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Suggestion: Auction Huse (adapted to this kind of game)

Suggestion: Auction Huse (adapted to this kind of game)

15 июнь 2021, 14:2115.06.21

Suggestion: Auction Huse (adapted to this kind of game)

Before all people say "NO WAY THIS GONNA HAPPEN HERE", just consider this.

The concept of AUCTION HOUSE is basic: People sell its own stuff, for a better profit than sell to the game market.

Ok, here the things aplly same way, but with some restrictions because of the kind of game we have:

- This cant make Plarium gain less money....

... not more, this is the unique restriction so in order to make this possible we need to answer some questions like:

1) What i need to invest to unlock auction house?

2) What can i trade there?

3) What ill get in echange?

In a first thought...

1- U need certain acount lvl / gems invest to unlock the auction. And a gem´s fee for put in item in sale. Here the silver obtained by sell plus gems invested must be a better option than silver u get from gems shop to make it atractive for sellers.

2- Primary NON ROLLED ITEMS (artifacts or accesories), with predefined prices by quality/set/stars. We can argue after for other stuff to include. Limited for lvl account, for example, 5 star´s items allowed to buy by lvl 40+ accounts, lvl 6 star for lvl 50+... or  somehing like that for balance. (No sense a Galek lvl 1 with a full 6 stars gear on a new account)

Not Champons, Shards, Chickens or things that are limited even by real money because this will break the balance in the game.

3- Silver, more than u can get from selling in market or something that can be inteseting to u for selling the stuff here.

We must consider that the selling stuff is something that people dont wanna kept, or u just have a similar item so no sense in rolling it but same time is pity sell to the market for 30k - 50k silver

It allows people get decent gear (non rolled), to try go far in the game... especially when u need to reach better dungeon farming phases, and u are in the situation... u need more gear to get there... but the gear u need is droped... THERE!

This is just an idea and need a lot of improvements and ajust for making it a real good suggestion, but hey! This is not a bad concept itself, but yes... need a lot of work.

What do u think?

15 июнь 2021, 14:4415.06.21

I think it's just as plausible as being able to trade champions.  Plarium has based its economy and player evolution with roadblocks (If you will).  Coin is a big one; if you don't have enough silver you can't advance, so you have to farm.  If you add another more lucrative way to earn silver it changes the balance of need vs. supply.  I can't see them going for the idea.

15 июнь 2021, 14:5015.06.21
15 июнь 2021, 15:00(отредактировано)

I think it's just as plausible as being able to trade champions.  Plarium has based its economy and player evolution with roadblocks (If you will).  Coin is a big one; if you don't have enough silver you can't advance, so you have to farm.  If you add another more lucrative way to earn silver it changes the balance of need vs. supply.  I can't see them going for the idea.

True, bat also true in the same way... if im an early player and i got luck in a dungeon and i geat a good 6 stars legendary item... it can help me much more silver to advance in content, that a low possible good roling chance (wich cost silver to do), for an item that itself wont change nothing to me in this point of my account development.

Is not just for big whales for selling his inventory. Even can be limited to a quantity for buying/selling transactions for make us think before make a deal...

Besides, the point of buy this itemes, is for rolling them, with a high chance to waste the item and silver in the rolls, so in balance, in game economy terms, is more the silver that return to the game than the recived by players...

As i said, this idea needs development.

15 июнь 2021, 15:0415.06.21

not gonna happen...