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Newish player looking for some help

Newish player looking for some help

15 окт. 2021, 21:1215.10.21

Newish player looking for some help

Hi! I'm fairly new, but was able to complete the Sigmund fusion epics. My goal is to progress in CB, but I'm having trouble figuring out which champs would help me do that, and really, which 5 champs I should be focusing on as my core team for CB and dragon. I recently took Ignatius to 6*, but finding I'm not really sure what todo with him. 

Right now I'm able to 3 key brutal CB, and hitting a roadblock at Dragon 16. I'm assuming Demytha would be a good overall support to 6*, and Thylessia seems like she might be a straight up upgrade to Zargala, even without books? Any help would be greatly appreciated! 


15 окт. 2021, 21:4515.10.21

 Who's on your current clan boss team?

15 окт. 2021, 22:0015.10.21

Currently, I'm pulling about 7-8 mil with Ninja, Kael, Vogoth, High Khatun, and Ignatius. For dragon I've been swapping out Ignatius for Zargala. 

15 окт. 2021, 22:1015.10.21

 Since you can only have one burn on at a time I'd replace Ignatius with another poisoner. Other than that how are your masteries? That's the big thing holding me back right now.

15 окт. 2021, 22:4215.10.21

I didn't realize you can only have one burn! Maybe Scabrius or Juliana would be a good second poisoner to invest in? Kael, Vogoth, and Ninja all have thier masteries, but I've been reluctant to invest in the others until I figured out who I should be using. 

15 окт. 2021, 23:3515.10.21

Looking at your Ninja, he's not going to be landing many debuffs anymore with such low accuracy, not at dragon 16 nor decent levels of CB... do your other champs have that problem too? 

I don't know about Thylessia being an upgrade over Zargala - she probably wouldn't nuke as hard. But yeah, having her decrease defense at 100 percent (again, assuming sufficient accuracy!) without books is pretty nice, as is her A2. 

Regarding Demytha, people have figured out unkillable Clan Boss teams, which can get you the top chest on Ultra Nightmare in 3 keys or less, with Demytha and the rare Heiress, which I see you also have. But at this point you may not have good enough gear for that yet, that's probably more of a long term project - but for sure you'll want to take her to 60. 

The best poisoners for CB are the epic Occult Brawler and the rare Frozen Banshee - perhaps you have the latter, with any luck? She's better than Kael honestly (as a pure poisoner that is - of course Kael also adds his AOE nuking which FB doesn't have, but AOE nuking doesn't help on the CB). Juliana is pretty meh, Scabrius would be better as he also adds weaken, though not very convinced he's a great long term solution. 

15 окт. 2021, 23:4415.10.21

 The gross rats burrowing under his skin are a drawback but other than that Scabrius should boost your team a lot with the extra poison + weaken and he'll help keep leach going. :-)

16 окт. 2021, 00:0716.10.21

Looking at your Ninja, he's not going to be landing many debuffs anymore with such low accuracy, not at dragon 16 nor decent levels of CB... do your other champs have that problem too? 

I don't know about Thylessia being an upgrade over Zargala - she probably wouldn't nuke as hard. But yeah, having her decrease defense at 100 percent (again, assuming sufficient accuracy!) without books is pretty nice, as is her A2. 

Regarding Demytha, people have figured out unkillable Clan Boss teams, which can get you the top chest on Ultra Nightmare in 3 keys or less, with Demytha and the rare Heiress, which I see you also have. But at this point you may not have good enough gear for that yet, that's probably more of a long term project - but for sure you'll want to take her to 60. 

The best poisoners for CB are the epic Occult Brawler and the rare Frozen Banshee - perhaps you have the latter, with any luck? She's better than Kael honestly (as a pure poisoner that is - of course Kael also adds his AOE nuking which FB doesn't have, but AOE nuking doesn't help on the CB). Juliana is pretty meh, Scabrius would be better as he also adds weaken, though not very convinced he's a great long term solution. 

Thanks guys, this is tremendously helpful!  

Yes, with my guildhall upgrades, my accuracy is around 120ish for most of my champs, and then I use Vogoth's aura for another 40. I've been a little confused on gear. Should I be prioritizing accuracy at the cost of other stats? Are accuracy chests acceptable? I've been shooting for middle of the road for everything, since none of my gear is that great, and I'm lacking assessories for most of my champs. 

I probably can't pull off the unkillable at the moment, however, do you think Demytha's support would help with progression anyway? My support champs are somewhat limited outside Demytha, High Khatun, and probably Duhr. 

Unfortunately, I don't have Frozen Banshee or Occult Brawler. Scabrius is about all I have, and as you said, may not be a great long term option, so perhaps I'll have to wait until I pull somehting else. 

16 окт. 2021, 01:0016.10.21

 In the long run you're going to want a bunch of accuracy banners so start working on jewelry, I'm hitting Spider hard right now because there's a tournament on so hopefully I'll get the epic book too. Perception set + lifesteal set is a great way to go but you can substitute accuracy sets for perception sets if you need to. For brutal and above clan boss %def is really what you need on chests if you don't have an unkillable team, in fact %def on boots and gauntlets might be a good idea too. 

