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Completely tired of your BS Plarium - Arena Rant

Completely tired of your BS Plarium - Arena Rant

25 май 2021, 00:4425.05.21

Completely tired of your BS Plarium - Arena Rant

I don't care if you "fixed" Bronze / Silver arena to do "better match ups". And did nothing for Gold.


No one cares about Arena "rankings" for the most part scept for people that may push plat, and they have nothing to do with the majority of the plaeyrs anyway. Almost everyone that plays this game plays for the PvE aspect. And you guys ruined an essential part, which is collecting medals for Great Hall upgrades.

You allowed old players to collect them so easy for years, then screw over new players by your dumbass changes.

LEAVE THE ARENA ALONE, and PUT the bots back... thats the only fair thing to do for all players!

A lot pf people from my curremt clan has stopped playing for the last 3-4 weeks. And constantly complain about the Arena. YOU are making people quit the game... and I am very close to that as well. 

I guess you wouldn't give a crap, cuz all you expect is for whales to continuously play and pay for your BS.

Anyways.. thats my 2 cents.....

25 май 2021, 09:2625.05.21

not only yours...

25 май 2021, 10:1725.05.21

The arena is a total joke atm.

Put the bots back and leave them!

25 май 2021, 10:1825.05.21

The arena is a total joke atm.

Put the bots back and leave them!

The arena is a total joke atm.

Put the bots back and leave them! 

25 май 2021, 10:5825.05.21

yup, put the bots back in.

My reason ? It takes too long to fill all Great Hall, 2 years when you win all daily Gold IV. With current difficulty, it would take like 3 years or more; I would not expect that. 

25 май 2021, 13:0125.05.21

Bots back please!

OracleCommunity Manager
25 май 2021, 13:1325.05.21

Hi! A bit of myth-breaking here - there were never bots on the Arena. What you might perceive as a sort of a "bot invasion" some time ago - was actually adding a new segment to the server. All those accounts that appeared to be surprisingly weak at that moment - all were real players who gradually improved. After things settled down, you may find the Arena in the same position as prior to that.

Adding bots to the Arena would make things easier, but it would ultimately take away fairness as well. That's why we don't consider introducing artificial bot-accounts to the game - it contradicts the logic of Arena as a highly competitive place that prompts players to development

25 май 2021, 14:1625.05.21

Hi! A bit of myth-breaking here - there were never bots on the Arena. What you might perceive as a sort of a "bot invasion" some time ago - was actually adding a new segment to the server. All those accounts that appeared to be surprisingly weak at that moment - all were real players who gradually improved. After things settled down, you may find the Arena in the same position as prior to that.

Adding bots to the Arena would make things easier, but it would ultimately take away fairness as well. That's why we don't consider introducing artificial bot-accounts to the game - it contradicts the logic of Arena as a highly competitive place that prompts players to development

" there were never bots on the Arena. " very interesting statement. 

"All those accounts that appeared to be surprisingly weak at that moment - all were real players who gradually improved.  " Are you saying now there are not enough new players to fill those spots, that's why Arena is so broken? In another words, you are saying the game is dying as there isn't more players come and play.

What I know for sure is the broken Arena happend over night - not gradually. I was enjoying my Arena and progressing, all of sudden one day my Arena tier was reset and battles got so hard. Don't tell me those "real players" improved their accounts and gears over ONE night!

25 май 2021, 14:2425.05.21

lol, so put those "real players" back. we are not real players, those disappeared are real players, we want them back, lol. 

25 май 2021, 14:2725.05.21
25 май 2021, 14:29(отредактировано)

Hi! A bit of myth-breaking here - there were never bots on the Arena. What you might perceive as a sort of a "bot invasion" some time ago - was actually adding a new segment to the server. All those accounts that appeared to be surprisingly weak at that moment - all were real players who gradually improved. After things settled down, you may find the Arena in the same position as prior to that.

Adding bots to the Arena would make things easier, but it would ultimately take away fairness as well. That's why we don't consider introducing artificial bot-accounts to the game - it contradicts the logic of Arena as a highly competitive place that prompts players to development

I'm gonna assume what you said is true - doesn't matter there was bots account or not.

What I know is before Plarium reset Arena and made it so borken hard, all players were happy . Those 'real players' put weak defense team to drop their tier in purpose and real weak players were happy as well. 

So, simple - please BRING THE OLD ARENA BACK!!!!!

25 май 2021, 14:5525.05.21
25 май 2021, 14:57(отредактировано)

Hi! A bit of myth-breaking here - there were never bots on the Arena. What you might perceive as a sort of a "bot invasion" some time ago - was actually adding a new segment to the server. All those accounts that appeared to be surprisingly weak at that moment - all were real players who gradually improved. After things settled down, you may find the Arena in the same position as prior to that.

Adding bots to the Arena would make things easier, but it would ultimately take away fairness as well. That's why we don't consider introducing artificial bot-accounts to the game - it contradicts the logic of Arena as a highly competitive place that prompts players to development

So how do we go about being added to a server segment with shit players in it, because I for one am getting very fed up with getting rolled with 8/10 arbiter led teams every refresh in S4 vs my high khatun.

Your matchmaking system is FUBAR.

25 май 2021, 15:3925.05.21

Nah, I find it's great. Our clan cluster has more silvers and bronze than before. There are even more gold 4s, so I don't get what ur saying. BTW I just pushed into Silver 1 and making steady progress into Silver 2

25 май 2021, 15:5225.05.21
25 май 2021, 15:58(отредактировано)

Hi! A bit of myth-breaking here - there were never bots on the Arena. What you might perceive as a sort of a "bot invasion" some time ago - was actually adding a new segment to the server. All those accounts that appeared to be surprisingly weak at that moment - all were real players who gradually improved. After things settled down, you may find the Arena in the same position as prior to that.

Adding bots to the Arena would make things easier, but it would ultimately take away fairness as well. That's why we don't consider introducing artificial bot-accounts to the game - it contradicts the logic of Arena as a highly competitive place that prompts players to development

People just want to farm gold medals, upgrade the great hall and get Arbiter

This is impossible and demoralising for the majority of players currently

Keep the arena "fairness" for the whales in Plat and let other people progress in the game 

25 май 2021, 17:0825.05.21

Nah, I find it's great. Our clan cluster has more silvers and bronze than before. There are even more gold 4s, so I don't get what ur saying. BTW I just pushed into Silver 1 and making steady progress into Silver 2

I recall you shared your roster a few days ago and you didnt have a single level 60 and only 15 champs in total?

That you have gotten into silver with your roster and others in silver get a sea of arbiters shows how much player power matters in matchmaking.

You are benefitting from having negligeble player power.

25 май 2021, 17:3525.05.21

Nah, I find it's great. Our clan cluster has more silvers and bronze than before. There are even more gold 4s, so I don't get what ur saying. BTW I just pushed into Silver 1 and making steady progress into Silver 2

I believe you joined the game early Apr as I saw your topic as new player to join a clan. 

At the moment you are benefiting from your low player power so you are facing easy players. It's good you are at Silver 2 now, enjoy your progress. If Arena is not changing, then you will find in 6 months time you are still at Silver 2 or 3 as the higher your player power, the higher your opponents player power as well due to current matchmaking system. At that point you will find you can't progress anymore in missions as there are some missions to progress to Gold I or higher in Arena. Then you will find why other players are struggling.