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The Catch 22 Continues

The Catch 22 Continues

23 май 2021, 02:4523.05.21

The Catch 22 Continues

To get gold medals which after some months of diligent farming for 4000 of them will let you finish the arbiter mission, you must be first able to defeat the legions of arbiter led teams patrolling silver 4. 

Screen shot from 10 mins ago: 


I suppose one might well ask, even if I could ever sneak back into gold medal territory in this lifetime, why would I risk brain death farming 4000+ gold medals, if I could already win more than 50% against teams of this quality? 

26 май 2021, 00:5626.05.21
26 май 2021, 01:24(отредактировано)

So over a week now since we were told to be patient and wait for the arena "fix" to "trickle down". Sadly we have lost all trust in the messaging from Plarium. 

Here once more is the state of Silver 4. The third or fourth time I have shown 5 arbiter teams in a row in this forum. 

10:45am local time 26th May 2021:


Being now entirely unable to advance the arbiter missions and the great hall. Being no longer able to reliably complete the daily quests. Having had to retreat several levels in some faction wars due to the reduction of great hall bonuses which accompanied my fall from G4 to S4, I really do wonder if Plarium is trying to drive me and many like me from the game.   

26 май 2021, 01:1226.05.21

The arena fix patch was so good that people question if any thing changed at all or if arena actually became even worse.

Top job plarium.

26 май 2021, 01:2226.05.21
26 май 2021, 01:23(отредактировано)

It's almost as if Plarium allowed many to finish the Arbiter mission between August and February. Then drew a line in the sand one day that said "no more shall pass". 

The change was far too sudden to support Oracle's claim that it was caused by "the new segment players getting better", at least as I perceived it. What I really want to know from him is whether the image I showed above is the level of play they want in Silver 4. 

Plarium best think very carefully if that line in the sand should be where it is.


26 май 2021, 01:4226.05.21
Elvie Honeydripper

It's almost as if Plarium allowed many to finish the Arbiter mission between August and February. Then drew a line in the sand one day that said "no more shall pass". 

The change was far too sudden to support Oracle's claim that it was caused by "the new segment players getting better", at least as I perceived it. What I really want to know from him is whether the image I showed above is the level of play they want in Silver 4. 

Plarium best think very carefully if that line in the sand should be where it is.


I found this answer to be pretty odd as well. Over night millions of players all got better gear. speed tuned, got arbiter, and top their speeds out into the 280-300 realm.

I've said it before, they are inflating the teams you see. They are buffing them stat wise. Making people pissed off trying to get them to spend money. 

I was a moderate spender, I'm done spending a dime now. Will only be 100% ftp until arena is actually fixed or account progress is removed from it so I don't have to waste time in it.

26 май 2021, 08:0626.05.21

Looks exactly like my screen (now back in s4)

The comments about bots? Laughable.

And yes this is an intentional paywall. It will last while plarium analytics show it is making them more money.

I wont be encouraging that by spending

26 май 2021, 14:3526.05.21
Trevor Wilson

Looks exactly like my screen (now back in s4)

The comments about bots? Laughable.

And yes this is an intentional paywall. It will last while plarium analytics show it is making them more money.

I wont be encouraging that by spending

Any luck with Dragon 2x?  I think I got frost 2x on my main account lol.  My alt (semi-retired...) in just 30 overnight battles has gotten 5x speed gear... Boosted arbiter enough too battle from bottom of G3 back into G4 after dropping Monday/Tuesday.  

26 май 2021, 14:5126.05.21
Elvie Honeydripper

So over a week now since we were told to be patient and wait for the arena "fix" to "trickle down". Sadly we have lost all trust in the messaging from Plarium. 

Here once more is the state of Silver 4. The third or fourth time I have shown 5 arbiter teams in a row in this forum. 

10:45am local time 26th May 2021:


Being now entirely unable to advance the arbiter missions and the great hall. Being no longer able to reliably complete the daily quests. Having had to retreat several levels in some faction wars due to the reduction of great hall bonuses which accompanied my fall from G4 to S4, I really do wonder if Plarium is trying to drive me and many like me from the game.   

Hi!  So  I  hit  and  stayed  in  G4  long  before  i  got  Arbiter.  I  was  lucky  enough  to  have  Lyssandra.  It's  very  possible  to  do,  you  really  just  need  to  farm  better  gear.  Even  now,  my  Arbiter  only  has  311  speed  and I'm  constantly  going  second,  but  my  team  survives,  and  I  stay  in  G4.

