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Psylar and arbiter new arena team set up?

Psylar and arbiter new arena team set up?

20 июнь 2021, 17:4420.06.21

Psylar and arbiter new arena team set up?

Hey all

Just looking for a little advice on my arena team

Currently as i dont own a serris i run yasmin as my aura, to strip buffs, and my fastest is a seeker (302 speed) who turns the meter and provokes whoever i consider trouble. Then i use draco to apply weaken and drop defence and nuke with zavia

It works ok- obviously yasmin is a very poor substitute for serris with useless AI- and it has other issues

I have draco in speed gear to keep him speed tuned and i really want him off the team and into lifesteal as it hurts his clan boss performance and he is too fast at 242 speed for clan boss.

Also as i have to keep zavia fast (she is 229 speed) it limits how much crit damage etc i can pile on her

Now i have pulled psylar while trying to get a warlord- and am 2 quests away from getting arbiter so i have other options (will have arbiter in a day or so), but im not sure what to do

I could go with Arbiter speed lead, seeker second - for a massive double turn meter, allowing me to use dhukk to drop defence (or warmaiden depending on affinity)... and allowing me to slow zavia down and really whack on the crit damage.

Or i could take seeker out and go arbiter into psylar... dropping turn meters by 40% is more than seeker increases turn meters after all...but it can be resisted

But, i am not sure if the damage dhukk does will compensate for losing weaken? ... his provoke is actually quite nice in arena however....in tag team it really helps if anyone survives the initial nuke.

And of course people with big shield sets will not have to worry about them being stripped if i have no buff stripper on the team

As you can probably tell i really am not sure what team is for the best, i appreciate arena is so easy it might not seem to matter right now, but i am hitting non bot teams as well as bot teams at the moment.


20 июнь 2021, 18:4520.06.21

I think Psylar would be a better adition to the team than Yasmin. By dropping enemy's TM you should be able to increase the ATK or Crit Dmg on that Zavia. Basically it'd be a matter of "if you start first, you win", and try to avoid teams with Krisk, Tormins or Hegemons just in case

20 июнь 2021, 18:4820.06.21

The new meta is double speed lead, or counters to those teams. Single speed leads just don't exist anymore, they get crushed too easily.

My personal team is now Arbiter lead, Kymar, Serris, and Big'Un/Nethril/Abbess depending on affinity.

If you don't have a buff stripper, you probably will need to run a double TM control team along with your two boosters. You may be able to get away with Dhukk and Zavia, but you'll need to have a fairly high speed on Zavia to pull it off, and without the shield stripping, you'll probably need to avoid teams running MM/MK/Krisk/etc.

That leaves you with a fairly narrow list of teams you can beat. Basically - any team running a single speed booster without something like Ma'Shalled, and any team running non-30% speed aura leads (Gorgorab, etc...).

I don't think Psylar would work for your team. You won't hit hard enough with Zavia to make it work, IMO. I would stick with Arbiter, Seeker, Dhukk, and Zavia.

20 июнь 2021, 18:5920.06.21
20 июнь 2021, 19:03(отредактировано)

Thanks guys, i bought in yasmin as a desperation move really, since my log showed me constantly being whacked by teams with shielders. On attack i was struggling to get through shields as well and ended up having to avoid teams i thought were going to run shield sets. I just cant get a serris for love or money :)

I will try arbiter, seeker, dhukk and zavia - thanks, at least the faster speed aura will help me win some speed races.

As for zavia hitting harder, she has helmsmasher, 4.5k attack and 201 crit damage but i just cant get it higher without dropping speed.

In tag team - i am only bronze 4, but i notice my go second team (Rhazin lead for resistance/Miscreated monster/Scyl/mountain king)  seems to have the highest win rate in my logs... but i think its because i am only in bronze 4 and people have their weakest team last. Mountain king does sometimes solo opposing teams however which is funny to watch.

20 июнь 2021, 19:3320.06.21

Seeker  on  the  same  team  has  Arbiter  is  a  waste  in  my  opinion.

Seeker  does  same  TM  Fill  +  Increase  Atk  buff  like  Arbiters.

This  means  Seeker  can  often  help  provide  the  TM  for  his  own  team.

In  Addition,  Seeker  is  great  for  a  Go  2nd  team.

