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New Progress Mission Complaint Thread

New Progress Mission Complaint Thread

9 июнь 2021, 15:3609.06.21

New Progress Mission Complaint Thread

Now that bots are back, and Arbiter is free for everyone :) we can turn our attention to the unfair Ramantu missions!

  • I am at 353/460 almost done with 20k tournament points.  Next mission is to beat the boss on 100 Normal DT (not retroactive!) which I've obviously done every month... minor annoyance since it would be nice to get to the next event point mission sooner rather than in a week
  • But wait, all these missions ahead I have completed! Not fair...
  • Summon Gomlok (ouch) is in the middle of page 2 and will be next stopping point -- figure January 2022 lol.  Was this intentional or did the order of the champs get changed?
  • Tag Arena... good luck F2P and/or newer players.  I am hoping Lydia will give me a 2nd team and I can figure out a way to cheese my way to Gold over the next 6 months even if just for 1 week lol.  TBH I onlyhave 1 decent team, 1 ok team, and team 3 is crap.  So this one is mostly lack of attention as Tag is just too time consuming.  That and all my champs are too slow :)

For those of you planning to try and do these missions, a couple suggestions:

  • Hoard 5* + glyphs
  • Hoard forge charms
  • Tag Arena (DM me if you know how to cheese your way up, I have no clue as I am stuck in S3)

9 июнь 2021, 15:4109.06.21

By far the biggest complaint I have with 3v3 is just that it takes sooooo long to go through. A single match takes me around 10 minutes to complete. I don't have the patience for that.

9 июнь 2021, 15:4209.06.21

That tag arena mission... At this point I'm not sure if Plarium are sadistic, masochistic or just completely tone deaf. Possibly all of the above.

9 июнь 2021, 15:5209.06.21
9 июнь 2021, 15:54(отредактировано)

I will also get stuck at Gomlock mission since I don't really build champions just for secret rooms in doom tower. But now I have to do it. I am only half way at Urost fragments lol. 

Gomlock mission is not really a problem. It will take time but doable as long as you can do at least one secret room eventually you will summon Gomlock. 

3v3 is going to be a problem for most players. 

By the way, who are your teams in 3v3?

9 июнь 2021, 15:5409.06.21

By far the biggest complaint I have with 3v3 is just that it takes sooooo long to go through. A single match takes me around 10 minutes to complete. I don't have the patience for that.

I usually quit right away if a match will be over 3 mins. Lol 

9 июнь 2021, 16:0109.06.21

I have two 3v3 teams, with the third one basically just being stragglers from amongst the best I can choose from.

My main 3v3 team is Arbiter, Kymar, Nethril, Big'Un - although once I properly speed tune Serris, I'll be morphing that to Arbiter, Kymar, Serris, [proper affinity nuker between Big'Un, Nethril, and Abbess]

Second team is Rhazin, MM, Brago - haven't thought of a 4th yet for that team, right now it sorta floats between different options

9 июнь 2021, 16:0309.06.21

I will also get stuck at Gomlock mission since I don't really build champions just for secret rooms in doom tower. But now I have to do it. I am only half way at Urost fragments lol. 

Gomlock mission is not really a problem. It will take time but doable as long as you can do at least one secret room eventually you will summon Gomlock. 

3v3 is going to be a problem for most players. 

By the way, who are your teams in 3v3?

I have <10 Urost fragments I think 5 lol

3v3 Teams:

Team 1: Warlord (Ignatius/or MM) Skullcrusher Duchess - enough resistance to win in silver and I think teams quit battle if they don't have a good round 1 even if they could win eventually

Team 2: Arbiter Serris Astralon (4th I switch up)

Team 3: Random Crap, current crap Lord Shaz Seeker Gorgorab Stag Knight lol 

I plan to build team 3 next week around Lydia, suggestions?

9 июнь 2021, 16:2209.06.21

I have <10 Urost fragments I think 5 lol

3v3 Teams:

Team 1: Warlord (Ignatius/or MM) Skullcrusher Duchess - enough resistance to win in silver and I think teams quit battle if they don't have a good round 1 even if they could win eventually

Team 2: Arbiter Serris Astralon (4th I switch up)

Team 3: Random Crap, current crap Lord Shaz Seeker Gorgorab Stag Knight lol 

I plan to build team 3 next week around Lydia, suggestions?

I can see that you are on the right track on building your team. 

If I have your champions, I might try these team

Arbiter Warlord Serris Astralon

Shazar Seeker Lydia and Force / Magic Nuker

If you have Rector Drath and Vogoth, those are nice champions that can go with your Duchess plus 1 nuker like Candraphon or Rotos

9 июнь 2021, 16:4609.06.21

I have vogoth at 60, rector at 50 (good enough for FW). No rotos or candraphon.  I've got naked 50s Robar, Nethril, Bystophous (x2), Ruel, Skullcrown, Longbeard, ...