 Demytha's a good champ and I can't wait to build her but honestly we should both be focussing on a nightmare clan boss team we can achieve with the champs we have right now. Things will get a lot easier after those books and shards start coming in. The team I'm working on is High Katun for speed, Coffin Smasher for attack down and reduce damage, Geomancer for burn/weaken/reflect/reduce damage, Frozen Banshee for poison/sensisitivity and finally Gravechill Killer for defense down/poison. I have all the champions, just need to get them built out.

16 окт. 2021, 10:1316.10.21

 In the long run you're going to want a bunch of accuracy banners so start working on jewelry, I'm hitting Spider hard right now because there's a tournament on so hopefully I'll get the epic book too. Perception set + lifesteal set is a great way to go but you can substitute accuracy sets for perception sets if you need to. For brutal and above clan boss %def is really what you need on chests if you don't have an unkillable team, in fact %def on boots and gauntlets might be a good idea too. 

 Demytha's a good champ and I can't wait to build her but honestly we should both be focussing on a nightmare clan boss team we can achieve with the champs we have right now. Things will get a lot easier after those books and shards start coming in. The team I'm working on is High Katun for speed, Coffin Smasher for attack down and reduce damage, Geomancer for burn/weaken/reflect/reduce damage, Frozen Banshee for poison/sensisitivity and finally Gravechill Killer for defense down/poison. I have all the champions, just need to get them built out.

Good post except for the def percentage on boots - no. For boots, it's always speed as main stat that you want, with only a handful of rare exceptions, like in 'blender' teams in arena (Skullcrown/Sinesha/Rae geared as pure nukers without speed, because they'll hit through an ally attack long before actually getting their turn). Otherwise, speed is so important that you absolutely have to get it as main stat wherever you can, which sadly is only on the boots. 

16 окт. 2021, 10:2816.10.21

Thanks guys, this is tremendously helpful!  

Yes, with my guildhall upgrades, my accuracy is around 120ish for most of my champs, and then I use Vogoth's aura for another 40. I've been a little confused on gear. Should I be prioritizing accuracy at the cost of other stats? Are accuracy chests acceptable? I've been shooting for middle of the road for everything, since none of my gear is that great, and I'm lacking assessories for most of my champs. 

I probably can't pull off the unkillable at the moment, however, do you think Demytha's support would help with progression anyway? My support champs are somewhat limited outside Demytha, High Khatun, and probably Duhr. 

Unfortunately, I don't have Frozen Banshee or Occult Brawler. Scabrius is about all I have, and as you said, may not be a great long term option, so perhaps I'll have to wait until I pull somehting else. 

Accuracy chests should only rarely be needed - for high level arena or hard Doom Tower, you may need a few of your key debuffing champs with accuracy of 350, 400 or even more, which means you'll probably want an accuracy chest indeed. At your level, I'd say only as a last resort since you generally need hp/def/attack percentage as chest main stat depending on the role of the champion - mainly you should get accuracy from substats, accuracy banners, set bonuses and GH upgrades. Accuracy auras are an option too, but the general idea is that it's easy enough to get sufficient accuracy from other sources, so your aura should be something that adds more value - mostly speed and defense, but sometimes also HP, attack, resistance. In your case, you'd want Ignatius' aura for your CB team. 

In dungeons up to level 20, the rule of thumb is you need +/- 10 times the stage number as accuracy, plus a little bit. So for Dragon 16, you'd need something like 170 to reliably land your debuffs - with only 120, it'll be hit and miss, landing some but getting many resisted as well. For CB, it also depends on which difficulty you hit, but for UNM you'll need something like 220-230 - which is a good place to aim for in general, as it will also work on top level dungeons, faction wars, most of normal DT and in arena against most opponents except the ones that really beefed up their resistance. 

Middle of the road for everything in terms of stats won't really cut it anymore going forward. Your nukers should really go hard for crit rate, damage, attack (or whatever stat determines their damage), plus of course speed and if relevant accuracy. Support champs go for survivability all the way, never mind their damage output. For key debuffers, yes, accuracy is worth sacrificing other stats for. That makes Kael a little tricky to gear, because he's a nuker in arena and on dungeon waves, but a key debuffer on CB and the dragon itself - it's entirely possible to build him with sufficient accuracy while also having good damage and speed, but of course it requires better gear. 

16 окт. 2021, 15:5916.10.21

Thank you guys for all the advice! I've got some serious regearing to do, and I also pulled a royal guard this morning, so will likely work on getting him up as well. 

16 окт. 2021, 21:0416.10.21

 Speed boots are definitely a staple but there are killable clan boss comps that run some or most champions at very low speeds easily attainable with sub stats and set bonuses, in those cases def% boots are desirable. On those kinds of teams you're shooting for 3,000+ def.