You  can  run  him  for  his  Passive ability to  keep  Go  2nd  teams  alive.

Arbiter  +  Pyslar  can  work  fine  together.

If  your  afraid  the  enemy  will  resist  Psylar,  You  could  run  a  different TM  Filler.

-  Apothecary 

-  High  Khatun

-  Golden  Reaper

-  Lyssandra 

-  Siphi  

-  Broadmaw

-  Haruspex

Their  are  so  many  TM  Fillers  you  can  use  as  a  secondary  option.

It  makes  no  sense  for  you  to  use  Seeker.

Seeker  is  just  to  valueable.

You  could  run  Seeker  on  your  Resistance team  for  example.

Rhazin  Lead  -  Seeker  -  Sycl  -  Mountain  King

You  could  run  Seeker  on  a  brand  new team  with  Yasmin.

The  options  are  limitless  with  Seeker  because he  is  insane.

20 июнь 2021, 19:4420.06.21
20 июнь 2021, 19:45(отредактировано)
Player J

Seeker  on  the  same  team  has  Arbiter  is  a  waste  in  my  opinion.

Seeker  does  same  TM  Fill  +  Increase  Atk  buff  like  Arbiters.

This  means  Seeker  can  often  help  provide  the  TM  for  his  own  team.

In  Addition,  Seeker  is  great  for  a  Go  2nd  team.

You  can  run  him  for  his  Passive ability to  keep  Go  2nd  teams  alive.

Arbiter  +  Pyslar  can  work  fine  together.

If  your  afraid  the  enemy  will  resist  Psylar,  You  could  run  a  different TM  Filler.

-  Apothecary 

-  High  Khatun

-  Golden  Reaper

-  Lyssandra 

-  Siphi  

-  Broadmaw

-  Haruspex

Their  are  so  many  TM  Fillers  you  can  use  as  a  secondary  option.

It  makes  no  sense  for  you  to  use  Seeker.

Seeker  is  just  to  valueable.

You  could  run  Seeker  on  your  Resistance team  for  example.

Rhazin  Lead  -  Seeker  -  Sycl  -  Mountain  King

You  could  run  Seeker  on  a  brand  new team  with  Yasmin.

The  options  are  limitless  with  Seeker  because he  is  insane.

Got to admit i have never considered rhazin, seeker, scyl, MK- thanks. I always put seeker second to my speed aura to make use of his passive

My main problem there is if i am not just using that team in tag team i would need to regear, only mountain king has decent resistance (just breaking 400) 

I totally agree seeker is a great champ ....i am most desperate for a serris though, combining buff stripping, defence down and attack down on one attack would solve so many headaches.

20 июнь 2021, 20:2320.06.21
20 июнь 2021, 20:26(отредактировано)
Trevor Wilson

Got to admit i have never considered rhazin, seeker, scyl, MK- thanks. I always put seeker second to my speed aura to make use of his passive

My main problem there is if i am not just using that team in tag team i would need to regear, only mountain king has decent resistance (just breaking 400) 

I totally agree seeker is a great champ ....i am most desperate for a serris though, combining buff stripping, defence down and attack down on one attack would solve so many headaches.

This  is  the  resistance team  I  ran  for  a  long  time.


I  ran  Vrask  in  Shield  set.

I  ran  Maulie  in  Frost  set.

You  could  run  your  M  King  in  Shield  set.

You  could  run  your  Sycl  in  Frost  set.

Keep  in  mind,  M  King  has  highest  base  HP  in  the  entire  game.

High  HP  +  High  RESIST  M  King  in  a  Shield set  is  a  valid  option.

20 июнь 2021, 20:4820.06.21

I think Seeker only to take the fight longer, if you could have a second nuker it's better. 

Just Abiter goes first (if enemy goes first, you are doomed), buff Atk + turn meters, then debuff defend down, then 1st nuke, 2nd nuke. When you only attack 1 champ, you already choose to make the fight longer, you even give opponent the chance to revive all champs from the nuke. 

20 июнь 2021, 21:0020.06.21

I think Seeker only to take the fight longer, if you could have a second nuker it's better. 

Just Abiter goes first (if enemy goes first, you are doomed), buff Atk + turn meters, then debuff defend down, then 1st nuke, 2nd nuke. When you only attack 1 champ, you already choose to make the fight longer, you even give opponent the chance to revive all champs from the nuke. 

