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My main account was auto-banned for no reason again?

My main account was auto-banned for no reason again?

30 май 2021, 23:4530.05.21

My main account was auto-banned for no reason again?

I am Jakomaru. A few minutes ago I attempted to post a forum thread and my account was banned for "spamming"...

Only if making a forum post is considered spam, then everyone should be banned and these forums should not exist.


I am posting this here because the last time this happened I explained this in a report to Plarium and they responded after my ban was over. I need to get unbanned right NOW. Like right this very second, so that I can re-make my thread...

If this doesn't work i'll make a support ticket. Honestly my faith in the support system is so low that I feel it might as well not exist in the first place.

I'll post a couple of images showing the thread that I posted, but disappeared after I posted it because my account was banned.

Then again if I show it now is there any point in making it again later? Will the thread come back when my account is unbanned? I wonder if this account will get banned if I make the same thread here?

Look, just unban my account, put 10k gems into it; we'll call it even. Make my account immune to being banned. If I was going to spam I would have done it by now. Just put me on the whitelist.



30 май 2021, 23:5430.05.21

I guess now I know why that matter never got talked about in this forum...

31 май 2021, 00:5531.05.21

Getting ban in this forum is different from getting ban in the game. I always get ban here for spamming lol which I don't do. Last time, I was ban for a year lol. 

The best you can do is to msg a mod to unban you. You can msg a mod even if your account was ban. 

31 май 2021, 01:3431.05.21

Your  previous post  promoted  Cheating.

Your  current  post  has  massive  Curse  Words.

Your  current  post  has  Sexuality  Explicit  Statements.

As  far  as  I  am  concerned,  you  should  be  ban  on  all  your  accounts.

You  should  be  ban  for  multiple  counts  of  forum  rule  violations.

The  punishment for  forum  rule  violation  is  more  severe  vs.  Spam  violation.

Teenagers  play  this  game.

Teenagers  shouldn't  come  to  forum  to  see  the  filth  you  write.

You  should  be  ashamed of  yourself.

Do  you  honestly think  the  things  you  have  said  are  going  to  help  you  get  unban?

Do  you  know  how  ludicrous you  are  being?

Image  running  a  Red  Light.

A  Police  Officer  stops  you  to  give  you  a  Ticket.

Then  you  decide  to  get  out  the  car  and  fight  with  the Officer  till  he  undoes  the  ticket.

Do  you  honestly think  that  approach  will  help  you?

It  never  works.

What  ends  up  happening is  you  still  have  the  ticket  +  you  recieve  jail  time.

31 май 2021, 01:3831.05.21
31 май 2021, 01:57(отредактировано)

The  algorithm used  for  auto  bans  learns  and  bans  keywords.  My  guess  is  it  learned  to  ban  the  excessive  use  of  the  words  in  the  title  and  the  words  CE  written  out. 

If  I  were  you  I  would  also  remove  the  rant.  It  breaks  pretty  much  every  rule  of  the  forums,  and  it  will  get  removed  regardless.  

I  don't  think  your  previous  post  is  promoting  cheating,  but  trying  to  start  a  discussion on  the  topic.  

Most,  if  not  all,  community  managers  and  mods  take  the  weekend  off.  I'll  send  this  to  Oracle,  he'll  be  back  in  the  office  tomorrow(Monday)

31 май 2021, 01:5631.05.21
Player J

Your  previous post  promoted  Cheating.

Your  current  post  has  massive  Curse  Words.

Your  current  post  has  Sexuality  Explicit  Statements.

As  far  as  I  am  concerned,  you  should  be  ban  on  all  your  accounts.

You  should  be  ban  for  multiple  counts  of  forum  rule  violations.

The  punishment for  forum  rule  violation  is  more  severe  vs.  Spam  violation.

Teenagers  play  this  game.

Teenagers  shouldn't  come  to  forum  to  see  the  filth  you  write.

You  should  be  ashamed of  yourself.

Do  you  honestly think  the  things  you  have  said  are  going  to  help  you  get  unban?

Do  you  know  how  ludicrous you  are  being?

Image  running  a  Red  Light.

A  Police  Officer  stops  you  to  give  you  a  Ticket.

