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The Arena post "fix"

The Arena post "fix"

25 май 2021, 18:1525.05.21

The Arena post "fix"

The "fix" has, at best, only moved the problem and me up one tier but the basic problem still remains, the low tiers are clogged with mostly fully tricked out legendary and epic defence teams that should not be in these low tiers. I'm a new player (2 months old) just in Bronze 2, I go up to just under the threshold for Bronze 3 but fall back overnight rdy for a repeat the next day, if I could sit and refresh every 12 min or if I had an endless supply of crystals it might be possible but I have other things to do. The Arena problem also means I'm still stuck on the Progress Mission stage that requires you to get to Silver 1. 

Suggestions (Possibly pointless, I know)...

Maybe tier restrictions for Defence Teams i.e. Bronze Tiers = Rare Champions only, Silver Tiers = Any team with one or more Epic Champions but no Legendary Champs, Gold Tiers = Any team with one or more Legendary Champions.

To add your  Defence Team to the combat listing for that day you have to fight the 5 Classic Arena matches from the Daily Quests, if they aren't completed then your Defence Team doesn't fight for that day.

Remove all Arena missions from Progress Missions as the Arena is currently a blocker on any progress with these. 

25 май 2021, 18:2425.05.21

I think the first suggestion is interesting, but I expect a bit too tricky to implement properly. It would be weird, for example, if your team would suddenly "upgrade" to Gold tier or "downgrade" to Bronze tier just by changing the champions.

The second one is sorta already in place with their removal of inactive teams. Changing the timer to go daily wouldn't really do much - I'd expect the active teams to be just as difficult to fight as those who haven't played in a few days.

And the last will never happen, as it would seriously reduce the incentive to actually advance in arena.

25 май 2021, 18:4125.05.21

I  suspect  an  easier  solution  might  be  to  just  add  more  tiers.

The  defence  team  should  only  drop  to  the  level  where  it's  appropriate  they  are,  and  if  they're  beaten  all  the  way  back  to  bronze  1,  there  should  maybe  be  more  high/mid-level  tiers  for  them  to  stop  at naturally  (assuming  your  standing  doesn't  decay  automatically)

25 май 2021, 18:5125.05.21

I  always  thought  a  Rarity  Restriction  should  be  implemented in  Arena.

I  would  do  the  Rarity  Restriction  Slightly  different vs.  OP  recommendation.

Bronze  Tier:  

Any  of  below  Rarity  heros  allowed:

-  Rare  

-  Uncommon

-  Common

Any  of  below  Rarity  heroes  forbidden:

-  Epic

-  Legendary

Silver  Tier:

Any  of  below  Rarity  heroes  allowed:

-  Epic

-  Rare  

-  Uncommon

-  Common

Any  of  below  Rarity  heroes  Forbidden:

-  Legendary

Gold  Tier:

All  Rarity  Types  Allowed


I  wanted  this  implemented because  I  get  tired  of  listening  to  noobs  complain  about  getting  beat  by  Leggo's  in  Bronze.

25 май 2021, 19:2425.05.21
Player J

I  always  thought  a  Rarity  Restriction  should  be  implemented in  Arena.

I  would  do  the  Rarity  Restriction  Slightly  different vs.  OP  recommendation.

Bronze  Tier:  

Any  of  below  Rarity  heros  allowed:

-  Rare  

-  Uncommon

-  Common

Any  of  below  Rarity  heroes  forbidden:

-  Epic

-  Legendary

Silver  Tier:

Any  of  below  Rarity  heroes  allowed:

-  Epic

-  Rare  

-  Uncommon

-  Common

Any  of  below  Rarity  heroes  Forbidden:

-  Legendary

Gold  Tier:

All  Rarity  Types  Allowed


I  wanted  this  implemented because  I  get  tired  of  listening  to  noobs  complain  about  getting  beat  by  Leggo's  in  Bronze.

Legos in bronze can be kinda good though. I could be very wrong, but I would assume they lack all books making them generally weaker as most rely on books for reduced CDs, and damage buffs. 

25 май 2021, 19:4725.05.21
Player J

I  always  thought  a  Rarity  Restriction  should  be  implemented in  Arena.

I  would  do  the  Rarity  Restriction  Slightly  different vs.  OP  recommendation.

Bronze  Tier:  

Any  of  below  Rarity  heros  allowed:

-  Rare  

-  Uncommon

-  Common

Any  of  below  Rarity  heroes  forbidden:

-  Epic

-  Legendary

Silver  Tier:

Any  of  below  Rarity  heroes  allowed:

-  Epic

-  Rare  

-  Uncommon

-  Common

Any  of  below  Rarity  heroes  Forbidden:

-  Legendary

Gold  Tier:

All  Rarity  Types  Allowed


I  wanted  this  implemented because  I  get  tired  of  listening  to  noobs  complain  about  getting  beat  by  Leggo's  in  Bronze.

