement champions.

Doompriest  does  Increased  Atk  which  could  optionally  replace  SpiritHost.

Zargala  does  Decrease Def  which  could  potentially replace  Warmaiden.

The  long term  team  to  shot  for would  be:

Leader:  Skullcrown -  23%  Speed  Aura

1st  move: Apothecary 

2nd  move:  Doompriest 

3rd  move:  Zargala 

4th  move:  Skullcrown


Now  so  far  all  the  advice  I  gave  you  has  been  around  the  Clubber  Lang  style  of  play.

You  do  have  Rocky  style  of  play  potiental!

The  only  reason  I  haven't mention  it  is  because you  don't have  Rhazin,  yet.

You  will  eventually get  Rhazin  and  Rhazin  is  a  total  beast!

A  Defensive  Juggernaut that  can  bring  the  pain!

You  can  make  a  very  scary  looking  Rocky  set  up.

Let  me  give  you  a  brief  example:

Leader:  Rhazin  -  90%  Resist  Aura

1st  move:  Tarshon

2nd  move:  Dhukk  the  pierced.

3rd  move:  Rhazin

4th  move:  Miscreated Monster

Obviously,  you  don't have  Rhazin  at  the  moment.

You  still  have  plenty  of  time  available.

You  don't have  to  rush.


Now  1  thing  I  want  to  mention:

Alot  of  the  Epics  &  Leggo's you  have  are  worth  keeping.

Don't do  anything  foolish.

Don't  sacrifice them.

Over  the  3  years  I  have  been playing  this  game,  I  have  found  beginners   have   an  extremely bad  tendency to  feel  as  if  they  need  to  save  time.

They  look  at  all  the  advice  people say  and  most  of  the  advice people give  is  to  level  up  heroes to  60.

Most  beginners get  triggered into  thinking  I  need  to  sacrifice some  of  these  epics  &  leggos  I  have  to  level  up  heroes to  60  faster  to  save  time.

NO  -  WRONG!  

I  have  over  200  heroes lvl  60.

If  you  ask  me  how  many  heroes I  still  need  to  lvl  to  60,  You  want  to  know what  my  answer  will  be?  


I  stare  at  my  200  heroes lvl  60.

I  stare  at  my  roster  of  unleveled  heroes.

And  I  think  in  my  mind  I  don't have  enough lvl  60's.

I  need  100's  more  -  I'm  so  behind.

Beginners  think  they  will  save  time  by  sacking  heroes.

Guess  What?  Your  not  Saving  anything.

In  fact,  your  costing  yourself more  time  because the  random hero  you  got  rid  of  is  going to  be  the  very  specific champion  you  need  to  complete a  quest  or  mission  or  faction  wars  crypt.

Your  going  to  have  to  wait  another  year  just  to  repull  the  heroes  you  sacrificed.

Your  costing  yourself  

-  more  time  

-  more  aggravation

-  more  frustration 

And  the  feeling of  needing  to  lvl  up  more  heroes to  lvl  60  never  goes  away.

I  have  come  to  accept it  and  I  suggest  you  do  the  same.

And  lets  not  forget  the  Self-Torment!

I  sacrificed  my  High  Khatun  -  The  30  day  login  champion.

I  convinced  myself  I  didn't need  her.

It  took  me  2  years  to  repull  a  High  Khatun  from  a  shard.

The  self  torture,  self  torment,  &  self  regret  that  transpired  during those  2  years  I  wish  upon  no  one.

Than  the  youtubers  started  making  videos of  High  Khatun.

OMG  she  is  so  amazing for  Scrab  Boss  &  Dungeons  &  everywhere.

Its  like  they  poured  salt  right  in  the  open  wounds.

I  already  felt  ran  over  and  the  youtubers  put  the  car  in  reverse  and  ran  me  over  again  for  good  measure.

I'm  just  saying.

Think  long  and  hard  before you  get  click  happy.

This is great thank you. Thankfully I never get rid of Legendary, Epic, or even Rare Champions. I only gave a roster snapshot of my top 60, this is a snapshot of the other 69 I have (yes I will eventually get them all to level 60, I have 3000 mystery shards I use). I have only been playing for 5 months and I can clear Dragon level 16 so I will work up to level 20 for farming. 


