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9 июль 2021, 22:3209.07.21



10 июль 2021, 01:0410.07.21

You'll  get  it!  

10 июль 2021, 10:0910.07.21

You're number one priority early game is to get your starter champion to six stars, ascended, masteries, and booked.

You currently have two starters you seem to be working on athel and elhain. Pick one and ignore every other champion until you have completed what I listed above.

You should also farm a lot of your food in deadlands, warmaiden a rare champion drop there can bring defense down, one if the most important debuffs to your team. You can farm her over and over and use copies to full book her, at the least farm her until her a3 ability is booked.

Good luck

10 июль 2021, 12:0510.07.21

You're number one priority early game is to get your starter champion to six stars, ascended, masteries, and booked.

You currently have two starters you seem to be working on athel and elhain. Pick one and ignore every other champion until you have completed what I listed above.

You should also farm a lot of your food in deadlands, warmaiden a rare champion drop there can bring defense down, one if the most important debuffs to your team. You can farm her over and over and use copies to full book her, at the least farm her until her a3 ability is booked.

Good luck

I agree wit that.

Go to a campaign stage which Athel can beat alone. Pair any 3 champs without gear along here and level that champs up. They serve as food to upgrade your Athel in Tavern later.

Repeat that until you can upgrade your Athel to rank 5.

Your Athel can probably beat a higher stage in campaign alone now. Go to that higher stage, put any 3 champs without gear alongside your Athel to level them up. Repeat until you have enough champs to make your Athel rank 6.

It's a little bit boring and repititive. But it's the most effective way to play the game. Your starter champ at lvl 60 will carry you through all early content of the game.

10 июль 2021, 12:1810.07.21
10 июль 2021, 12:18(отредактировано)

Like other people said, get your starter to 60. Also, you DON'T need a healer. I didn't have a healer and I don't use a team healer in most occasions. Finally, use UNCOMMON and COMMON champions to get your starter up. Yes, upgrade weak champions.

10 июль 2021, 13:5610.07.21
10 июль 2021, 14:01(отредактировано)

What a wonderful example in WHY reading guides and tutorials is ESSENTIAL for new players. Also, I'm not sure why I'm not seeing at LEAST Warpriest ascended to 3 stars. 

Do you even HAVE your gear leveled? Is your gear at LEAST 3 stars? Does Athel have Crit Rate? Do you even know what Crit Rate is?

Also, I'm going to hope and pray that you have some Lifesteal gear on Athel. 

Also, Stout Axeman? You would have been better off leveling and upgrading Sniper, or even Sister Militant. Also, why aren't you farming for a Saurus? If you have Saurus, why aren't you using him? 

Stout Axeman is wildly considered to be a terrible Champion, so I'm not sure why you invested in upgrading him when he's only fit for fodder. At least Sniper can hit more than one on her A2, and Saurus/Sister Militant can hit all enemies on their A1. 

I beat this area in about 10 seconds with Sister Militant *only*. So I don't understand why people are not leveling up properly, using the proper champions with the proper gear attached, etc.

Do youself a favor and farm Saurus before you tackle this Dragon guy. Also, why don't you have a Champion with Heal block?

10 июль 2021, 14:0510.07.21

Stout Axeman, Dunestrider and Grandmaster are terrible champions. The reason why you say you have no healer is because you haven't ascended Warpriest to 3 star ascending. Had you, you wouldn't have an issue with healing.

10 июль 2021, 14:0610.07.21

Like other people said, get your starter to 60. Also, you DON'T need a healer. I didn't have a healer and I don't use a team healer in most occasions. Finally, use UNCOMMON and COMMON champions to get your starter up. Yes, upgrade weak champions.

You don't need a healer if you use Lifesteal gear. 

10 июль 2021, 14:1110.07.21

The OP may want to take a look at this:


When you're starting this game, guides like this are essential. I do not like Hell Hades, simply because I dislike people who profit off of Youtube views and donations, since I despise and loathe laziness in grown adults, and wildly prefer either Ash or Cold Brew, but Hell Hades is the only one with a half-way decent guide.

I also highly recommend you watch videos (either Ash or Cold Brew would be a great source) on leveling up uncommons. 

Just because something might be 1 or 2 stars doesn't make it terrible, since most have a place in some part of the game. A team of Sister Militants, when geared correctly, can demolish Spider Den, provided that the level isn't Spirit, but especially if it's Magic.

Learn. Read. Study. Absorb. Don't be afraid to take things slow, this isn't a race, it's a marathon.

Do not rush through this game, because you'll end up with a level 60 character who's incredibly weak, because you sped through this game. Also, when you finish 12-7 Nightmare, there are no other stagess, and the game essentially becomes a Gacha, and not a very good one (50 Sacred Shards and zero Leggos? Still pissed off about that, especially when my ONE Ancient Shard summoned a Skartosis, and it wasn't even the event).

I have been here since the beginning. Believe me when I say that this is a game that should NOT be rushed. 

10 июль 2021, 14:3110.07.21
10 июль 2021, 14:37(отредактировано)

He does have a point. He may be a bit sassy, but the three rares he mentioned are pretty bad. You should rank them up to five/fourstars, then feed them to athel or elhain, which one who prefer. Choose 1 of the two starters and focus on them, giving them masteries and the best gear you have.(would advise sword, gauntlet, speed, helmet  from shaman login+an attack set, I prefer Elhain over Athel[And yes other people who have seen my main account I use athel in my alt account and elhain>athel for me]). Max your chosen starter. A lv 60 starter beats a team of 40-50s in a few seconds.(I know that from experience from arena, ouch) This should help unless you pull someone like ithos who is better than your starter and can help you progress.(0.00000000000000000001% chance) Have fun and seriously listen to tips! And yes, I'm f2p and I agree with vulag

10 июль 2021, 14:3710.07.21
15 нояб. 2021, 17:12(отредактировано)


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