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Hey Plarium.. some suggestion

Hey Plarium.. some suggestion

24 май 2021, 15:0924.05.21

Hey Plarium.. some suggestion

Hey, I am not sure what change you did in arena, but clearly, a lot of players still complains in your matchmaking.

To make it clear, If you don't know yet, players that complains does not want fair matchmaking. They want EASY battles. They don't want to work hard on their account. They don't want to stop in their missions for a while (when I say for a while, I meant is to stop with their missions and do 4-6 months of farming) to farm gear in dungeon.  So I suggest, either put all "bot" defense, that will be 100x weaker than the attacker, or change the missions/quest. 

I know you don't want to remove Gold 4 as a requirement for Arbiter but these players are salty to the old players who already got their Arbiter. (I mean, honestly, I think that all these players who complain, even you give them Arbiter now and max their great hall, they will still not be able to get to gold 4 as I don't think they have the gear needed to go to gold 4 :D. Even 2 yrs ago, gold 4 will almost always will require you to have at least 300speed turnmeter booster in order to stay in gold 4.) 

Here's a suggestion want you can add/change in the missions.

Add /change a mission that will require them to get a champion with a Speed leader.

Add / change a mission that will require them to get a turnmeter booster.

Add / change a mission that will require them to put their turnmeter booster to like 200 / 220 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300 speed.

Add / change a mission that will require them to make a four man team in arena that are speed sync.

Add / change a mission that will require them to speed nuke an opponent higher than their team power.

The reason behind these add/change in the missions is to teach them to play the basic offense in arena. Since most of these complaining players, does not really know or perhaps they seem that they just can cruise to gold 4 by just playing casually. Teach your players how to play arena tru your missions.

If changing a mission now is complicated. You can just add these as a "Bonus" mission, that is part of the existing missions. Similar to doom tower's secret missions.

Another suggestion is to add champions as a reward that are good in arena. Let's say, after the mission reach bronze 4 (as an example only), they will have a Gorgorab as a reward. Next, is a Seeker. So they can a good speed lead and a turnmeter booster as a mission reward. But remember to put it in earlier missions with very easy task. Because as you know, your players are lazy and always salty.

24 май 2021, 15:1424.05.21

These are all good ideas, although I think the suggested champions are a bit too powerful to be given for free as rewards.

I would suggest instead, that the three they give for free would be the three cookie-cutter speed nuke champs - Spirithost, Warmaiden, and Apothecary. With those three plus Khatun and your starter that you get for free, you have all the pieces you need for a budget speed nuke team.

24 май 2021, 17:0824.05.21

I totally agree with what has been suggested. One thing I would like to hightlight is: players play this game for fun not anything else. When they enjoy the game, they want to pay to progress more, not when they are frustrated. 

Clearly, making Arena tought will not let player enjoy the game with those 'mission impossible' and see no hope to progress. So make it 'easy' or at least enjoyable is very critical to keep the player pool.

25 май 2021, 01:3525.05.21

thats gonna be unrealistic. how can the ai figure out a high katun and three tank vs speed nuke? aawesome idea though,.

25 май 2021, 02:3825.05.21

I don't care about these suggestions. It still doesn't get rid of the fact that it was EASY for players who just been here longer. And STILL much stronger to go through doom tower and other content just because they had it easy leveling up the GH.

All I want them to do is put the bots back. That is the correct "fix". Like I explained in my rant post, no one cares about arena other than leveling up GH for going through PvE content. People aren't pushing plat, no one cares unless you are a whale.

Put thie BOTS back!

25 май 2021, 02:4325.05.21

Arena needs a total rework, that's it... No amount of work around with matchmaking or progress mission change can ever fix arena.
Because that's just fixing the symptoms without treating the core problem, THE POINT SYSTEM, I've said it 1 year ago, and I have yet to be proven wrong, how many matchmaking tweaks have they done that still haven't work?
You can blame the new players for being "lazy" but that will serve only to make them leave the game faster, hell 2 years and only less than 800k lvl 60+ accounts?
I left the game being at G4, because I know there's too much being tied to classic arena to enjoy the whole game, and I definitely did not enjoy arena at all.

TLDR, if Plarium wants to fix arena, they need a whole rework on the point system, anything else is just prolonging the inevitable.

25 май 2021, 03:1025.05.21

Add /change a mission that will require them to get a champion with a Speed leader.

Yep, I have deacon 19% speed aura

Add / change a mission that will require them to get a turnmeter booster.

Yep, I have deacon and seeker, they both boost and reduce enemy (apart from atk up and def down)

Add / change a mission that will require them to put their turnmeter booster to like 200 / 220 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300 speed.

Yep, Mine is 289 speed without aura I won the turn in ~80% speed battles except those who has arbiter which I calculate they will have 320-330 minimum speed. I just omit arbiter teams.

Add / change a mission that will require them to make a four man team in arena that are speed sync.

