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Why no "Draw" option?

Why no "Draw" option?

12 июнь 2021, 17:1712.06.21

Why no "Draw" option?



Why don't we have an option for calling the Arena match a draw, when the match is obviously never going to end? Or, have a time limit then automatically call it a draw.

12 июнь 2021, 17:2212.06.21


12 июнь 2021, 17:5412.06.21

because as the attacker, every single advantage lies with you. you can pick which teams to face, tailor your team to specifically counter them, and most importantly, use manual control while your opponent is stuck with either the limited control added in the most recent update, or the standard ai which i think we can all agree is dumber than your average rock. given how stacked it is in the attackers favour, i think that draws defaulting to the defending player is more than fair.

13 июнь 2021, 03:1713.06.21

The  game  doesn't believe in  Draws.

You  win  or  lose  -  No  exceptions

The  screenshot you  posted  isn't  proof  of  a  draw.

It  is  proof  you  lost  the  fight.

The  game  has  1,000  turn  limit.

If  you  don't win  before  you  reach  turn  limit,  The  game  will  automatically kick  you  out.

The  way  the  game  kicks  you  out  is  by  disconnecting  you  from  server.

You  will  see  blue  message  saying  if  you  want  to  relog.

Then,  when  you  relog  into  the  game,  you  will  be  declared  the  loser.

It  takes  around  60  mins  to  reach  turn  limit.

You  was  only  22  mins  into  fight.

This  is  probably why  you  didn't see  it.

13 июнь 2021, 04:3513.06.21

What you expect when the match is Draw ? 

Half prize ? 

Arena: half points

Dungeon: half artifact/accessory

13 июнь 2021, 05:4713.06.21

100% there should be no draw.  The defenders job is to prevent you from killing them all.  The attackers job is to kill everyone.  You haven't killed everyone, so you need to retreat/lose.  The defenders win

13 июнь 2021, 15:0913.06.21

It's not about a participation trophy or half points, or whatever goofy reasons yall think are my reasons. It's about having to sit there for "1000 turns" or 60 minutes to say okay you lose. Trust me, if someone hasn't won or loss in 20 minutes, then no one is going to win. Why waste our time? If you're okay with the game making you wait 60 minutes or 1000 turns to declare a winner in a match, then you have waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too much time on your hands. Also, the picture wasn't posted to "prove" anything, it was just to show that no one was going to kill the other after 20 minutes and we shouldn't have to wait 60 minutes!!! for the game to say "okay, no one is going to win this match, you lose".  And the "every advantage lies with the attacker" lolololololololol ........ wait, wait..... lolololololol. As the attacker all you know about the defender is the characters on their team. You have no way of seeing their equipment, mods, or any of the additions available in the game, so no the advantage is definitley not with the attacker.

13 июнь 2021, 15:5113.06.21

It's not about a participation trophy or half points, or whatever goofy reasons yall think are my reasons. It's about having to sit there for "1000 turns" or 60 minutes to say okay you lose. Trust me, if someone hasn't won or loss in 20 minutes, then no one is going to win. Why waste our time? If you're okay with the game making you wait 60 minutes or 1000 turns to declare a winner in a match, then you have waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too much time on your hands. Also, the picture wasn't posted to "prove" anything, it was just to show that no one was going to kill the other after 20 minutes and we shouldn't have to wait 60 minutes!!! for the game to say "okay, no one is going to win this match, you lose".  And the "every advantage lies with the attacker" lolololololololol ........ wait, wait..... lolololololol. As the attacker all you know about the defender is the characters on their team. You have no way of seeing their equipment, mods, or any of the additions available in the game, so no the advantage is definitley not with the attacker.

The advantage is with the attacker because you can choose affinity, champions, gear, ect. For example, immunity gear could be used for heavy debuff teams and speed gear for speed race teams. And there is a leave battle option you know!