22 фев. 2022, 11:4122.02.22

Can you do dragon 20? If not, forget arena until then :)

Skullcrown and dark E are upgrades at nuker, but not that much imo.  It is least important member of an arena team.  What matters more is:

1. Gear  (dragon 20)

2.  Comp

3. Speed tune

The 3 champs that go before your nuker will determine 99% of your outcomes. Based on the speeds you listed, you should be farming dragon20 for at least 60 days non stop :)

Good luck.

I can clear dragon level 16 so I will work on getting level 20 for farming while I level most of my top characters to 60, thank you!

22 фев. 2022, 15:1822.02.22

Another attack champ should not be a priority, and certainly not a blue one :)

You could possibly do dragon20 with the 6star champs u have now. The gear is lacking. But one support champ might be the missing peice.

Apothecary is your next 6star champ for sure.  Doompriest a great choice as does not need books also.

Support champs will push your progress in dungeons. 

22 фев. 2022, 17:2522.02.22

Seconded on Apothecary as an amazing champ, worthy of your focus for a bit.

Doompriest is also a great debuffer and healer for almost any account.

26 фев. 2022, 03:3626.02.22

@Player J Sometimes I really would like for you to do is say more with less. There is no earthly reason I can imagine why your reply would need to be 1064 words and include some sort of a Rocky 3 fanfiction in there. 

OP didn't mention once about crunching his epics or legendaries, so again, I'm rather confused. 

Kramas laid out a few comps with stats and reasoning and Trips laid out a sensible plan/skeleton to approaching arena/gearing without writing the War & Peace of forum replies. If your aim is to help players out with your advice, perhaps making your posts a bit more accessible would be tremendous for those players.

I  quoted  you  so  you  can  understand why  your  wrong  on  this  thread.

In  life  short  cuts  don't  always  help,  it  simply  makes  things  worse.

I  wrote  1064  words  and  included Rocky  3  fanficition  and  it  helped  the  OP (who  is  a  beginner)  understand something about  Raid  which  is  very  complex.

"The  OP  didn't mention  once  about  crunching  his  Epics  or  Legendaries"

The  above statement is  what  you  said  Dthorne04.

My  question to  you  Dthorne04:

Does  a  Player need  to  mention  crunching  Epics  &  Leggos  in  order  for  you  to  give  them  advice  on  the  subject?

You  say  your  confused,  Dthorne04:

What  is  confusing about  a  Veteran  player  giving  a  beginner preventative advice  designed  to  help  the  beginner avoid  a  fatal  future  mistake?

Kramas  &  Trips  spent  2  mins  writing their  post.

I  spent  2  hours  writing  mine.

And  according to  Dthorne04 the  person  who  is  blamed  for  not  helping the  OP  out  is  me.

The  OP  of  the  thread  didn't  share  the  same  view  point  as  Dthorne04.

The  OP said  my  post  was  great  &  thanked  me.

It  must  of  been  a  fluke  coincidence.

26 фев. 2022, 03:5226.02.22
26 фев. 2022, 03:54(отредактировано)
Player J

I  quoted  you  so  you  can  understand why  your  wrong  on  this  thread.

In  life  short  cuts  don't  always  help,  it  simply  makes  things  worse.

I  wrote  1064  words  and  included Rocky  3  fanficition  and  it  helped  the  OP (who  is  a  beginner)  understand something about  Raid  which  is  very  complex.

"The  OP  didn't mention  once  about  crunching  his  Epics  or  Legendaries"

The  above statement is  what  you  said  Dthorne04.

My  question to  you  Dthorne04:

Does  a  Player need  to  mention  crunching  Epics  &  Leggos  in  order  for  you  to  give  them  advice  on  the  subject?

You  say  your  confused,  Dthorne04:

What  is  confusing about  a  Veteran  player  giving  a  beginner preventative advice  designed  to  help  the  beginner avoid  a  fatal  future  mistake?

Kramas  &  Trips  spent  2  mins  writing their  post.

I  spent  2  hours  writing  mine.

And  according to  Dthorne04 the  person  who  is  blamed  for  not  helping the  OP  out  is  me.

The  OP  of  the  thread  didn't  share  the  same  view  point  as  Dthorne04.

The  OP said  my  post  was  great  &  thanked  me.

