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I have taken all I can take with this ripoff game.

I have taken all I can take with this ripoff game.

7 июль 2021, 12:3207.07.21

I have taken all I can take with this ripoff game.

60 stinking battles and I still can't get a single Superior potion, just plain RIPOFF every where you look in this game. No matter what level I try between 8 and 15.   No, L20 would not be any better, they still give you crapola.  You should not have to do L20 to get one stinkin S potion.

Don't give me that's RNG nonsense, the R stands for RIPOFF. RIPOFF in time if not money. Go ahead you can reach L100 in this game but that profits you nothing and won't put food on the table.

This is far from being fun anymore, just cruel and unusual punishment.  I am going to be kind to myself and toss this game on the scrap heap. 


7 июль 2021, 12:5407.07.21

you can mix them inside the tavern, oh i give it up t2 maybe you're right i'm not sure at this moment. Maybe... 

7 июль 2021, 13:1507.07.21

so then, you just came here to cry, and hope that others would hold you tenderly and give you some milk and cookies?  Its a game based on RNG... if you dont like that, might I suggest Angry Birds or Roblox?

7 июль 2021, 13:4607.07.21

+1 on angry birds suggestion!

7 июль 2021, 14:3107.07.21

Before l20, most people would spend half of their energy farming for greater pots and the other half farming spiders for silver to roll up the pots.  I'd advise adopting this strategy.

7 июль 2021, 16:3207.07.21

You have to farm superior potions in the highest level, lvl 20. I has farmed 10k+ small potions for year before P make level 20, just several months ago. 

7 июль 2021, 18:0007.07.21

Unless you're doing it for a challenge mission or an Arbiter mission. Just roll with it, my dude. You can upgrade your lessers and greaters if need be to ascend your champions.

That being said, it took me almost 2,000 energy to get through the 5 Superior potions in each keep missions. And that's with access to level 19 and 20 of them all. 

So either be patient. Or, as you've suggested you're doing, quit. :D 

7 июль 2021, 18:1107.07.21

try burning 1500 Energy in Spirit 13 and getting 2 Superior Pots ............ 

I do 10 a day now after that Fiasco, and I get what i get

7 июль 2021, 18:1607.07.21
7 июль 2021, 18:17(отредактировано)

i farmed about 1 hour or something like that, for blue pots (27 i needed) now Athel is fully lvl 40 


7 июль 2021, 18:1707.07.21
7 июль 2021, 18:17(отредактировано)

If you had anything in your OP that was even close to being something that should be listened to, you blew it as soon as you typed this:

"No, L20 would not be any better, they still give you crapola."

Pure drivel.  First - you don't even get the small potions at L20.  Second - I ran 20 yesterday because I was out of force potions and in 50 runs I pulled 35 superior potions.

It's one thing to be angry at that game, lord knows I get there too.  But if you want to make a point, don't editorialize and add your "personal beliefs".  Level 20 is great and the drop rates are very good.  I pulled a 70% drop rate on superiors, I'm not saying that is what the RNGesus is set to, I'm saying it can and does give me a 70% drop rate at times.

In short, making false statements to attempt to bolster your point only damages your post and makes the valid parts, well...Invalid.

8 июль 2021, 10:3208.07.21

I can understand his frustration, I have a mission - 5 superior pots from level 13 or higher from the Arcane keep, so I started out farming 13 as tbh that's as high as I've gotten (haven't tried to go higher before anyone says anything).

So far after 20 multi battles I have 1 sup pot (battle 10), 2 greater ( battle 1), the rest is lesser/brews/mystery shards.

Either someone has altered the drop rates, or RNGesus has flipped the middle finger at some of us.

8 июль 2021, 13:3508.07.21

I can understand his frustration, I have a mission - 5 superior pots from level 13 or higher from the Arcane keep, so I started out farming 13 as tbh that's as high as I've gotten (haven't tried to go higher before anyone says anything).

So far after 20 multi battles I have 1 sup pot (battle 10), 2 greater ( battle 1), the rest is lesser/brews/mystery shards.

Either someone has altered the drop rates, or RNGesus has flipped the middle finger at some of us.

The drop rates are low in the levels you are farming, they have been posted multiple times.  Until you can do 20, you get lots of lessers.  Once you can do 20 the problem is solved.

8 июль 2021, 13:4208.07.21

I can understand his frustration, I have a mission - 5 superior pots from level 13 or higher from the Arcane keep, so I started out farming 13 as tbh that's as high as I've gotten (haven't tried to go higher before anyone says anything).

So far after 20 multi battles I have 1 sup pot (battle 10), 2 greater ( battle 1), the rest is lesser/brews/mystery shards.

Either someone has altered the drop rates, or RNGesus has flipped the middle finger at some of us.


8 июль 2021, 13:5408.07.21


Most accurate meme in the world

OracleCommunity Manager
8 июль 2021, 14:4308.07.21

Hi, horsemen! What just players above have said: levels 8-15 are not the place to effectively farm Superior potions. In order to do that, you have to go to levels 16 or preferably higher. That's quite a challenge, true. So, please consider sharing your roster of Champs with us, so experienced Raid veterans can share some pieces of advice with you. Perhaps, all you need to do is to re-gear them in something better 

8 июль 2021, 15:2908.07.21

If I could put 1 thing from minecraft into raid, it'll be looting.

