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Avir, worth it?

Avir, worth it?

3 июль 2021, 13:4003.07.21

Avir, worth it?

I had people on the forum say Avir was junk, but Ash really liked him, doing a guide on him twice, and putting him on the not food list. Should I keep avir?

3 июль 2021, 15:5303.07.21

I kept my Avir for faction wars. Dwarves have very few healers, it's good if you allready have one of them. But Faction War teams are the last thing you should care about, after you made your campaign farmer lvl 60, after you have teams for CB and all dungeons, arena and at least some DT stages. 

So keep him for later, don't use him as food. But, on the other hand, don't invest in Avir right now.

3 июль 2021, 15:5803.07.21
3 июль 2021, 15:58(отредактировано)

I kept my Avir for faction wars. Dwarves have very few healers, it's good if you allready have one of them. But Faction War teams are the last thing you should care about, after you made your campaign farmer lvl 60, after you have teams for CB and all dungeons, arena and at least some DT stages. 

So keep him for later, don't use him as food. But, on the other hand, don't invest in Avir right now.

Ok! Since he is in my cb team, should I invest in him after I got the big three and other future good champs?

3 июль 2021, 18:0503.07.21

You will probably replace Avir in your CB team later on, as he only brings the small atk debuff. To answer your question if he is woth investing right now we should know your champion roster. I think you posted it a while ago, but I neither remember in wich thread nore what champs you had.

I guess the answer is: no, don't invest in him right now, because I assume you still didn't made your campaign farmer lvl 60.

3 июль 2021, 20:4103.07.21

More importantly - I don't think you have a "big three". You keep making threads like this, while ignoring the advice you're given. Get Bellower to 60. Gear him up. Level food. Wait for more useful champions to invest in.

3 июль 2021, 21:3803.07.21

Tell  Ash  the  following:

-  Player  J  used  Avir  as  a  Chicken.

-  Player  J  has  Avir  on  the  Food  List.

3 июль 2021, 22:4703.07.21

More importantly - I don't think you have a "big three". You keep making threads like this, while ignoring the advice you're given. Get Bellower to 60. Gear him up. Level food. Wait for more useful champions to invest in.

My big three is bellower, elhain, melga

4 июль 2021, 09:5604.07.21
4 июль 2021, 10:01(отредактировано)
Player J

Tell  Ash  the  following:

-  Player  J  used  Avir  as  a  Chicken.

-  Player  J  has  Avir  on  the  Food  List.

Player J was able to use Avir as a chicken because he had Melga, Tormin, Trunda, Rearguard and Maulie. It would be a very bad advice from Player J to other players, that don't have so lucky pulls inside the dwarves faction, to use Avir as chicken. If Player J would look into his own Faction War Teams thread, he would recognize that only few other teams gleam as golden as the Dwarves.

Easy to use any rare as food if you can have a top legendary instead. From this point of view, you can put every rare (maybe exept Coldheart) in the game on the food list, including even champs like Apothecary. Why use him if you could use Arbiter instead?

4 июль 2021, 12:0904.07.21
4 июль 2021, 12:09(отредактировано)

Player J was able to use Avir as a chicken because he had Melga, Tormin, Trunda, Rearguard and Maulie. It would be a very bad advice from Player J to other players, that don't have so lucky pulls inside the dwarves faction, to use Avir as chicken. If Player J would look into his own Faction War Teams thread, he would recognize that only few other teams gleam as golden as the Dwarves.

Easy to use any rare as food if you can have a top legendary instead. From this point of view, you can put every rare (maybe exept Coldheart) in the game on the food list, including even champs like Apothecary. Why use him if you could use Arbiter instead?

True. No other faction wars team has three lego two epic. Looks like he's gonna going to be temporary cb, then vault until I do all the prority stuff before fw.(I have been doing a bit for materials/stars(even 1 star) for rewards)

4 июль 2021, 22:5504.07.21

Skadi  is  slightly incorrect.

My  Dwarf  Faction  team  is  all  Legendary.

My  Dwarf  Faction  team  doesn't use  Rares  or  Epics.

The  below  picture  is  my  New  Dwarf  team:


To  beat  Dwarf  Faction  comfortably,  you  need  heroes with  Specific  roles.

1.  You  need  a   Damage  Dealing  Hero

2.  You  need  a  Crowd  Control  /  Tank  Hero

3.  You  need  a  Revive  Hero

4.  You  need  a  Healing /  Shield Hero

5.  You  need  a  Block  Debuff  Buff  Hero

My  Original Dwarf  Team  was:

Trunda  -------->  Damage  Dealer

Tormin  -------->  Crowd  Control  /  Tank

Maulie  -------->  Revive 

Rearguard  ---->  Healing  +  Ally  Protection

Grizzled  Jarl  ->  Block  Debuffs  for  1  turn

The  above  Original  Dwarf  Team  was  shown  to  me  by  few  different players  on  Discord.

