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Find a way to make 3x3 less time consuming, please

Find a way to make 3x3 less time consuming, please

4 июль 2021, 20:4604.07.21

Find a way to make 3x3 less time consuming, please

Hopefully someone better versed in game design can offer some suggestions. I'm just making this post to vent after spending probably around 2-3 hours yesterday, and likely another similar amount of time, trying to use all 20 of my daily tokens effectively.

Adding the overall team power to the main screen helped enormously, however, it's still a painfully long process. Preset teams doesn't work because 99% of the time I need to make minor tweaks to my composition in order to be effective. This isn't so much of a problem in classic arena because I have three static configs I can run for my offense team, so I just make three compositions. But even if that were possible in 3x3 (which it's not, mainly because I don't have the champs to be able to pull off three static teams per team), it would still create 27 combinations I'd have to program, and adjust any time there were changes necessary.

I think the idea behind 3x3 is nice, but the execution just takes so long. I generally spend around a minute finding a winnable fight, then another minute tweaking my comp to make it work. That's not too bad. The actual fights though often run into the 10-15 minutes for my non-speed nuke teams. Even that wouldn't be the end of the world, except that I'm expected to do it 20 times in order to maintain/climb ranks.

The only thing I can offer as a suggestion would be to simply cut the number of tokens down significantly. Maybe if you start with six, and get three more from advanced quests, it would be less agonizing to participate in.

OracleCommunity Manager
5 июль 2021, 13:0805.07.21

Hi kramaswamy.kr ! There are some plans to change the current Tag Team Arena experience. I'm not sure about your suggestion in particular, but we are working on making it better. I know how frustratingly it might sound, but no details can be provided for now. 

I'll forward your feelings about the TTA to the game designers. Thank you for the active position and especially for expressing your thoughts on it!