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I have another question for the masses.

I have another question for the masses.

20 июнь 2021, 14:0320.06.21

I have another question for the masses.

So, my roster has changed a bit in the last week.


I've put all my CvC energy and time and points into that thar Armiger. He's still not in the best gear, but I'm almost done with his masteries.

In a couple days, I'll have enough gems to buy masteries for another champ.

Do I put it into Frozen Banshee for CB, or Miscreated Monster for dungeons?

I'm leaning toward MM, because if I can consistently get through Dragon 17+, instead of my 60-ish% auto win rate, I'll get better gear to make getting better gear easier. And also, I run a clan of new players and people struggling in the F2P category and it took us WAY too many keys yesterday to down the Normal CB. u__u¿

Also, am I getting any semblance of a CB team? Or is FB still alone right now?


20 июнь 2021, 14:1920.06.21

FB works best with a companion poisoner like Kael.  Death Hound is also good for poison and Outlaw Monk if you get him.

MM is probably better for general purpose use, just check the reviews and ratings.  Masteries should only be done as a last resort unless you have plenty to redo mistakes. I would take care of my starter champ fitrst, IMO.

20 июнь 2021, 14:2420.06.21
End Is Near

FB works best with a companion poisoner like Kael.  Death Hound is also good for poison and Outlaw Monk if you get him.

MM is probably better for general purpose use, just check the reviews and ratings.  Masteries should only be done as a last resort unless you have plenty to redo mistakes. I would take care of my starter champ fitrst, IMO.

My starter as well as Dark Elhain, All 3 of my Legendaries, and Shaman All have their masteries, and most, if not all of their books. [I've been told on more than one occasion that shaman was a mistake, but I was new and she was my first champ with a res.]

When I do my masteries I follow HellHades' guides for what I want them to do. So in theory, I won't need to re-do them until I outgrow where I am now. And by then, I should have proper resources as required. :D

20 июнь 2021, 14:4620.06.21

Is  your  vault  empty?  Or  is  this  not  your  full  roster?  Otherwise,  I  would  say  Miscreated  Monster  is  the  main  champion  to  build,  but  Frozen  Banshee  is  the  one  who  needs  masteries  more.

20 июнь 2021, 14:5320.06.21
20 июнь 2021, 14:54(отредактировано)

Is  your  vault  empty?  Or  is  this  not  your  full  roster?  Otherwise,  I  would  say  Miscreated  Monster  is  the  main  champion  to  build,  but  Frozen  Banshee  is  the  one  who  needs  masteries  more.

Is banshee viable in mid dragon levels as well as CB? Because if MM doesn't really need masteries, I can 2birds/1 stone it. >__o

Yeah, vaults empty. u_u I was a bad collector at the start in the game.

20 июнь 2021, 15:1420.06.21

Frozen banshee is good vs the dragon because he is weak vs poisons. She just sucks in waves up to dragon. 

20 июнь 2021, 15:4920.06.21

Frozen  Banshee  is  good  against  Dragon,  Ice  Golem,  Clan  Boss  and  other  Bosses.

20 июнь 2021, 17:5420.06.21

If you can do minotaur 15 i think its more efficient to grind masteries, someone can confirm that maybe

FB is good for cb and dragon as mentioned, but got to say i think Miscreated monster is a beast, especially on spider and it should be a priority to get him 6 starred. 

20 июнь 2021, 18:1620.06.21
Trevor Wilson

If you can do minotaur 15 i think its more efficient to grind masteries, someone can confirm that maybe

FB is good for cb and dragon as mentioned, but got to say i think Miscreated monster is a beast, especially on spider and it should be a priority to get him 6 starred. 

If you can solo Minotaur 15, it's more efficient to use four champs + the farmer. You can take your four champs from level-1 5* to level-60 6* in the time it takes to get their masteries maxed (with the 2x XP of course).

20 июнь 2021, 20:1520.06.21

This  is  my  Dragon  24  team.


FB  -  Max  lvl   +  Built  Tanky  +  Lifesteal  Gear  +  Warmaster  =  Kills   Dragon  Solo

In  fact,  My  team  is  Designed to  die  to  take  advantage of  FB  Soloing  the  Dragon.

Lydia  +  Seer  +  Renegade  +  M M  =  Their  only  mission   is  to  kill  Wave  1  +  Wave  2

Once,  they  kill  the  waves  in  15  seconds.

I  want  them  to  instantly die  at  the  Dragon.

The  faster  they  die.