Yep, mines are in sync according to the pages which have arena speed calculators (which are resources outside of plarium and imho its a big fail if, to play, you have to go to check resources outside plarium, but thats just my opinion). Anyway I've checked that and improved my team according.

Add / change a mission that will require them to speed nuke an opponent higher than their team power. 

Yep, my team is made to speed nuke, I have a team of 95k power, I've won teams with 170k when I've seen they dont have synergy in team.

Now please tell me how in the hell this is gonna help us to complete missions to get arbiter and be able to compete with pages which are full of arbiters, starting from S2. (I've been able to reach G1 but at that point is a no-go, I have 1M power accounts, and most of opponents have 3-4M).

25 май 2021, 03:2225.05.21

Add /change a mission that will require them to get a champion with a Speed leader.

Yep, I have deacon 19% speed aura

Add / change a mission that will require them to get a turnmeter booster.

Yep, I have deacon and seeker, they both boost and reduce enemy (apart from atk up and def down)

Add / change a mission that will require them to put their turnmeter booster to like 200 / 220 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300 speed.

Yep, Mine is 289 speed without aura I won the turn in ~80% speed battles except those who has arbiter which I calculate they will have 320-330 minimum speed. I just omit arbiter teams.

Add / change a mission that will require them to make a four man team in arena that are speed sync.

Yep, mines are in sync according to the pages which have arena speed calculators (which are resources outside of plarium and imho its a big fail if, to play, you have to go to check resources outside plarium, but thats just my opinion). Anyway I've checked that and improved my team according.

Add / change a mission that will require them to speed nuke an opponent higher than their team power. 

Yep, my team is made to speed nuke, I have a team of 95k power, I've won teams with 170k when I've seen they dont have synergy in team.

Now please tell me how in the hell this is gonna help us to complete missions to get arbiter and be able to compete with pages which are full of arbiters, starting from S2. (I've been able to reach G1 but at that point is a no-go, I have 1M power accounts, and most of opponents have 3-4M).

The point is to learn. Not to automatically bring you to gold 4 or give you Arbiter. This means, if you are still getting outspeed then go back to farming, push your turnmeter booster more faster 

25 май 2021, 03:2825.05.21

The issue is dude, NO one had to acually "learn". We all know its all about speed in arena, its so much easier concept than anything PvE in the game specially DT hard / faction wars for example.

The fact still remains, if you were an older player you had much easier time doing everything. And the way things are in the game right now, you literally have to play for HOURS to make any dent as a newer player. To be honest its absolutely ridiculous. No one gives a crap abour Arena other than the bonus it gives and GH. If you are pushing plat then sure go "learn" your way, but unless you are spending thousands on whaling out, its uselss anyways.

25 май 2021, 03:3025.05.21

These are all good ideas, although I think the suggested champions are a bit too powerful to be given for free as rewards.

I would suggest instead, that the three they give for free would be the three cookie-cutter speed nuke champs - Spirithost, Warmaiden, and Apothecary. With those three plus Khatun and your starter that you get for free, you have all the pieces you need for a budget speed nuke team.

Those three champs are good but totally overrated imho. Honestly, I don't suggest building Warmaiden in early game as it requires accuracy which early game players don't have. What I did in my early game is to have two strong nuker instead. 

High Khatun has good early game speed lead but it is not enough and her turnmeter boost is weak. I never build high khatun until doom tower comes out. 

Spirithost? Yuck 😅

Apothecary is good for dungeons but arena uuhh yeah another weak turnmeter boost. 

25 май 2021, 03:3725.05.21

The issue is dude, NO one had to acually "learn". We all know its all about speed in arena, its so much easier concept than anything PvE in the game specially DT hard / faction wars for example.

The fact still remains, if you were an older player you had much easier time doing everything. And the way things are in the game right now, you literally have to play for HOURS to make any dent as a newer player. To be honest its absolutely ridiculous. No one gives a crap abour Arena other than the bonus it gives and GH. If you are pushing plat then sure go "learn" your way, but unless you are spending thousands on whaling out, its uselss anyways.

Older players have much easier time? Back in the day before Reinbeast nerf, you can't pass silver if you can't kill a single Reinbeast 😂

Don't think that old players did play HOURS and eadily cruise to the Arbiter missions. 

New players always thinks Great Hall gives bigger advantage in the game. It is just a bonus. But you dont need these upgrades to progress. Like what i said, those who complains in arena today, if Plarium eill give them max great hall and Arbiter, they will probably not be able still reach gold 4 since they are lacking gear. They are rushing too much in getting higher arena ranks where they cant even reach dragon20

25 май 2021, 03:4125.05.21

The fact remains, they did because of the bots. You are completely ignoring that fact.

25 май 2021, 05:2625.05.21

Older players have much easier time? Back in the day before Reinbeast nerf, you can't pass silver if you can't kill a single Reinbeast 😂

Don't think that old players did play HOURS and eadily cruise to the Arbiter missions. 

