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Hydra Megathread (Please share your teams and strats!)

Hydra Megathread (Please share your teams and strats!)

7 дек. 2021, 14:3507.12.21

Hydra Megathread (Please share your teams and strats!)

The new update is here, along with some changes to  a few things like strengthen/weaken affecting bomb damage.

So who is ready for Hydra to open?


Official Hydra Video Guide: https://youtu.be/Yvadd3nVSOg

What are your other thoughts so far everyone? How has everyone's first runs turned out? Anything work for you in particular?

7 дек. 2021, 15:1607.12.21


Clan boss, classic, tag, fw, ... android and plarium play

Guess it was smart to not do update during cvc or a fusion, 

7 дек. 2021, 15:2407.12.21

Yes, I guess so Trips. This happening at the end of all battles? I will report it for you.

7 дек. 2021, 15:2607.12.21

Yes, both accounts. Not all battles, but most...

7 дек. 2021, 16:5007.12.21

Yes, both accounts. Not all battles, but most...

Official word is they are researching the issue right now, Trips.

7 дек. 2021, 18:2707.12.21

Excited to get a crack at the Hydra.

With regards to silver cost reductions, I have a few thoughts:

1) Though I realize that the timing of it is to help people build out Hydra teams initially, I think the timeframe for the silver reduction should be a little bit longer to help facilitate the climb through the different difficulties because I can envision a ton of clans having problems with that, at the start. 

2) The length of the silver reduction being longer would be nice for those pushing FW before Shadowkin opens.

3) If I'm remembering correctly, this is the second silver promo we've had this year and I think it would be good if more of those could be worked in, given the amount of content we have in the game now that requires at least fairly consistent regearing. Perhaps there needs to be a more eloquent long term solution to that, though. 

8 дек. 2021, 06:3208.12.21

 Hydra is still locked for me but I'm going to 6* Vlad for Arena/Doom Tower/Dungeons next fusion, I was checking out his stats in the Index and noticed that he's got a 4.8 rating for Hydra. I have a really poor grasp of the Hydra's mechanics but Vlad's kit always looked like it could have some potential to me, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

8 дек. 2021, 07:0908.12.21
8 дек. 2021, 07:09(отредактировано)

 Hydra is still locked for me but I'm going to 6* Vlad for Arena/Doom Tower/Dungeons next fusion, I was checking out his stats in the Index and noticed that he's got a 4.8 rating for Hydra. I have a really poor grasp of the Hydra's mechanics but Vlad's kit always looked like it could have some potential to me, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

Locked until a few hours from now, I believe.

It will definitely be interesting to see what champs (especially ones who otherwise maybe don't see too much play) end up becoming useful in Hydra.

8 дек. 2021, 10:5208.12.21
8 дек. 2021, 10:55(отредактировано)

Minimum Damage of 1.66 MILLION,,,,(( something around there anyway))

My 3 teams i could Muster made a total of LESS then 200,000 total ................

Nope NOT doing Night Mare or UNM Cbs yet ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Good luck WHALES and Firmly Established F2Ps

because if your NOT doing One Key Nightmare , Your NOT going to do

minimum damage on Hydra at all , and the Game just Turbo Charged the Power Creep

F2Ps and *New Starters* just got kicked in the Face, 

because ARENA is going to Suck Lemons even worse then it does now

8 дек. 2021, 11:2308.12.21

 Hydra is going to be tough! My Demon Lord team that can *almost* 2 key nightmare level managed to do about 1.3m damage to normal level Hydra on auto. :-) The damage fell off a cliff from there but I managed to get over the threshold for the first chest.

 I really don't know anything about Hydra and it looks really complicated but my impression is you'll do way better manualing this fight than you will on auto. Revive, leach, team cleanse and AOE remove buffs look like they'll be very valuable and I noticed, unsurprisingly, that Madame Serris is already highly rated for Hydra. My Demytha is still 5* and ungeared but I threw her in the final team and she actually put up a good fight! Geomancer did great work, too. Right now it looks like some weird rares might actually be useful against Hydra and I do like that idea. Champions that do good work without filling buff or debuff bars will probably be valuable, I'd like to get Warmaster on Elhain and see what she can do.