26 май 2021, 14:5926.05.21
26 май 2021, 15:01(отредактировано)

Any luck with Dragon 2x?  I think I got frost 2x on my main account lol.  My alt (semi-retired...) in just 30 overnight battles has gotten 5x speed gear... Boosted arbiter enough too battle from bottom of G3 back into G4 after dropping Monday/Tuesday.  

I ran 6.5k energy but i have run out of energy, got a 15% drop rate in the end but my sample is still to low to be certain but i had expected 20%?

I got maybe a dozen speed pieces with speed substats - none of them quad rolled, i got a double roll on some gloves for 18 base speed substat (went on my seeker) and a double speed roll on a weapon for 15 base speed substat but i had better already

So 6.5k energy used, and one piece of gear a tiny bit better- to be fair thats about what i expected :)

In contrast i triple rolled speed on some perception gear for +23 speed substat weapon which was a nice surprise!

26 май 2021, 15:0926.05.21
Trevor Wilson

I ran 6.5k energy but i have run out of energy, got a 15% drop rate in the end but my sample is still to low to be certain but i had expected 20%?

I got maybe a dozen speed pieces with speed substats - none of them quad rolled, i got a double roll on some gloves for 18 base speed substat (went on my seeker) and a double speed roll on a weapon for 15 base speed substat but i had better already

So 6.5k energy used, and one piece of gear a tiny bit better- to be fair thats about what i expected :)

In contrast i triple rolled speed on some perception gear for +23 speed substat weapon which was a nice surprise!

Yes, at first glance the forge would appear to be great for getting fast enough.... Unfortunately the 12+ month players have far more materials and it has just raised the bar further... lol ... well I guess not funny.  At 314 still a coin flip to win speed race, which I guess is expected

26 май 2021, 15:5926.05.21
26 май 2021, 15:59(отредактировано)

Yes, at first glance the forge would appear to be great for getting fast enough.... Unfortunately the 12+ month players have far more materials and it has just raised the bar further... lol ... well I guess not funny.  At 314 still a coin flip to win speed race, which I guess is expected

To be honest i am losing my addiction to raid, im the sort of person who gets hooked on stuff, i was hooked on muds as a student and had to quit completely to concentrate on my degree, i got a bit hooked on guild wars too. During lockdown i had to have chemotherapy so had lots of time on my hands due to shielding and was initially hooked on this too.

But the arena, and the poor QA has pushed the addiction to this game out of me, it isnt just the deliberate paywall on the arena its the bugs that are just ignored for months.

I pulled chancellor yasmin and as i dont have a kymar or madame wanted to try her with mountain king in arena, the sleep seemed potentially good with MK hitting the ones unslept.

Her AI is a complete mess she just blasts the buff strip on cooldown ...so lazy and such awful AI. A quick google search shows the bug has been around for months and months as well unfixed. Yet when a 3rd party app came out they fixed it in a week as it threatened revenue.

So with the paywall, the impossibility of catching up with vets to be competitive and the awful quality control i feel no desire to spend cash and even less desire to play now, its purely the time sunk cost fallacy that stops me uninstalling. I dont mind spending cash on games, i spent 200-300 for cosmetics on GW2 to support the game, but definitely wont spend on this.

26 май 2021, 16:1326.05.21

Started game some months ago, light spender. Was a bit enthusiastic about arena at first, then gave up and just did my daylies. Made Brogni fuse through bronze arena. After this patch I came suddenly into S1, overnight and hey, lets try it, right? Fix is over now, I'm sliding back down. So: I don't see a change, was just a spike. And I feel like moving on... 

26 май 2021, 16:4326.05.21

The change did something - I went from bronze 1 or 2 to top of 4 and in silver 1 on and off. But it's now stopped there - my enemies are about the same as before, it's like we've all been artificially moved three tiers or so to make us feel better.  Now in thecycle again of win 2 or 3, lose 2 or 3 'defensive' when not looking. 

26 май 2021, 17:1026.05.21

The change did something - I went from bronze 1 or 2 to top of 4 and in silver 1 on and off. But it's now stopped there - my enemies are about the same as before, it's like we've all been artificially moved three tiers or so to make us feel better.  Now in thecycle again of win 2 or 3, lose 2 or 3 'defensive' when not looking. 

From what i have read, it is bronze and the bottom of silver where people "may" see improvement.

Its once you hit S3 that you start seeing pages full of arbiters.