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Sorry to add but I cant find any discussions (Gear cost improvements)

Sorry to add but I cant find any discussions (Gear cost improvements)

22 сент. 2021, 02:5522.09.21

Sorry to add but I cant find any discussions (Gear cost improvements)

hey guys like most others I am really struggling with the gear swap cost.

I'm sure this has been mention multiple times, I just cant get this search to work for me so sorry for kicking a dead horse.

What about providing two or maybe three complete gear set options for each champion. I pay to put gear in the slots or to remove. but that would give me three options for that champ, and would allow me to keep track of his gear, or the gear that works for a specific situation. CB stun target is an example. I can run my favorite champs like I want and not have to spend an hour trying to figure gear out. plus it would be a comprimise for the gear cost. sorry for any misspelling Im in a hurry and not very educated. and again I'm sure this has been mentioned just waisted 30 minutes looking and couldn't find it 