I  tried  to  copy  the  team  in  order  to  win  for  my  3  stars.

I  was  unsuccessful with  the  above  team  because  my Dwarf team  wasn't  Speed  Tuned.

Dwarf  Faction  Boss  Stage  21  does Annoying  Debuffs.

You  have  to  Speed  tune  your  Dwarf  team  so  Grizzled  Jarl  goes  last.

This  way  Grizzled  Jarl  can  block  the  Bosses  Pesky  Debuffs.

I  got  frustrated  trying  to  speed  tune  Grizzled  Jarl.

Grizzled  Jarl  Block  Debuff  Buff  only  last  for  1  turn.

If  you  dont  time  it  right,  your  other  heroes  will  move  and  the  block  buff  will  expire.

Than  your  team  will  get  debuffed  which  defeats  the  purpose  of  why  your  using  Grizzled.

For  this  reason,  I  decided  to  remove  Grizzled  Jarl  from  my  team.

The  Dwarf  Team  I  used  to  beat  Stage  21  +  The  Dwarf  team  I  posted  on  my  Faction  War  Thread  Skadi  is  talking  about  was  the  following:

-  Trunda

-  Tormin

-  Maulie

-  Reaguard

-  Melga  Steelgirdle

Melga  is  a  2nd  Revive  hero.

I  tried  to  stagger  Maulie  +  Melga  to  revive  at  different times.

This  allowed  me  to  play  around  the  Bosses  Pesky  Debuffs.

Obviously,  Melga  wasn't  the  Ideal  hero  I  wanted  in  that  spot.

I  just  used  her  due  to  lack  of  other  options.

The  game  eventually gave  players  the  chance  to  get  new  hero  options.

They  made  Brogni  has  a  Fusion.

Brogni  does  Block  Debuff  Buff  for  2  turns.

I  acquired  Brogni  to  put  him  on  my  team  in  place  of  Grizzled  &  Melga.

A  2  turn  Block  Debuff  Buff  hero  was  what  I  wanted  all  along.

A  2  turn  Block  Debuff  Buff  doesn't  expire  as  fast  so  it  is  ideal.

I  would  of  been  satsified  with  just  the  2  turn  BDB.

As  Fate  would  have  it,  Brogni  turned  out  to  be  more  insane  than  I  expected.

Brogni  Shield  propelled  my  team  to  stay  alive  longer.

The  extra  survivability allowed  me  to  free  up  a  hero  slot.

I  was  using  Rearguard  Sgt.  as  a  Defensive Safety  measure  option  to  keep  my  team  alive.

The  Extra  Shield  by  Brogni  made  it  so  I  didn't need  a  Defensive Safety  option.

It  allowed  me  to  change  the  slot  to  more  of  an  aggressive/offensive option.

This  is  how  Hurndig  entered  my  team.

Hurndig  provides  Def  Down  +  Extra  Damage.

This  is  an  ideal  offensive  hero  option.


Thus,  we  reach  the  end.

You  now  know  why  my  Dwarf  team  is  built  the  way  it  is  built.

Avir  doesn't   help  my  team.

Avir  is  food.

Avir  is  junk.

Ash  can  like  Avir  all  he  wants  too.

I  don't care.

I  used  my  Avir  as  a  chicken.


Should  you  keep  Avir?

I  don't  know.

How  on  earth  am  I  suppose to  know  if  you  should  keep  Avir?

I  don't know  what  your  Dwarf  team  is.

Maybe,  if  you  don't own  Rearguard  Sgt,  you  could  try  Avir  as  a  substitute.

It's  not  a  true  substitute,  but  it  is  very  close.

Rearguard  does  Atk  Down  +  C.Heals  +  Ally  Protect

Avir  does  Atk  Down  +  Regular  Heals  +  Turn  Meter  Fill

The  lack  of  Ally  Protection  is  sad  loss,  but  Turn  Meter  Fill  isn't bad.

You  could  make  it  work  I  think.

Obviously,  I  already  own  Rearguard.

I  don't need  Avir,  but  yeah it  might  be  option  for  you.

5 июль 2021, 16:4405.07.21

Probably not anymore, just one more rare. It was used when he was released because the Dwarf faction was lacking a lot of champions, but now there's so many useful epics that I wouldn't recomend leveling him up