8 июль 2021, 15:5208.07.21
8 июль 2021, 15:54(отредактировано)

Hi, horsemen! What just players above have said: levels 8-15 are not the place to effectively farm Superior potions. In order to do that, you have to go to levels 16 or preferably higher. That's quite a challenge, true. So, please consider sharing your roster of Champs with us, so experienced Raid veterans can share some pieces of advice with you. Perhaps, all you need to do is to re-gear them in something better 

You are just floating a bunch of HYPE to defend this RIPOFF game.

1.  I am not trying to get potion(s), just ONE (1) potion.

The Mission is to get 1 Superior potion from Stage 10 or higher of Arcane Keep.

Stage 10! Can you read that??   Actually the Superior potions start at Stage 8, so they were trying to add a little bit of difficulty, but now it is an insult to be told that much higher levels are necessary.  Someone is floating a pack of lies here if the game implies that L10 is sufficient, and I have tried up to L15.

To those that do not know better, it does not matter about converting lesser or greater potions to a Superior one.  By now I have tons of those after 60 Battles in this RIPOFF game. The Mission wants a Superior and that is all that will work.

As far as those touting L20, it is no magic bullet, this game tends to give the lowest possible prize for each level. True the lesser ones are gone but there is still 10% chance of a NON-potion item (shards and mugs), and about a 1 of 3 chance of getting a Superior.  In this game 1 of 3 is implemented as 1 of 20, and a 10% chance is more like 30% if it will hurt you.

The catch is L20 requires 16 energy per turn, so it is easy to run yourself dry, no but the bigshots here have many thousands of energy so it easy for them to just pound on the weaker folks.

This is not my first rodeo, many times I have gotten Superior potions from all the levels I can do, just this time when I need this one mission, they lock up the game on me.

So really this is not a fun experience and though I come in here for a followup post I have no desire to engage in this game anymore.  It is not just for this one potion event, but many others also.

As far as posting my roster I would not expose myself further to the likes of some of the players here, who just want to demean and criticize those less fortunate than themselves.

So, just shy of 90 days, I am bowing out of this, and all the Plarium games I play (5).

8 июль 2021, 16:0508.07.21

lol, a few "Angry Birds" in this thread I think...

8 июль 2021, 17:2408.07.21
8 июль 2021, 20:43(отредактировано)

You are just floating a bunch of HYPE to defend this RIPOFF game.

1.  I am not trying to get potion(s), just ONE (1) potion.

The Mission is to get 1 Superior potion from Stage 10 or higher of Arcane Keep.

Stage 10! Can you read that??   Actually the Superior potions start at Stage 8, so they were trying to add a little bit of difficulty, but now it is an insult to be told that much higher levels are necessary.  Someone is floating a pack of lies here if the game implies that L10 is sufficient, and I have tried up to L15.

To those that do not know better, it does not matter about converting lesser or greater potions to a Superior one.  By now I have tons of those after 60 Battles in this RIPOFF game. The Mission wants a Superior and that is all that will work.

As far as those touting L20, it is no magic bullet, this game tends to give the lowest possible prize for each level. True the lesser ones are gone but there is still 10% chance of a NON-potion item (shards and mugs), and about a 1 of 3 chance of getting a Superior.  In this game 1 of 3 is implemented as 1 of 20, and a 10% chance is more like 30% if it will hurt you.

The catch is L20 requires 16 energy per turn, so it is easy to run yourself dry, no but the bigshots here have many thousands of energy so it easy for them to just pound on the weaker folks.

This is not my first rodeo, many times I have gotten Superior potions from all the levels I can do, just this time when I need this one mission, they lock up the game on me.

So really this is not a fun experience and though I come in here for a followup post I have no desire to engage in this game anymore.  It is not just for this one potion event, but many others also.

As far as posting my roster I would not expose myself further to the likes of some of the players here, who just want to demean and criticize those less fortunate than themselves.

So, just shy of 90 days, I am bowing out of this, and all the Plarium games I play (5).

Why are you being so bellicose towards a mod that just repeated what nearly everyone in the thread already told you.

You seem to want a magic bullet that you can use to get pots.  

With your anger, paranoia and entitlement issues; I'd say any game with an RNG would be a poor choice for you.

Sorry to see you go, but not really sorry.  


Great article for the OP.  I think they hit the nail (The OP being the nail in this metaphor) on the head:


8 июль 2021, 22:1508.07.21

You know, this is a game.  If I don't care for a game I don't play it.  if I like it I don't complain about the rules or outcomes.  I just play the game.  I've only been playing this game for 3+ months but I can see that I will be playing this game for a long time.  First because it has so much to accomplish and second because I don't spend much money on it.  After 57 levels I have only 5 legendary champions but I'm not competing with other players.  (Well, I do, of course, in the arena but that isn't relevant).  I would love to have more but if I don't compare myself to others then I don't have the dreaded "companion envy" that can come to players and warp their enjoyment of the game.

9 июль 2021, 02:0509.07.21

Farewell horseman, these forums and gold arenas will not be the same without you.