The  less  animations  in  the  fight.

This  means  my  run  wins  at  a  faster  win  time.

In  the  screenshot,  you  see  me  win  in  1:43.

1:43  is  a  slow  win  time  for  me.

1:11  is  my  fastest  win  time  with  same  team.

Average  run  time  should  be  1:20  to  1:25.

We  can  clearly see  1:43  is  23  seconds longer  vs.  average time.

This  means  1  of  my  4  heroes lived  to  long.

Its  such  a  drag.

Obviously,  The  problems I  am  having  have  nothing to  do  with  you.

I  just  figured  I  would mention it  because you  seem to  be  confused about  Frozen  Banshee.

FB  is  amazing -  You  should max  her.

21 июнь 2021, 11:2521.06.21

Hello @OverdriveSyn 

Yes, Definitly go with MM as next6 star. 

Alpha H

23 июнь 2021, 18:2223.06.21
Player J

This  is  my  Dragon  24  team.


FB  -  Max  lvl   +  Built  Tanky  +  Lifesteal  Gear  +  Warmaster  =  Kills   Dragon  Solo

In  fact,  My  team  is  Designed to  die  to  take  advantage of  FB  Soloing  the  Dragon.

Lydia  +  Seer  +  Renegade  +  M M  =  Their  only  mission   is  to  kill  Wave  1  +  Wave  2

Once,  they  kill  the  waves  in  15  seconds.

I  want  them  to  instantly die  at  the  Dragon.

The  faster  they  die.

The  less  animations  in  the  fight.

This  means  my  run  wins  at  a  faster  win  time.

In  the  screenshot,  you  see  me  win  in  1:43.

1:43  is  a  slow  win  time  for  me.

1:11  is  my  fastest  win  time  with  same  team.

Average  run  time  should  be  1:20  to  1:25.

We  can  clearly see  1:43  is  23  seconds longer  vs.  average time.

This  means  1  of  my  4  heroes lived  to  long.

Its  such  a  drag.

Obviously,  The  problems I  am  having  have  nothing to  do  with  you.

I  just  figured  I  would mention it  because you  seem to  be  confused about  Frozen  Banshee.

FB  is  amazing -  You  should max  her.

I'm not confused about FB. I know she has her place, and I was planning to do both, I was confused/concerned which is a higher priority for getting better gear on my way to get an actual CB team.

Thank you for the feedback and the goal though. Wicked team. I wish I had something similar. xD

23 июнь 2021, 19:3823.06.21

I  would  definitely  go  for  MM  as  your  next  6  star.  He  is  simply  an  amazing  champion  for  so  much  content,  dungeons  (especially  the  spider),  FW  and  Doom  Tower!  But  it  would  be  a  good  idea  to  work  on  your  CB  team  after  MM IMO.

Kind  regards,


23 июнь 2021, 23:3823.06.21

I'm not confused about FB. I know she has her place, and I was planning to do both, I was confused/concerned which is a higher priority for getting better gear on my way to get an actual CB team.

Thank you for the feedback and the goal though. Wicked team. I wish I had something similar. xD

Yeah,  I  think  Frozen  Banshee  is  the  higher  priority for  you.

You  need  a  hero  who  can  kill/damage Bosses.

-  Poison  Heroes

-  HP  Burn  Heroes

-  Max  Enemy  HP  Nuking  Heroes 

These  types  of  heroes  are  often  the  solution to  killing/damaging Bosses.

Boss  Heroes  in  the  game  have  extremely  high  health  amounts.

The  best  way  to  damage  them  is  to  do  damage  using  their  max  health  against them.

-  Poisons  do  like  5% damage of  Bosses  Max  health

-  HP  Burn  does  like  7.5%

-  Max  Enemy  HP  Nuking  Heroes  do  between  5%  to  10%

The  heroes  you  own  in  your  roster  which  do  above  things  I  mention  are:

-  Frozen  Bashee

-  Steelbowyer

-  Armiger

In  your  case,  I  would  go  with  Frozen  Banshee  for  Poison.

She  will  be  great  for  Clan  Boss  +  Dungeon  Bosses.

She  is  what  your  account  needs  right  now.

M  Monster  is  often  used  as  a  Carry  Champion.

He  helps  Carry  your  damage  dealing  heroes  thru  waves  of  enemies  so  they  don't die  before  they  reach  the  Boss.

You  already  have  Sycl  Max  Level.

You  shouldn't  need  M  Monster  at  the  moment.

Sycl  should  be  enough  to Carry you.