That won't work reliably anymore. Your Arbiter going first will boost your team, but then their Arbiter and second TM booster will go next and your team won't get another turn.

The purpose of Seeker and other TM boosters second is to allow your nukers to not need to run 250+ speed in order to get a turn.

20 июнь 2021, 21:0720.06.21
20 июнь 2021, 21:09(отредактировано)

I think Seeker only to take the fight longer, if you could have a second nuker it's better. 

Just Abiter goes first (if enemy goes first, you are doomed), buff Atk + turn meters, then debuff defend down, then 1st nuke, 2nd nuke. When you only attack 1 champ, you already choose to make the fight longer, you even give opponent the chance to revive all champs from the nuke. 

Thats the main reason i have stuck with zavia since her catalyst (which i have programmed her to open with) blocks revive.

21 июнь 2021, 07:1321.06.21
21 июнь 2021, 07:21(отредактировано)

That won't work reliably anymore. Your Arbiter going first will boost your team, but then their Arbiter and second TM booster will go next and your team won't get another turn.

The purpose of Seeker and other TM boosters second is to allow your nukers to not need to run 250+ speed in order to get a turn.

If my Abiter go first, my team actually got 3 nukes + 1 attack all, lol. (not counting Abiter). It's easy when dealing with squishy champs, however when fighting high def+hp champs, 1 or 2 nukes is nothing even with def down, especially when your nuker fight against opposite affinity, red vs green, you do the nuke and no one die = good game. 

If Vogoth is not nerfed recently, nuker is useless. (sadly I has built Vogoth before the nerf)

21 июнь 2021, 07:2821.06.21
Trevor Wilson

Thats the main reason i have stuck with zavia since her catalyst (which i have programmed her to open with) blocks revive.

block revive is good when you intend to do longer fight, i.e you kill 1,2 permanently and killing the rest later. If you could do a good nuke, you already kill all, any special effects after that is no need, even Kael is good enough for a second nuke. 

21 июнь 2021, 07:3621.06.21

block revive is good when you intend to do longer fight, i.e you kill 1,2 permanently and killing the rest later. If you could do a good nuke, you already kill all, any special effects after that is no need, even Kael is good enough for a second nuke. 

I have a well geared tuhak, and a well geared and fast dark elhain (i used to use her as my main nuker)

So your team would be arbiter->dhukk->zavia->dark elhain?

Main issue there is i have to have them all very fast if i am to have any chance of not being cut in....i would have to regear dhukk but its definitely doable.

Thanks btw, appreciate all the ideas.

21 июнь 2021, 07:4621.06.21

You must find a way to have Serris to support your nuke, I have both Dukk or Stag Knight but only use in second team. In case you fight Krisk or Shield team or their Siphi go second & do the buff, both Dukk and Stag Knight debuff does not help. 

Also, uou should optimize your team so Abiter must go first, she then use +30% turn meter + Atk buff. By that way you could use champs with slower speed but more powerful attack/more acc. If someone go before Abiter, you wasted 30% turn meter + Atk buff. 

21 июнь 2021, 07:4821.06.21

The new meta is double speed lead, or counters to those teams. Single speed leads just don't exist anymore, they get crushed too easily.

My personal team is now Arbiter lead, Kymar, Serris, and Big'Un/Nethril/Abbess depending on affinity.

If you don't have a buff stripper, you probably will need to run a double TM control team along with your two boosters. You may be able to get away with Dhukk and Zavia, but you'll need to have a fairly high speed on Zavia to pull it off, and without the shield stripping, you'll probably need to avoid teams running MM/MK/Krisk/etc.

That leaves you with a fairly narrow list of teams you can beat. Basically - any team running a single speed booster without something like Ma'Shalled, and any team running non-30% speed aura leads (Gorgorab, etc...).

I don't think Psylar would work for your team. You won't hit hard enough with Zavia to make it work, IMO. I would stick with Arbiter, Seeker, Dhukk, and Zavia.

What  your  saying  isn't really  true.

Double  Speed  is  the  Old  Arena  Meta.

The  New  Arena  Meta  is  Single  Speed +  CC  hero.

