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Which champion to lvl up next ?

Which champion to lvl up next ?

10 июнь 2021, 11:0110.06.21

Which champion to lvl up next ?

Hi eyervbody.

I am lvl 49 right now and i have 3 lvl 60:

Valkyrie, Zargala and Relickeeper, - i want to take out relickeeper as soon as possible, i already take him out if the affinity is not the best for him and use a lvl 50 instead because i havend invested in his masteries and also not booked.

But Valkyrie and Zargala should stay...

I think Valkyrie no need to talk about  .. she is in all of my Teams: 

Primary i need progress in Dungeons, at this moment the fight duration stage 14 is going on since 50 min+ because i dont have enough dmg with the setup for the Dungeon (the green one sry , ongoing fight a can not look up the name^^)

(Valkyrie 60 (shield counter attack), Norog 50 (his aura is used - DEF), Zargala 50 (heal...) , Kael 50 (dmg) , Frozen Banshee 50 (dmg)

I have the following 

Legendarys: ( i also have around 10 Books)

Norog, Saito, Grohak, Astralith

(i think i dont need anybody, Saito doesnt bring enough to the Table and needs to many books and Norog would be a second DEF) ?


already spent books:

Doompriest, Sanguina, Fayne, Sandlashed Survivor

no Books spend: 

Husk, Zelotah, Steelskull, Ursine


all Starters, already investet in Kael, Apothecary, Warmaiden and Frozen Banshee

I think i should use a DMG Dealer maybe Kael or Husk because of his dmg is based on enemy max hp? i missed one of them has hp burn witch could also be good. or should i go with a supporter next just to better keep my team alive like apothecary or Sanguina or Doompriest.

I would like to have help witch one to choose as next lvl 60 or maybe the next two :=)

Thanks in advance!

10 июнь 2021, 12:1710.06.21
10 июнь 2021, 12:18(отредактировано)

Maybe you should tell us what dungeon we are talking about? You definetly don't want to use the same team on every dungeon, they require different abilities from your champions to success.

Is "the green one" the Spirit Keep? The fight definetly shouldn't go on 50 minutes on stage 14. The boss heals by 50% every turn, so you want heal reduction in this place. The dungeon boss can further put block debuffs on herself, so you need buff removing or stealing to place your heal reduction. Rares that would fit better than all your high end legendaries in this dungeon would be: Renegade (100% heal reduction on A1) and Metalshaper (buff stealing on A1, maybe you want to have a booked Metalshaper for the Scarab King in Doomtower anyway).

10 июнь 2021, 13:1210.06.21
10 июнь 2021, 14:09(отредактировано)

Skadi is right with what he/she is writing. Different requests, different champs.

What about Steelskull? He applies a 60% Def Buff to all allies which helps increasing Valk's shield. Good all around sup champ imho. I still use him at UNMCB as sup and poisoner.

18 июнь 2021, 13:0518.06.21
18 июнь 2021, 13:09(отредактировано)

Hey thanks a lot for the help. 

I thought about it and i made my decision on Saito because he really bursts everywhere in the game , for sure best on single target but his a3 can kill a whole pvp team what is also very nice.

I saw a impressive video with a combination of apothecary and reliquiar tender so i maxed them to 60 and so i need even more dmg with all this supporters and valkyrie.

my team taht can now beat some dungeons (except spiders) on lvl 20 (and really crappy gear.. thats my main problem because i am playing only 1 month or so) is:

My lvl 60 Team atm:

Apothecary  he goes first 

Valkyrie (she goes next)

Zargala , Saito and Kael

sometimes i put out a DD and put Reliquary Tender in if i just need to survive longer.

Next i think now really will be Steelskull and Sandlashed Survivor (for extending all that cool buffs)

I thaugt about putting togeather a really low dmg but long living (i hope) team togeather that could be

Norog (def aura and passive -15%dmg for all ally, he also has block buffs) 

Valk (shield and counter)

Steelskull (poison a1, heal and INC DEF) -> makes Valks Shields even better but he must come before her...

Apo (Speed, heal...)

Reliquary Tender  (Rezz if needed, heal, DEC ATK on boss on a1)

man i have to put someone out of this team :=) there is no real dmg dealer i  would also like to put in 

Damn i have no more spots :=) 

I could tanke in all my nice epics who dmg is based on defense and have cool skills like sandlashed or paydma with dec att an all enemys and 2 aoe attacks and a really cool kit as well

but who to take out of this great surviving defense team ? maybe norog because his aura only affects the base defense and steelskulls buff is more powerfull, but sometimes buff run out so only sandlashed could do the job to always keep them up or maybe a crazy speed 

so again very hard choise who to level up next... :=)

oh i forgot to mention Rugnor Goldgleam , but he is atk based .. and another shield dont think that stacks up, or does anybody know ?

20 июнь 2021, 01:3120.06.21

I would recommend abandoning this game and finding a good game as you obviously have beaten this game with Valk and Zarg.   If you are not downing all end game content, then the problem is you.