Hey Sheldon

You almost showed some empathy, thanks for the reafirmation that you are indeed a robot 😀

25 май 2021, 19:4925.05.21

They just need more tiers past plat to stop forcing all the ex g4 players down

292 speed i lost 6 speed races on the trot...back to s4 i go...

26 май 2021, 12:4426.05.21

They dont seem to care about the majority of their customers hating the arena because it is so broken

26 май 2021, 14:0826.05.21

They dont seem to care about the majority of their customers hating the arena because it is so broken

They dont seem to care about the majority of their players customers hating the arena because it is so broken  working as intended .  They are fine with players quitting or becoming customers (even if only briefly).  

They are laughing at us all the way to the bank because we think arena has gotten so hard it is "broken".  Many f2p are quitting, some are spending $$$ becoming actual customers, and the analysts see increased revenue from the existing customers.  

Plarium will consider arena too hard, not because it once required a 250 speed gorgorab to get G4 but now a 300+ Arbiter, maybe 310 now.... but when the $$$ show it makes cents :)

Unfortunately, we the players/customers are the ones driving their decision to keep psuhing the paywall.  Is their a breaking point?  Is it a ponzi scheme about to collapse?  I once thought so, but that was a myopic viewpoint ignoring the clear path of their business model the last 12 months.    

26 май 2021, 14:1726.05.21

Rarity restriction is stupid, you may pull a lego and it could be your way out of bronze. Also, the main issue with arena is their daft MMR system which is based on player power even though you only bring 4 champions in to an arena battle.

The real solution to arena is to implement a real MMR system such as Elo and reset everyone. It would be a mess for a little while but it will soon sort itself out and everyone will be matched correctly. Having a ranking system like this also won't penalize for simply collecting heros, gear etc... as the game wants you to do.

Adding more tiers also wouldn't be a bad thing i.e Bronze (1-4), Silver (1-4), Gold (1-4), Platinum (1-4), Diamond (1-4), Masters (1-4), Grand Master (top n players only)

Super simple changes but it would make arena 100% better.

26 май 2021, 14:2426.05.21

Rarity restriction is stupid, you may pull a lego and it could be your way out of bronze. Also, the main issue with arena is their daft MMR system which is based on player power even though you only bring 4 champions in to an arena battle.

The real solution to arena is to implement a real MMR system such as Elo and reset everyone. It would be a mess for a little while but it will soon sort itself out and everyone will be matched correctly. Having a ranking system like this also won't penalize for simply collecting heros, gear etc... as the game wants you to do.

Adding more tiers also wouldn't be a bad thing i.e Bronze (1-4), Silver (1-4), Gold (1-4), Platinum (1-4), Diamond (1-4), Masters (1-4), Grand Master (top n players only)

Super simple changes but it would make arena 100% better.

They already essentially use an ELO system, unless you're proposing that they remove the weekly resets? My guess is the reason they have those is to prevent people from just being able to "coast" their way to the top rewards - IE, force them to fight each week to stay at their tier.

26 май 2021, 14:3026.05.21

They already essentially use an ELO system, unless you're proposing that they remove the weekly resets? My guess is the reason they have those is to prevent people from just being able to "coast" their way to the top rewards - IE, force them to fight each week to stay at their tier.

They kinda of do, yes. But only in terms of tier placement. They need to use an Elo system for match matching too. Player power shouldn't even be considered when matching for arena.

26 май 2021, 19:3126.05.21

Quick question

Todays exciting and 'fixed' matches below.

Their levels and player power are quite low, as if they havent done a great deal of grinding.

Was it really that easy to get arbiter etc without massive grinding or are these guys whaling out and pulling her?


26 май 2021, 20:3026.05.21

Yes,  apparently  you  need  legendaries  and  epics  to  progress  in  arena...

yet  once  someone  won  Platinum  with  2  rares

26 май 2021, 20:5326.05.21

Yes,  apparently  you  need  legendaries  and  epics  to  progress  in  arena...

yet  once  someone  won  Platinum  with  2  rares

Just curious how people did the arbiter quest while staying such low level. 

26 май 2021, 22:5226.05.21

arena definitely used to be easier so people who started 8 months ago all have arbiter.  if you started 6 months ago... rip.  thats why we're seeing waves of arbiters everywhere.  you're just looking at people who started the game well before you did date wise, not people who have the game figured out.