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When are they going to fix the Arena Combat system?

When are they going to fix the Arena Combat system?

4 июль 2021, 02:1304.07.21

When are they going to fix the Arena Combat system?

I just spent 15 minutes in a battle agains a single rare Magic affinity level 57 opponent with a team strength of 17k.  My team power is 87k with a 50 Force Epic Attacker, and three level 60 champions.  Two are Spirit so I can see their attacks being reduced but to do less than 1k unless I was luck enough to get an armour reduction (or any debuff for that matter) to stick.  I know the system must do something to boost the defending side, as is evidenced by the fact that they always seem to get to go first and shoot off all there buffs, debuffs and area attacks.  But to allow a single defender with that great a discrepency to be that tough to beat?  It would indicate a degree of hit points, defense and resistance equal to wearing three armour sets at the same time.  Not to mention seeing him routinely get to take three to four consecutive turns due to extra turns being dolled out.

System broken much?

4 июль 2021, 02:3104.07.21
5 июль 2021, 12:58(отредактировано)

The  defense  team  isn't  boosted  in  anyway.  Team  power  doesn't  mean  a  whole  lot  since  stats  are  graded  differently.  For  instance,  if  you  have  a  high  Speed  team  your  power  will  be  lower.  

As  for  the  extra  turns,  it  was  either  built  in  chance  at  an  extra  turn  on  the  attack  or  they  were  in  relentless  gear.  My  apothecary  can  heal,  then a1 twice back  to  back and  have  his  heal ready  on  the  next  rotation.