13 июнь 2021, 21:4213.06.21

It's not about a participation trophy or half points, or whatever goofy reasons yall think are my reasons. It's about having to sit there for "1000 turns" or 60 minutes to say okay you lose. Trust me, if someone hasn't won or loss in 20 minutes, then no one is going to win. Why waste our time? If you're okay with the game making you wait 60 minutes or 1000 turns to declare a winner in a match, then you have waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too much time on your hands. Also, the picture wasn't posted to "prove" anything, it was just to show that no one was going to kill the other after 20 minutes and we shouldn't have to wait 60 minutes!!! for the game to say "okay, no one is going to win this match, you lose".  And the "every advantage lies with the attacker" lolololololololol ........ wait, wait..... lolololololol. As the attacker all you know about the defender is the characters on their team. You have no way of seeing their equipment, mods, or any of the additions available in the game, so no the advantage is definitley not with the attacker.

No-one is saying that you need to wait for 60 mins or 1000 turns.  Once you realise you cannot win, you just quit and move on.  It actually isn't that big of a deal, as you will end up doing thousands of arena matches over the course of your game time.  The occasional loss to a match like this really doesn't matter at all.

And yes, once you get more experience you will 100% be able to pick out the matches that you can win vs the matches you might not.  Getting more familiar with the champions of the game and the arena teams that are built will come naturally, and you will be able to tell which are speed nukes, go-second teams, defensive teams or teams built to just sustain and survive.  

Even getting your head around player power and what it impacts/doesn't impact has a dramatic increase in your arena win rate.  The attacker 100% has all of the advantage in arena, and once you get there you should have a win rate of >90%

14 июнь 2021, 13:0814.06.21

It's not about a participation trophy or half points, or whatever goofy reasons yall think are my reasons. It's about having to sit there for "1000 turns" or 60 minutes to say okay you lose. Trust me, if someone hasn't won or loss in 20 minutes, then no one is going to win. Why waste our time? If you're okay with the game making you wait 60 minutes or 1000 turns to declare a winner in a match, then you have waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too much time on your hands. Also, the picture wasn't posted to "prove" anything, it was just to show that no one was going to kill the other after 20 minutes and we shouldn't have to wait 60 minutes!!! for the game to say "okay, no one is going to win this match, you lose".  And the "every advantage lies with the attacker" lolololololololol ........ wait, wait..... lolololololol. As the attacker all you know about the defender is the characters on their team. You have no way of seeing their equipment, mods, or any of the additions available in the game, so no the advantage is definitley not with the attacker.

Nobody said you had to sit and wait for 1000 turns.  Just pick the leave battle option and accept you lost.

As everyone has said, and you not only chose to ignore but ridiculed them, you do have the advantage on attack.  You can adjust your team and the defender can't.  You can fight in manual mode and the defender can't.

14 июнь 2021, 13:2914.06.21
14 июнь 2021, 13:30(отредактировано)

It's not about a participation trophy or half points, or whatever goofy reasons yall think are my reasons. It's about having to sit there for "1000 turns" or 60 minutes to say okay you lose. Trust me, if someone hasn't won or loss in 20 minutes, then no one is going to win. Why waste our time? If you're okay with the game making you wait 60 minutes or 1000 turns to declare a winner in a match, then you have waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too much time on your hands. Also, the picture wasn't posted to "prove" anything, it was just to show that no one was going to kill the other after 20 minutes and we shouldn't have to wait 60 minutes!!! for the game to say "okay, no one is going to win this match, you lose".  And the "every advantage lies with the attacker" lolololololololol ........ wait, wait..... lolololololol. As the attacker all you know about the defender is the characters on their team. You have no way of seeing their equipment, mods, or any of the additions available in the game, so no the advantage is definitley not with the attacker.

YOU have the Option to sit, basically stupidly, and WAIT 



way before you sat there FOR 20 plus Minutes 

trying to ** WILL ** your hero to Finally beat a hero 

that apparently it can not beat 

P.S> YOU DONT HAVE TO WAIT ,,, Suck it up Cupcake,  take the LOSS ,,, 

You have the option to Quit the Fight ,,