I have a 2nd Serris at 60 I was planning on using

And I need to find a spot for Yoshi! 

9 июнь 2021, 17:0509.06.21

Do  you  have  a  Sinesha  or  Skartorsis?  Because  Longbeard  is  definitely  the  best  Ally-Attacker  for  a  blender  set-up  with  Skullcrown.

And  I  thought  they  were  making  the  Glyph  mission  retroactive  :(

9 июнь 2021, 18:2509.06.21

Do  you  have  a  Sinesha  or  Skartorsis?  Because  Longbeard  is  definitely  the  best  Ally-Attacker  for  a  blender  set-up  with  Skullcrown.

And  I  thought  they  were  making  the  Glyph  mission  retroactive  :(

No Sinesha or Skartorsis.

Where did you see the Glyph missions becoming retroactive? The next one I have is 30 maxed, which rng (Is it 20% chance?) willing I may have enough now then I have 6 months until I will need to do 40 more with Gomlok summon sandwiched between... lol

9 июнь 2021, 19:0009.06.21

I would be *very* surprised if they were retroactive.

9 июнь 2021, 19:2109.06.21

Simple solution: stop thinking about it, lol. (Since P would not listen to non-whales players)

It's normal when you don't have him till you quit.


Things take multiple months/years to complete + Things require you master the game to achive

=>it has little use when you have it. 

9 июнь 2021, 21:0609.06.21

wait -i will eventually have to take tag team seriously?

9 июнь 2021, 21:1509.06.21
Trevor Wilson

wait -i will eventually have to take tag team seriously?

at least we have auto battle in Tag team arena :)

10 июнь 2021, 03:2310.06.21

I  thought  on  a  patch  they  said  they  were  changing  it  to  be  retroactive,  because  it  was  meant  to  be  in  the  first  place.  I  guess  not.

10 июнь 2021, 04:5510.06.21
10 июнь 2021, 04:56(отредактировано)

I  don't   even  have  Thea  the  Tomb  Angel.


Oh,  Man

This  is  really  sad

I  haven't  done  the  math,  but  Trip  said  it  should  take  him  til  Jan  2022.

Trips  is  currently  working  on  Urost.

I  guess  I  should  add  another  year  to  my  total.

Jan  2023  for  me  I  suppose.

By  the  time  I  reach  the  hero  in  the  Doom  Tower,  Power  Creep  in  the  game  would  have  made  him  useless.

10 июнь 2021, 15:1710.06.21

How are you guys getting through the Level 10 Great Hall missions so fast - these are always the road-block for me.

Each one is like 5000 gold badges and they just jumped right to 3 x Lvl 10 great hall from the 1 in the Arbiter line.  Even winning 5-10 matches a day in Gold IV, it will take me until sometime next year :(.

Do you all just de-level to G1 and then run back up to GIV every week?

10 июнь 2021, 15:2610.06.21

How are you guys getting through the Level 10 Great Hall missions so fast - these are always the road-block for me.

Each one is like 5000 gold badges and they just jumped right to 3 x Lvl 10 great hall from the 1 in the Arbiter line.  Even winning 5-10 matches a day in Gold IV, it will take me until sometime next year :(.

Do you all just de-level to G1 and then run back up to GIV every week?

I had the GH level 10s before the missions were introduced.  I've been in G4 for a year, my GH would make you cry lol and I am not close to having it maxed.

Not sure why deranking to G1 would ever make sense.  You get more medals in G4.  Have you been spreading medals across everything?  Or upgrading 1 at a time to 10?

10 июнь 2021, 20:0110.06.21

I had the GH level 10s before the missions were introduced.  I've been in G4 for a year, my GH would make you cry lol and I am not close to having it maxed.

Not sure why deranking to G1 would ever make sense.  You get more medals in G4.  Have you been spreading medals across everything?  Or upgrading 1 at a time to 10?

Before the missions I was spreading (I got everything to about lvl 3-4), but now I feel like I have to focus on getting them to 10 one at a time.  

I have de-leveled to G1 and shot back up to G4 a few times (its what a lot in the guild do) - it works because the matches go much faster and they are mostly wins.   I hate it though - it feels like work and kind of a broken system.  I'm pretty successful in G4 so I get your point - the problem is some the matches just take a long time (and are taking longer and longer) - so even running 10 matches a day isn't so fast anymore.

10 июнь 2021, 20:3310.06.21

I'm finding the exact opposite tbh. With custom AI I'm able to start 90% of fights on full auto, and just burn through my daily medals in like 5 minutes (not five consecutive minutes, of course - refreshing every 15 minutes for the free refresh over the course of the day).