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Why so serious? About 12th Plarium Anniversary Tournament...

Why so serious? About 12th Plarium Anniversary Tournament...

2 июнь 2021, 14:3502.06.21

Why so serious? About 12th Plarium Anniversary Tournament...

Hi! Greatings from Argentina!

Im an early (reaching mid?) game player, with almost 4 months in this game. I started last december but i stop playing a couple of months in between.

Im not a F2P player, but really far far to be consider a whale (a krill maybe?)...

The point is, why is everyone complaining about this tournament?

In december was Santa´s tournament, after that we recived nice gifts for new year.

In March (At Raid Aniversary) i wasnt playing but there where cool free stuff too.

So... again... why so serius?

Free Draco.... really? Lets think a little, if every time there is an special date, they give us a top tier champion... how long will u play until u get bored because u have no challenge in this game...

Must be a balance, its necessary.

Of course, the initial picture showing Fayne and Draco, and with Santa´s tournamente precendent, and some streamers (not all of them) spreading this "FREE DRACO" idea, increasing the entusiasm... we expect something else. By the way, everyone asume than an "anniversary" event should be considered more important that chrismast one for Plarium, so better rewards (maybe not a Draco itself, but something at least) ... I´ll give u that.

Please dont missunderstand me, i was expected a free Draco too, or at least an easiest way to get it.

But being realistic, like i said, that wasnt suposed to happen. Maybe if the common points gift (and local tournaments rewards) were been better or easier to reach than usual, people wont be so mad right now. Because there is a truth: Is an ANNIVERSARY event, should be something ... "special"?

 Anyway... Anniversary date is in four days, so we can expect some nice rewards from Plarium, even if u are or not sattisfied with this Draco´s torunament.

Just an opinion, good luck to all!

Have fun!

2 июнь 2021, 15:4802.06.21

I am fairly certain that only a single person receives the Draco reward - the person at the top of the global results.

2 июнь 2021, 15:5102.06.21

Isn't it top 3? Either way, 1% getting an epic and 3 people getting a legendary is nothing to write home about, especially since the people getting it are probably the ones who need it least.

2 июнь 2021, 15:5402.06.21

Why so serious?

Why play at all?

2 июнь 2021, 16:4702.06.21

I am certain that the one who will get Draco already have Draco. 

All players compete top 1 Global are whales, they need pride not prizes. 

2 июнь 2021, 16:5602.06.21

For you sake, stop looking at Top Global competition, stop tapping on Global leaderboard.

Have you ever imagined how people compete top 1 global Champion Chase Tournament ? 

P/S: it reminded me how top 1 Samurai Siege made a video guide how to compete tournament, lmao, everyone then said F!!!!, no strategy at all, he bought all dragons and burn all opponents in seconds, every match. 

2 июнь 2021, 20:4102.06.21

The 12th anniversary tournament is a joke.  Piece of shit actually - right up Plarium's way of trying to weasel more money out of the players while adding no value to the people who will win the prizes.

2 июнь 2021, 21:2102.06.21

The 12th anniversary tournament is a joke.  Piece of shit actually - right up Plarium's way of trying to weasel more money out of the players while adding no value to the people who will win the prizes.

Hello,  swearing is against the  ToS.