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Add a button to turn off multi-battle after current fight is complete

Add a button to turn off multi-battle after current fight is complete

14 июль 2021, 17:0914.07.21

Add a button to turn off multi-battle after current fight is complete

Super frustrating when you have a 10+ minute fight, to have to sit there waiting so that you don't miss the five second window you have to cancel the next fight before it starts. Even more frustrating when you *do* sit there and wait, then get distracted at the last minute and miss the window, and have to repeat ... over ... and ... over.

15 июль 2021, 15:1915.07.21

It kind of defeats the purpose ( although i'm not clear on your suggestion ) the 3/4 second window to cancel the fight is fair in my opinion. but feel free to elaborate. 

15 июль 2021, 15:2115.07.21

Okay. So as an example, if I want to run FK24 on full auto, it takes about 12 minutes for the run to complete (yes yes, I know, not optimal).

If I decide "you know what, I want to turn off multibattle", what I have to do is wait for the current run to complete, and then in the five second window that appears, click "cancel" so that it doesn't start the next fight.

What I'm asking for is the ability to say, at any point during the 12 minute run, "I want to end multi battle after this run is complete", so that I don't need to be sitting staring at my phone for 12 minutes in order to not miss the five second window to cancel the next fight.

15 июль 2021, 15:3515.07.21

In the other game, it is like this


15 июль 2021, 20:1815.07.21

Well... u can use autoclick for this, and cancell it (will be the same than the picture showed up)...

Or for a little energy cost... u can simply close the game and open it again... It takes a couple of seconds...

Anyway... autobattles are for fast farm to avoid be every 10... 20.. 30 secs hitting again the start button... if u are in long runs... just let it be! hahaha

15 июль 2021, 20:4115.07.21

1) Autoclick isn't an option for me since I play mobile. But even if it were, it's a rather hacky solution.

2) Why should I have to choose between either losing 18 energy or losing 10+ minutes of my life? Neither option should be forced on me.

3) If I have long-running battles, putting auto on let's me basically just ignore the phone for a few hours and focus on work. It's very useful, but would be much moreso if I could turn it off for future runs mid-run. Exactly as JoinME showed from a different game.

15 июль 2021, 20:5615.07.21

I can better see your proposal now and will forward it to the devs. Thanks.