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Not sure what is going on with arena

Not sure what is going on with arena

8 июнь 2021, 06:3508.06.21

Not sure what is going on with arena

Or  actually,  I  do  know.  Even  Gold  is  packed  with  fake  accounts,  which  makes  it  easy  for  me  to  turn  back  to  gold  (gold  III  now).   of  course  it  feels  good, but  is  this  the  only  solution  Plarium  can  come  up  with?  

I  feel  like  a  yoyo,  going  up  and  down.  This  is  not  competing  anymore,  it's  a  shameful  maskerade.  

Arena  is  more  difficult  now  than  it  ever  has  been  before.   However  I  saw  people  making  suggestions  in  other  threads,  as  if  I  am  able  to  put  300+  speed  to  a  champ,  just  like  that.  The  missions  though  are  still  the  same  and  I  can  only  do  those  when  I  naturally  get  to  Gold.  Since  when  I  get  stuck,  it  simply  means  that  I  have  a  more  difficult  time  in  dungeons  and  especially  in  missions

However  I  would  like  Plarium  to  come  up  with  a  better  solution  than  bot  teams.  Since  how  long  are  they  going  to  last?  I  can probably reach  gold  IV now,  but  I  rather  hit  gold  I  with  a  better  solution  to  this  problem.  Something  should  be  done  to  the  counting-system  itself

8 июнь 2021, 08:3408.06.21

Thank you for the feedback, many solutions have been suggested by players and content creators, and big number of them are under consideration by the dev team . One of which is having more arena tiers especially in higher echelons ( plat for example ) to help spread out the players over wider groups. It's not confirmed yet but it's one of many suggestions that are under consideration. Feel free to propose any solution you think is a good fit and we'll forward it as well if it hasn't been before. 

8 июнь 2021, 09:3108.06.21
Rufus Shinra

Thank you for the feedback, many solutions have been suggested by players and content creators, and big number of them are under consideration by the dev team . One of which is having more arena tiers especially in higher echelons ( plat for example ) to help spread out the players over wider groups. It's not confirmed yet but it's one of many suggestions that are under consideration. Feel free to propose any solution you think is a good fit and we'll forward it as well if it hasn't been before. 

While i understand the viewpoint of the OP and agree more tiers is a good solution - that would have to be tiers ABOVE gold four in order to not inflate the difficulty of the arbiter mission even more

The current system is better than a month ago.

8 июнь 2021, 10:1308.06.21
8 июнь 2021, 10:35(отредактировано)

I'm not sure how much additional tiers would actually help. How far people are able to advance will always be dependent on the net change of arena points in the system. What additional tiers might do is reduce the point loss at the reset, particularly in G4 where the biggest drops will occur, but I don't know how many people are in G4 and how many of them make an effort to gain more arena points than they need to stay in G4 since platinum is basically a small whale playground that most people have no reason to try for. End of the day though, unless you have a net positive arena point change, there will always be people at the bottom no matter how long they've played or what teams they have, and that's not a great situation when we're talking about a feature that is important for your overall progress.

Regardless, if the goal is just to push people up, then bots/whatever is a perfectly fine solution, since they'll increase the generation of arena points. Is it satisfying to play? No, not really, but then I haven't felt any sort of satisfaction from playing the arena since my first month when there was some actual variety in teams (mostly on account of no one really knowing what they were doing, I suspect), before everything devolved into a speed race. In that sense, being able to progress while also not having to expend an effort in the arena is great. I've actually been using all my tokens recently. In addition, like I've said elsewhere, it's an enormous relief to escape from the power-based matchmaking system of bronze/silver which lets me do things elsewhere without getting punished for it. Still, the relief is somewhat blunted by that fear that at any point they might "fix" the arena again and I'll be screwed if I slip down to S4 again.

Actually fixing the arena to be something other than a comparison between luck on speed rolls for the most part would require a lot more work. If they aren't willing to do that, and I have seen nothing to indicate that they are, then making the arena something that people can for the most part ignore (with these supposed bots for example) is for the better. Having a feature that is irrelevant is far preferable to having a feature that is just frustrating. 

8 июнь 2021, 10:3408.06.21

I'm not sure how much additional tiers would actually help. How far people are able to advance will always be dependent on the net change of arena points in the system. What additional tiers might do is reduce the point loss at the reset, particularly in G4 where the biggest drops will occur, but I don't know how many people are in G4 and how many of them make an effort to gain more arena points than they need to stay in G4 since platinum is basically a small whale playground that most people have no reason to try for. End of the day though, unless you have a net positive arena point change, there will always be people at the bottom no matter how long they've played or what teams they have, and that's not a great situation when we're talking about a feature that is important for your overall progress.

Regardless, if the goal is just to push people up, then bots/whatever is a perfectly fine solution, since they'll increase the generation of arena points. Is it satisfying to play? No, not really, but then I haven't felt any sort of satisfaction from playing the arena since my first month when there was some actual variety in teams (mostly on account of no one really knowing what they were doing, I suspect), before everything devolved into a speed race. In that sense, being able to progress while also not having to expend an effort in the arena is great. I've actually been using all my tokens recently. In addition, like I've said elsewhere, it's an enormous relief to escape from the power-based matchmaking system of bronze/silver which lets me do things elsewhere without getting punished for it. Still, the relief is somewhat blunted by that fear that at any point they might "fix" the arena again and I'll be screwed if I slip down to S4 again.

Actually fixing the arena to be something other than a comparison between luck on speed rolls for the most part would require a lot more work. If they aren't willing to do that, and I have seen nothing to indicate that they are, then making the arena something that people can for the most part ignore (with these supposed bots for example) is for the better. Having a feature that is irrelevant is far preferable to having a feature that is just frustrating. 

Very well said.

8 июнь 2021, 12:2908.06.21


the best customer/complaint complaint system is a garbage bin, after you solve a problem, all other asking for more after that should go to garbage bin for the sake of coders, testers and other users. 

2 июль 2021, 20:1302.07.21
2 июль 2021, 20:13(отредактировано)

Solutions  might  also  lie  in  changing  everything  where  arena  has  an  effect  on,  like  the  hall  and  the  missions