Then  you  decide  to  get  out  the  car  and  fight  with  the Officer  till  he  undoes  the  ticket.

Do  you  honestly think  that  approach  will  help  you?

It  never  works.

What  ends  up  happening is  you  still  have  the  ticket  +  you  recieve  jail  time.

Your  previous post  promoted  Cheating.

prove it. i only asked for opinions and explained things in my thread. i did not promote any cheating at all.

Your  current  post  has  massive  Curse  Words.
Your  current  post  has  Sexuality  Explicit  Statements. 


As  far  as  I  am  concerned,  you  should  be  ban  on  all  your  accounts.
You  should  be  ban  for  multiple  counts  of  forum  rule  violations.
The  punishment for  forum  rule  violation  is  more  severe  vs.  Spam  violation. 

and where are these rules? i looked around for a while. didn't see any rules. post the link to these rules and i will check them for myself.

Teenagers  play  this  game.
Teenagers  shouldn't  come  to  forum  to  see  the  filth  you  write.
You  should  be  ashamed of  yourself.

that is none of my concern.

Do  you  honestly think  the  things  you  have  said  are  going  to  help  you  get  unban?
Do  you  know  how  ludicrous you  are  being? 

to be honest, i'm not entirely sure if it will help get my main unbanned, but damn did it help me vent.

Image  running  a  Red  Light.
A  Police  Officer  stops  you  to  give  you  a  Ticket.
Then  you  decide  to  get  out  the  car  and  fight  with  the Officer  till  he  undoes  the  ticket.
Do  you  honestly think  that  approach  will  help  you? 

false equivalence. if i run a red light i will own up to my actions. if i am stopped at the red light and some asshole gives me a ticket for running the red light that i am clearly stopped at, you can bet i'm going to do something about it. that is closer to this situation.

31 май 2021, 02:0331.05.21


31 май 2021, 02:0431.05.21
Your  previous post  promoted  Cheating.

prove it. i only asked for opinions and explained things in my thread. i did not promote any cheating at all.

Your  current  post  has  massive  Curse  Words.
Your  current  post  has  Sexuality  Explicit  Statements. 


As  far  as  I  am  concerned,  you  should  be  ban  on  all  your  accounts.
You  should  be  ban  for  multiple  counts  of  forum  rule  violations.
The  punishment for  forum  rule  violation  is  more  severe  vs.  Spam  violation. 

and where are these rules? i looked around for a while. didn't see any rules. post the link to these rules and i will check them for myself.

Teenagers  play  this  game.
Teenagers  shouldn't  come  to  forum  to  see  the  filth  you  write.
You  should  be  ashamed of  yourself.

that is none of my concern.

Do  you  honestly think  the  things  you  have  said  are  going  to  help  you  get  unban?
Do  you  know  how  ludicrous you  are  being? 

to be honest, i'm not entirely sure if it will help get my main unbanned, but damn did it help me vent.

Image  running  a  Red  Light.
A  Police  Officer  stops  you  to  give  you  a  Ticket.
Then  you  decide  to  get  out  the  car  and  fight  with  the Officer  till  he  undoes  the  ticket.
Do  you  honestly think  that  approach  will  help  you? 

false equivalence. if i run a red light i will own up to my actions. if i am stopped at the red light and some asshole gives me a ticket for running the red light that i am clearly stopped at, you can bet i'm going to do something about it. that is closer to this situation.


Here  are  the  official  rules.  

And  I  would  like  to  remind  you  that  this  is  a  community,  it  should  be  of  your  concern  when  posting ...  spicy  language  like  that.  The  minimum  age  requirement  to  play  Raid  and  use  the  forums  is  13  years  old,  they  don't  need  to  be  exposed  to  that  anymore  than  they  already  are.  

31 май 2021, 02:1231.05.21
31 май 2021, 02:13(отредактировано)

Sorry,  one  last  comment.  It  appears  as  if  THIS  thread  breaks  the  forum  rules.  

3.15 Create posts discussing forum moderation decisions, such as banning, closing forum threads, deleting forum posts / threads, etc. This also includes publicly sharing any private messages from Community Administrators or Moderators regarding disciplinary actions taken towards you. The discussion of forum/group moderation actions generally leads to inflaming the community and trolling Community Administrators and Moderators. As such, this type of discussion is strictly prohibited under the forum rules.