New players always thinks Great Hall gives bigger advantage in the game. It is just a bonus. But you dont need these upgrades to progress. Like what i said, those who complains in arena today, if Plarium eill give them max great hall and Arbiter, they will probably not be able still reach gold 4 since they are lacking gear. They are rushing too much in getting higher arena ranks where they cant even reach dragon20

I'm 200 days in the game and I can beat all dungen 20s in auto and full doom tower normal but I'm still struggling with missions. I have stucked at 'reach Gold I' mission since Arena is broken and it seems impossible to be there. The funny thing is: I was in Gold I before Arena was broken. 

25 май 2021, 05:4525.05.21

The point is to learn. Not to automatically bring you to gold 4 or give you Arbiter. This means, if you are still getting outspeed then go back to farming, push your turnmeter booster more faster 

I said I often win turn fight *except* when there is arbiter in the opposite team. Which depending on the level, I.E. at G4 I see 7 out of 10 teams leading by Arbiter very frequently.

I dont mind if opponents with 19% turn speed win vs me. THIS is perfectly logical. They are just better geared. I dont have any problem with it.

But If you have been given a 33% speed champion FOR FREE during years and now you cap it, it is clearly a disadvantage, given that there is an inmense group of ppl that even having Arbiter they are unable to reach higher tiers and we, the moreless new users, have to fight VS them in low tiers. This means, if I am, IE at S3 and I have 300 speed, and my oponent does have the same speed but he is just older and had the luck of obtaining arbiter by just fighting with bots, thats pretty unfair because to win him I need to put a %33-19% more speed than him, while he obtained this bonus by fighting with bots. (Not to talk about GH completion with this same method).

So, some solution needs to be given, reduce arbiter requirement, put bots or even reduce speed aura of arbiter to 19%. Other solution, given that arbiter is meant for G4, only allow mission obtained Arbiters it to be put in a pvp team if the player is at G4 rank or higher. This are crappy workarounds but at least they follow a principle of treating every player the same.

25 май 2021, 08:1325.05.21

I'm 200 days in the game and I can beat all dungen 20s in auto and full doom tower normal but I'm still struggling with missions. I have stucked at 'reach Gold I' mission since Arena is broken and it seems impossible to be there. The funny thing is: I was in Gold I before Arena was broken. 

I think most of us are running dragon 20 / spider 20 and UNM clan boss.

The problem isnt 'lazy players'- like everyone else here i have done hundreds and hundreds of dragon/spider runs and getting 292 speed on my speed lead was a considerable effort.

Pulling seeker made getting back into gold possible for me, it meant i could slow my nuker down and pack on more crit damage due to the better turn meter-- but it was pure luck. Getting madame would be a huge boost, but again it means either spending lots or luck. 

The issue is too few tiers. Lots got their arbiters and built their halls when it was easier, now due to a lack of space in gold the weaker /inactive players who did their arbiter missions are dropping into silver and even bronze and people are having to face players with a great speed lead and built halls.

Extending the tiers past plat would alleviate the downwards pressure, its an easy fix.

25 май 2021, 08:5525.05.21

if doing hundreds of runs in dragon still can't make you reach gold 4, then do thousands.

25 май 2021, 08:5725.05.21

if doing hundreds of runs in dragon still can't make you reach gold 4, then do thousands.

Yes because games should be about nothing but grinding, YOU SHOULD NOT BE PLAYING GAMES FOR FUN!

25 май 2021, 09:0425.05.21
25 май 2021, 09:04(отредактировано)

if doing hundreds of runs in dragon still can't make you reach gold 4, then do thousands.

Ive done hundreds of runs just in the last 24 hours. Over 3k energy since x2 went live.

And i dont actually expect to be in G4 at seven months in, when i played MUDS it took 20k hours to hit the max levels. I dont mind the long run as long as its rpg-like progression.

But it seems people in G4 are completely unaware of how much of a mess silver is from s3 onwards, players hitting silver should not be getting entire pages of opponents who have done arbiter quests and got built up halls.

25 май 2021, 09:1425.05.21
Trevor Wilson

Ive done hundreds of runs just in the last 24 hours. Over 3k energy since x2 went live.

And i dont actually expect to be in G4 at seven months in, when i played MUDS it took 20k hours to hit the max levels. I dont mind the long run as long as its rpg-like progression.

But it seems people in G4 are completely unaware of how much of a mess silver is from s3 onwards, players hitting silver should not be getting entire pages of opponents who have done arbiter quests and got built up halls.

good, then do it in 2 years :P

25 май 2021, 09:1525.05.21

Yes because games should be about nothing but grinding, YOU SHOULD NOT BE PLAYING GAMES FOR FUN!

bad news for you, this type of games is about how much you can grind.

25 май 2021, 10:0625.05.21

bad news for you, this type of games is about how much you can grind.

And you missed the point, games should be fun when they are not they die.

Go back to your gold fortress and keep preaching that before you can have fun you should grind for 2 years.