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Dhukk and Uugo

Dhukk and Uugo

1 июнь 2021, 17:0201.06.21

Dhukk and Uugo

So  i  have  both  these  champs  and  obviosly  both  are  excellent.    In  5  man  situations  given  thier  def  down  overlap  is  it  viable  to  run  them  together  or  am  i  better  off  looking  for  a  different  aoe   attack  down  champ  on  my  roster  (i  have  spider)  that  provides  additional  utility,  assuming  dhukks  provoke would  not  be  missed?

i  understand  spider   and  dhukk  have  different  mechanics  on  their  aoe  attack  down.

Admittedly  i  still  am  learning  about synergy  and  may  be  undervaluing  dhukk  as  a  tank,  but  on  the  surface  it  just  seems  the  best  option  is  uugo/spider  given  spider  brings  buff  removal  and  weaken.

1 июнь 2021, 17:5701.06.21

I'm not completely sure what your question is. Is it: 1) Run Dhukk and Uugo vs 2) Dhukk and Spider vs 3) Uugo and Spider?

If so, I would base it on how your rest of your team is, but I think you can safely drop Uugo. Uugo is ATK based vs Dhukk being DEF based, which makes Dhukk easier to gear for. He also brings both ATK and DEF down, which is super valuable. I don't really know if you need Spider either. She brings Weaken, which is nice, but you might be better off with other champs that have more powerful AOE attacks.

A lot depends on what the rest of your team is, though.

1 июнь 2021, 18:2901.06.21

sorry  for  the  confusion..i  was  really  just  wondering  about  Uugo.    She  seems  to  have  a  really  good  kit  for  managing  debuffs  with  the  added  bonus  of  healing,  leach  and  aoe  def  down...She  feels  like  someone  that  could  be  a  good  cornerstone  for  a  dungeon  team..c

1 июнь 2021, 18:4701.06.21

Don't get me wrong, Uugo is quite good. I just feel you can probably do better with others. But a lot depends on where you are in progression, and what the rest of your team comp is.

Personally, I find that I don't need any debuff prevention because the other team never gets a chance to put debuffs. Same deal for healing. Hence why I wouldn't run Uugo. But your situation may well be different.

1 июнь 2021, 19:0901.06.21
1 июнь 2021, 19:09(отредактировано)

Understood.    I  am  mostly  looking  at  dungeon  boss  progression  depending  on  the  boss  level  13  and  beyond

1 июнь 2021, 19:5801.06.21

Honestly, if you're that early, you might find it's worth using Uugo yeah. But you'd probably be better served by posting a screenshot of your current champions. Perhaps we can find a more efficient team comp for you.

1 июнь 2021, 20:0401.06.21

All of them have their ups and downs. Uugo's heal and cleanse will be invaluable while you're making the climb to stages 20+. Eventually, you'll stop needing that and will likely want to replace her, but that's still a good ways off. Spider offers atk down, def down, and weaken by himself, but since two of them have a chance not to proc even when fully tomed, he's a bit unreliable and not the best choice if you need the atk down. His buff removal won't be particularly helpful either, at least against the bosses. His aura, however, is amazing (assuming you don't have a better option among your other champs). Dhukk does offer a reliable atk down, but not much else. His a1 and a3 are situational at best and his def down relies on a critical hit, so he'll be nerfed particularly hard against any force levels. Like kram said, he will be easier to gear than the others since his damage is based off defense, but none of them will be a significant source of damage. Uugo and spider are both support champs and dhukk's multipliers are garbage. As to which would be the best options, it's hard for me to say without seeing the rest of your roster.

1 июнь 2021, 21:3901.06.21
1 июнь 2021, 21:43(отредактировано)






1 июнь 2021, 22:3501.06.21

Oh man, you have Sicia. She's a beast. I'd probably try building teams centered around her. Apoth works nicely as a speed booster and healer, at least until you get someone more useful. Dhukk works well on that team too, for DEF down and ATK down. The remaining pieces would be best filled by a good single-target nuker and another TM control person. I think I see Inquisitor Shamael in your list? He's fantastic. I believe I see Mordecai too? I think that should round out your team nicely.

Dhukk will handle most of the debuffs and hopefully tank some of the more annoying enemies. Sicia is your main AOE damage dealer, with two AOE damage attacks and an extra turn on her A3. Apoth will speed up your team and handle any healing necessary. Inquisitor Shamael and Mordecai should be good enough for single target nukers.

1 июнь 2021, 22:4901.06.21

You already have Dhukk to 60 so you might want to hold off on Uugo for now.  Of those champs, I like Uugo the best and think she'd be the most valuable overall (she's great in the doom tower... no counterattack with a massive shield for you Valkyrie!).  Since you probably are not one-shotting the waves, I suspect she'd be more valuable for progression.  I think she's by far the best in the arena.  All that being said, you already have Dhukk leveled so you might want to hold off for a bit.

1 июнь 2021, 22:5301.06.21

Hmm,  I  wonder  who  Trips  would  say...

1 июнь 2021, 23:1101.06.21

Thanks  for  the  advice.    I  have  been  running  sicia,  dhukk,  apoth,  kael ,  and  coldheart  in  most  of  my  dungeons.     But  i  kind  of  feel  plateued  and  while  i  know  some  of  it  is  gear  indo  have  some  decent  champs  on  my  bench...mm,  toragi,  Uugo,  rugnor,  modecai,  i  just  struggle  who  will  be  the  most  impactful  as  a  current  replacement 

1 июнь 2021, 23:1901.06.21

with your current lineup, i wouldn't bother with either spider or uugo. You already have fu-shan for an aura, so spider loses his biggest value and the rest of his kit isn't worth the resources it would cost atm. Uugo is definitely worth building eventually (AoE block buffs is a lifesaver), but with dhukk already at 60 it makes more sense to stick with him. You could build her as tanky as possible and use her as a reviver if you find yourself needing one, but i'd wait and see if it's necessary first.

With your current champions, at least for dragon and ice golem, i'd look at using something like fu-shan (aura/nuke/CC), dhukk (debuff/CC), mausoleum mage (primary heal/cleanser), apothecary (tm/secondary heal), and sicia (nuke/debuff. Depending on the situation, you could also look at fayne or shamael for better single target damage or harvest jack for more CC.