8 дек. 2021, 11:5108.12.21
8 дек. 2021, 11:55(отредактировано)

I did just under 5 on auto, ran brogni, royal guard, draco (a bad choice as they kept stealing block debuffs making poison useles), doom priest for a passive heal and cleanse, sandlashed for the passive and buff extension and ignatius for damage and hp burn..i avoided block damage champs as was worried it would be stolen

Was surprised how badly it all worked, need to actually think how to do this boss, but thats hardly a bad thing having to think

I think maybe better cleansing, more damage that does not rely on debuffs, and a block buff champ might be worth considering?

Also- gonna be hard to auto this as when a champ gets eaten, the AI does not focus that head.

8 дек. 2021, 13:3008.12.21

Posted this in the other thread, but I'll repost it here. My gut feeling is the optimal build for this rotation will be unkillable/block damage + one champ with more buffs than the others and high resist, so the buff stealer focuses that champ and they resist the steal.

8 дек. 2021, 13:3308.12.21
8 дек. 2021, 14:12(отредактировано)

Posted this in the other thread, but I'll repost it here. My gut feeling is the optimal build for this rotation will be unkillable/block damage + one champ with more buffs than the others and high resist, so the buff stealer focuses that champ and they resist the steal.

So was he targeting the champ with the most buffs, rather than particular buffs? I am yet to run it, so I have zero idea.

8 дек. 2021, 13:3408.12.21

So was he targeting the champ with the most buffs, rather than particular buffs? I am yet to run it, so I have zero idea.

Yeah it targets the champ with the most buffs, and, I assume if it's a tie, just a random one.

8 дек. 2021, 13:4908.12.21

Yeah it targets the champ with the most buffs, and, I assume if it's a tie, just a random one.

Thanks. A couple folks in my clan have hit it already, and the clan isn't a bunch of slouches, and they got CRUSHED this morning. I was just gonna run one for fun, but I don't want to potentially waste a key on a terrible run. 0_0

8 дек. 2021, 14:1908.12.21

I  just  bearly  got  the  first  chest  this  will  not  be  easy  

8 дек. 2021, 14:1908.12.21

I  just  bearly  got  the  first  chest  this  will  not  be  easy  

Can you share your team?

8 дек. 2021, 14:2308.12.21

First two teams for me were:

1) Doompriest, Stag Knight, Royal Huntsman, Rae, Saito, Arbiter - ~3M dmg

2) Versulf, Bloodgorged, Fu-Shan, Rhazin, Aniri, Gorgorab - ~3M dmg

Not sure who the third team will be yet, but only need another ~600k so not too worried about reaching top chest.

8 дек. 2021, 14:2508.12.21

Thanks. A couple folks in my clan have hit it already, and the clan isn't a bunch of slouches, and they got CRUSHED this morning. I was just gonna run one for fun, but I don't want to potentially waste a key on a terrible run. 0_0

Couple of clan mates have run mine and are around the 8 million mark

I am having trouble targetting heads? i tried manual and i select a head to hit and instead it hits the one that has the fear passive every time?

Working as intended or is it sausage fingers playing on a phone?

8 дек. 2021, 14:2708.12.21

Couple of clan mates have run mine and are around the 8 million mark

I am having trouble targetting heads? i tried manual and i select a head to hit and instead it hits the one that has the fear passive every time?

Working as intended or is it sausage fingers playing on a phone?

Are you targeting the Mischief head? He redirects attacks randomly.

8 дек. 2021, 14:2808.12.21

First two teams for me were:

1) Doompriest, Stag Knight, Royal Huntsman, Rae, Saito, Arbiter - ~3M dmg

2) Versulf, Bloodgorged, Fu-Shan, Rhazin, Aniri, Gorgorab - ~3M dmg

Not sure who the third team will be yet, but only need another ~600k so not too worried about reaching top chest.

How was Doompriest for you, Krama? Any other standouts?