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Guaranteed Legendary champion is a disgrace!

Guaranteed Legendary champion is a disgrace!

18 июнь 2021, 23:1318.06.21

Guaranteed Legendary champion is a disgrace!

Just when you finally do some much needed improvements to the game, you mess it all buy this greedy move!!  Before you could at least claim that RNG and grind makes it less P2W, but this??  Clearly P2W!  

19 июнь 2021, 14:3019.06.21

Well, $200.00 is way too much for even a whale to pay for a Lego.  You are correct, this is indeed a greedy play.  I'm just going to do the summons tourny and the hell with another lego.

19 июнь 2021, 14:4619.06.21
19 июнь 2021, 23:54(отредактировано)

Aw,, Come on Guys, give plarium a break

Give  them  your  money!


19 июнь 2021, 17:0019.06.21

Yeah free guaranteed leggo is so greedy ! Wow you guy's logic always flawless. Hahahaa. He is not even a good champ. 

19 июнь 2021, 17:3519.06.21

Yeah free guaranteed leggo is so greedy ! Wow you guy's logic always flawless. Hahahaa. He is not even a good champ. 

And yet it would take over $200 in shards to get him.  I think your logic is the failed logic.  Just waiting to try and talk down to others, aren't you. hahahaa...

19 июнь 2021, 17:4719.06.21

And yet it would take over $200 in shards to get him.  I think your logic is the failed logic.  Just waiting to try and talk down to others, aren't you. hahahaa...

You realize sacred shards are pretty much FREE from UNM?

You realize you're not pulling 15 sacred shards just to get him? You're also pulling to get other champs, potentially even better leggos from those 15 sacred shards.

Why would you put an arbitrary "$200" price on him? Are you sure you thought this through before typing that comment out and pressing "Comment"?

19 июнь 2021, 18:1419.06.21

I think having an X2 on sacreds and then having this event out is classic plarium personally, but it doesnt get me annoyed.

The champ isnt game breaking and - let the whales whale, they subsidize the ftp players at the end of the day. If someone is daft enough to buy 15 sacreds (if they pulled in the x2) then its no skin off my nose.

19 июнь 2021, 18:4519.06.21
19 июнь 2021, 18:45(отредактировано)

I, actually, am waiting for guarantee legos. (But this is too much, lol)

You have to accept all games you are playing nowadays are P2W, even Candy Crush is P2W.

This guaranteed lego is absolutely P2W and for whales (or dolphines), or those who saved in 8+ months (facepalm). If you can't pay, then do saving (facepalm). 

19 июнь 2021, 18:5819.06.21

Well, $200.00 is way too much for even a whale to pay for a Lego.  You are correct, this is indeed a greedy play.  I'm just going to do the summons tourny and the hell with another lego.

Those you think whales may not be a real whale, whale's account would be $100+k, they never mind spending some grands for each event. 

19 июнь 2021, 20:5119.06.21

Any complaint based on paying customers having an advantage over us f2p (i am f2p) is ridiculous.  And of course every "special " shard event is designed to encourage spending... just shocking that a business is trying to make money. I can't believe plarium isn't doing more to discourage spending... 

20 июнь 2021, 09:3420.06.21

Really you guys fall for it? lol

20 июнь 2021, 11:3720.06.21

Really you guys fall for it? lol

Fall for what?

Them having the right to try and make money?

I really do not understand the P2W attitude, who are you competing against?

There is no real PVP in this game sooooo😁

21 июнь 2021, 02:2921.06.21

Look if you have a bunch of shards burning a hole in you're pocket and you want to use them, I would say you're an idiot because the champ is not a account changer, but thats upto the fool with more money then brains. end of the day I dont get what the prob is. 

Now if you wan't to say running a CvC halfway through a fussion event is a scummy cash grab then yeah, 100% with you on that one.

21 июнь 2021, 10:2721.06.21

Hello @sirrobinz123

I understand your Frustrations on such Events, but you don`t need to participate in every Event in the game, this game is oriented for both F2p, and P2W players, but most of the content can be achieved among F2p players. 

With that Said, clearly, The Game needs to have aspects for people who are willing to spend money and are Ultra End Game players who like to compete on the highest levels, This is also importnat for the Long Jeopardy of the Game in general. 

Alpha H