But,  since  it  may  have  been  an  auto-ban,  i'm  not  entirely  sure  if  it  counts  as  moderation  decisions.

31 май 2021, 02:2131.05.21

man you guys are right. it would be so awful for teenagers to see the bad language.

it would be almost as bad as if those kids were exposed to gambling or things that promote gambling. imagine if these poor kids were to be directly shown pack offers that are blatant scams and thievery. oh the horror.

they need to be protected from bad language at all costs. what on earth was i thinking? that i could possibly expose minors to things that could be potentially harmful to them for my own benefit? i should look to plarium's example. they would never expose kids to potentially harmful or addictive content for their own benefit. that's part of what these rules are for right?

i was wrong. i only ask that judgement be passed onto this account specifically, by someone who is not guilty of any of the same wrongdoings, or affiliated with a company that is guilty of any of the same wrongdoings.

31 май 2021, 02:2531.05.21

man you guys are right. it would be so awful for teenagers to see the bad language.

it would be almost as bad as if those kids were exposed to gambling or things that promote gambling. imagine if these poor kids were to be directly shown pack offers that are blatant scams and thievery. oh the horror.

they need to be protected from bad language at all costs. what on earth was i thinking? that i could possibly expose minors to things that could be potentially harmful to them for my own benefit? i should look to plarium's example. they would never expose kids to potentially harmful or addictive content for their own benefit. that's part of what these rules are for right?

i was wrong. i only ask that judgement be passed onto this account specifically, by someone who is not guilty of any of the same wrongdoings, or affiliated with a company that is guilty of any of the same wrongdoings.

Rules  are  rules.  

I'm  sorry  you  were  auto  banned.  But  if  you  refuse  to  follow  them  now  especially  since  I  linked  them  to  you,  even  though  they  are  pinned  and  easy  to  find  and  it's  every  users  responsibility  to  read  them, I  highly  doubt  the  decision  will  be  reversed.  

31 май 2021, 02:2931.05.21

Rules  are  rules.  

I'm  sorry  you  were  auto  banned.  But  if  you  refuse  to  follow  them  now  especially  since  I  linked  them  to  you,  even  though  they  are  pinned  and  easy  to  find  and  it's  every  users  responsibility  to  read  them, I  highly  doubt  the  decision  will  be  reversed.  

is it good enough to just apologize to whichever mod will read this thread and they can delete it after they unban my main, or should i just edit the thread and remove as much of the bad stuff as i can?

31 май 2021, 02:3031.05.21
31 май 2021, 02:38(отредактировано)

is it good enough to just apologize to whichever mod will read this thread and they can delete it after they unban my main, or should i just edit the thread and remove as much of the bad stuff as i can?

Just  removing  the  rant  should  be  fine,  I  don't  think  the  rest  of  this  post  breaks  the  rules  since  it  was  an  auto  ban  and  not  a  moderator  decision.

31 май 2021, 07:2331.05.21

Hi Jakomaru/Narth,

I am not sure who banned you here on the forums but I will try to look into it for you. 

I'll just point out that we do not censor and as far as I can see, your original post was a discussion topic bringing attention to the cheating subject. 

I will get back to you once I have more information.

31 май 2021, 08:1531.05.21

Hi Jakomaru, 

Your original account has been banned accidentally by a spam bot. The ban has now been lifted. Apologies for the inconvenience!

31 май 2021, 08:2531.05.21

The spam-bot auto-bans quite often without a reason. Wouldn't it be better if the bot wasn't able to ban by itself and only sets a mark that is controlled by moderator? I think the HI (Human Intelligence) does better decisions about bans than the AI.

31 май 2021, 08:3331.05.21

It's a double edged sword. If we would do that, a lot of spam and other breaking rules posts would go undetected until someone took action. 

The spam bot actually does a good job and catches lots of unwanted topics, but sadly it's still learning and in rare cases makes a mistake like this. Developers are actively improving on it so this happens less and less.

Thank you for your suggestion! 

31 май 2021, 10:3731.05.21


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