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More areas to buy or earn things.

More areas to buy or earn things.

20 июнь 2021, 03:5820.06.21

More areas to buy or earn things.

First off great game love it. I feel there is a need for a few changes though to help out some players who can't afford to dump thousands ofdollars into this game. 

1) Re-do the store where we can buy things with silver. The store should be a place we can go buy items but it needs to have a lot more content. break it up into tabs for armour, weapons, shards, and so forth. add in tomes and energy as well. 

2) make it so we can trade in characters that we don't want or need for silver. 

3) Tomes are really hard to get make it so we can buy Rare and epic tomes from the store or add them into the dungeons to win at random as well. Keep the legendary ones hard to get though keep them in the challenges and stuff. 

4) This Doom tower sucks, Why can't it be set up for lower level players since it's part of the daily advanced challenges. We should be able to play the doom tower at our levels and not at the insane level as they are. OR atleast takeit out of the dailey advance challenge. 

5) I know you won't remove the silver restrictions from changine armour and things but you all gotta give somewhere as well get us more energy and more ways to earn silver to take the pain away a little bit. I get it you all want you payday but you also gotta give in return to keep players. We need more energy and more silver. I can't afford to pay every month for the passes and even those don't help out much either. 

6) When are we going to start seeing Goblins, Halflings, and half-elves in the game???? :-) 

20 июнь 2021, 04:0220.06.21

Advanced  quests  are  meant  for  advanced   accounts.

20 июнь 2021, 05:1320.06.21
4) This Doom tower sucks, Why can't it be set up for lower level players since it's part of the daily advanced challenges. We should be able to play the doom tower at our levels and not at the insane level as they are. OR atleast takeit out of the dailey advance challenge.  

As @Destroyer39 said, the advanced quests and doomtower are meant for advanced accounts. On my f2p account I am starting to be able to climb Normal but it's going to be a while before I can clear it there.

6) When are we going to start seeing Goblins, Halflings, and half-elves in the game???? :-)  

I'm not sure what the other races are going to be, but they do have a few more planned. 

20 июнь 2021, 11:5620.06.21
20 июнь 2021, 11:56(отредактировано)

When I saw the title I thought you were going to ask about other ways to spend real money on the game, so I came into the thread with a different set expectation and comment in mind, which I'll still add anyway rather than create a new thread.  I actually actually think it would be good to add cosmetics to the game that people can buy with money.  

By this I mean different skins for champions, or avatars, or even things for your main castle thing.  Things that don't actually impact the balance of the game, but would be another source of income for the company.  Even whales that like to collect everything would buy all of the skins that came up.  Plarium could even do limited edition ones that are only available for set times (e.g. Christmas), and even make some as rewards for tournaments or events.

Personally, I'm a FTP player, but this is actually more because I wanted a challenge of winning without spending any money.  I don't care if this takes me a year or longer, it's just a little hobby to see if I can conquer all of the content, finish the great hall and hold my own in Platinum, so the thought of buying shard packs isn't interesting to me.  That said, I'd probably spend some money to show support if there were other non game impacting ways

I actually think this is a really big missed opportunity for Plarium