It  must  of  been  a  fluke  coincidence.

I am happy that the OP managed to make his way through all of that and pull out the information he needed. That is a good thing. 

I don't see how giving information in a concise, clear fashion is a shortcut. Surely we can agree that one does not need 399 self aggrandizing words to convey: "Make sure not to blindly feed your epics and legendaries, you might make a mistake."

Also I would like to remind you that just a week ago of this thread, and specifically this post: https://plarium.com/forum/en/comment/topic_1551412/ to illustrate how polarizing you can be, and why I mention these things. 

I suppose that also must have been some fluke coincidence. 

29 март 2022, 16:0429.03.22

So after a little more than a month I have made some good progress and I'm in the middle of Silver IV. I have been upgrading Great Hall and I farm Dragon 16 constantly. I have continued to improve the gear of my arena offense team and I carefully and deliberately choose my fights. The current team is okay and I still have low ACC and crit rate all around:

Skullcrown lead (23% speed aura boost) - 138 base speed

Apothecary - 239 base speed

High Khatun - 208 base speed

Ninja - 178 base speed

Here's the thing, I randomly pulled Seeker last night and I know he's a great addition to Arena O teams. I was planning on putting him in 3x speed gear with hp/def % on gloves and chest and SPD on boots while trying to get SPD and ACC substats wherever possible. Would I replace HK with Seeker in this case?

29 март 2022, 16:2329.03.22
29 март 2022, 16:23(отредактировано)

So after a little more than a month I have made some good progress and I'm in the middle of Silver IV. I have been upgrading Great Hall and I farm Dragon 16 constantly. I have continued to improve the gear of my arena offense team and I carefully and deliberately choose my fights. The current team is okay and I still have low ACC and crit rate all around:

Skullcrown lead (23% speed aura boost) - 138 base speed

Apothecary - 239 base speed

High Khatun - 208 base speed

Ninja - 178 base speed

Here's the thing, I randomly pulled Seeker last night and I know he's a great addition to Arena O teams. I was planning on putting him in 3x speed gear with hp/def % on gloves and chest and SPD on boots while trying to get SPD and ACC substats wherever possible. Would I replace HK with Seeker in this case?

Absolutely replace Khatun with Seeker, yes. But now that you've had some time to grow your team, perhaps you can do even better.

Firstly - your speeds are still much too low. You really need your speed booster at 270+ SPD to be able to get through gold.

Secondly - I really don't love the double speed booster comps. I suggested it earlier because of limitations on your gear, but hopefully your gear has improved considerably since your last post. Really, you want to just do speed boost -> ninja AOE freeze.

Can you get Seeker to 270 SPD, and Ninja to around 200? Use the speed calc on Deadwoodjedi to plan the exact speed out, but if you can, it'll be a much better team. You'll want Seeker + Ninja + AOE DEF Down + Skullcrown (lead). If you can tune it so that Skullcrown delays her turn until they all get unfrozen, you'll have a very solid team.

29 март 2022, 16:4129.03.22

Absolutely replace Khatun with Seeker, yes. But now that you've had some time to grow your team, perhaps you can do even better.

Firstly - your speeds are still much too low. You really need your speed booster at 270+ SPD to be able to get through gold.

Secondly - I really don't love the double speed booster comps. I suggested it earlier because of limitations on your gear, but hopefully your gear has improved considerably since your last post. Really, you want to just do speed boost -> ninja AOE freeze.

Can you get Seeker to 270 SPD, and Ninja to around 200? Use the speed calc on Deadwoodjedi to plan the exact speed out, but if you can, it'll be a much better team. You'll want Seeker + Ninja + AOE DEF Down + Skullcrown (lead). If you can tune it so that Skullcrown delays her turn until they all get unfrozen, you'll have a very solid team.

I'll keep farming for the better speed gear! I'm sure after another month I'll be able to get those speed stats up. In this case, it looks like I would be removing Apothecary from this team. Who would be the best AOE DEF down to put in? I have Warmaiden at lvl 60, Zargala and Aleksandr both at lvl 50, and Dhukk at lvl 40. I could go with Warmaiden once I get seeker leveled and geared, I have her at SPD 182/ACC 266/CRate 34% so obviously lots to improve on.