Here  are  some  sample  teams:

-  Arbiter  +  Kymar(AOE  Sleep)  +  Serris  +  Trunda

-  Arbiter  +  Astralon(AOE  Stun)  +  Serris  +  Trunda

-  Arbiter  +  Shirimani(AOE  Freeze)  +  Serris  +  Trunda

These  New  Arena  set  ups  are  also  not  Speed  tune.

The  fight  plays  out  the  following way:

1st  move:  Arbiter  -------->  TM  Fill  +  Increase  Atk

2nd  move:  Kymar  ------->  AOE  Sleep

3rd  move:  Enemy  Hero  ->  Awaking  up  from  Sleep

4th  move:  Enemy  Hero  ->  Awaking  up  from  Sleep

5th  move:  Enemy  Hero  ->  Awaking  up  from  Sleep

6th  move:  Enemy  Hero  ->  Awaking  up  from  Sleep

7th  move:  Serris  -------->  AOE  Def  Down

8th  move:  Trunda  ------->  AOE  Nuke

Yep,  this  is  what  players  are  doing  in  Arena.

This  New  Arena  Set  up  was  designed  to  Counter  Reaction  Accessories.

Double  Speed  teams  use  to  be  the  Golden  Standard  of  Arena  at  higher  levels.

It  is  actually rather  heart  breaking  to  see  it  go  away.

Double  Speed  teams  might  still  have  promise  at  lower  Arena  Tiers.

Here  are  some  sample  Double  Speed  teams:

-  Lyssandra  +  Arbiter  +  Serris  +  Trunda

-  Siphi  +  Arbiter  +  Serris  +  Trunda

-  Golden  Reaper  +  Arbiter  +  Serris  +  Trunda

This  is  a  sample  fight  showing  how  a  Double  Speed  team  plays  out  in  Arena:

1st  move:  Lyssandra  ------>  TM  Fill  +  Increase  Spd

2nd  move:  Arbiter  -------->  TM  Fill  +  Increase  Atk

3rd  move: Serris  ---------->  AOE  Def  Down

4th  move:  Trunda  -------->  AOE  Nuke

Double  Speed  teams  try  to  kill  the  enemy with  out the enemy ever having  a  turn.

If  the  enemy doesn't  have  a  turn,  Reaction Accessories will  trigger.

The  activation  of  Reaction  Accessories will  lower  your  chances  of  doing  a  Critical  hit.

This  reduces  your  teams  ability to  1  shot  the  enemy  team.

It  can  cause  major  issues because the  enemy team  could  turn  around  and  kill  your  team.

This  is  more  or  less  why  players have  begun  doing  the  other  set  up.

The  other  set  up  lets  enemies  have  a  turn  deactivating  the  Accessories.

It  is  actually sad.


I  just  put  the  finishing  touches  on  my  Double  Speed  team.

My  Double  Speed  Team  looks  so  beautiful.

I  put  my  best  Speed  gear  on  Golden  Reaper.

I  believe  it  took  1mil  Silver  to  swap  gears  on  my  Reaper.  LOL

And  now  the  game  changes  everything  with  their  reaction  accessories.

Maybe,  I  will  just  fight  against  the  bot  teams.  LOL

Surely,  they  don't have  reaction  accessories.

21 июнь 2021, 08:0121.06.21
21 июнь 2021, 08:03(отредактировано)

I do not like Sleep. 

IMO, the most dangerous debuff is AOE [Block Active Skill], everytime I fight team with Countess Lix or such, I must kill her first, otherwise it's a loss for sure. 

I have Countess Lix but I never build her for a use, somehow I do not play this game properly. 

21 июнь 2021, 08:1221.06.21

You must find a way to have Serris to support your nuke, I have both Dukk or Stag Knight but only use in second team. In case you fight Krisk or Shield team or their Siphi go second & do the buff, both Dukk and Stag Knight debuff does not help. 

Also, uou should optimize your team so Abiter must go first, she then use +30% turn meter + Atk buff. By that way you could use champs with slower speed but more powerful attack/more acc. If someone go before Abiter, you wasted 30% turn meter + Atk buff. 

Yup i am fully aware of speed tuning, and i use the calculator to try and avoid being cut in

I cant do anything about not having a serris however, its just luck :)