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Risk, Debt, and Arena Mechanics

Risk, Debt, and Arena Mechanics

22 май 2021, 00:5922.05.21

Risk, Debt, and Arena Mechanics

Firstly, this is more of a theorycrafting post, rather than a firm set of recommendations. I wanted to offer a (slightly) alternative view on the Arena situation and to check to make sure my thinking isn't completely off the rails.

Which it probably is.

We know that Arena and non-Arena activities are, at minimum, inherently-linked through the fact that overall account power determines matchmaking in Arena. Similarly, Arena play impacts non-Arena performance via the Hall, weekly gear, etc.

Having a higher account power means you are matched up against people with similarly higher account power. We know account power is an unfathomably awful metric for matchmaking in this venue because it doesn't reflect the actual potential performance from a champion (or gear) within the Arena. But going down in account power increases the probability of ecountering an opponent you can defeat.

Oh, by the way, in this theory, I am equating overall account power with interest-bearing 'debt', i.e., the more you have, the more it can cost you--in Arena performance.

Account Power =  Arena Debt

There has also been discussion that playing the game, e.g., Faction Tombs, penalizes your performance in the Arena by raising your account power in various ways. But I think a better perspective is to view playing the non-arena game not as a penality, but rather as a risk to your arena (and therefore overall) performance. What's the difference?

Penalty implies a guaranteed negative, while risk implies a chance for either a positive or negative outcome. In this setting it's not a huge difference but a necessary one to make informed choices.

So, risk and debt. What this means is that playing other parts of the game outside of Arena is a risk to your overall performance through the possibility of increasing your debt in the Arena without an appreciable return in performance. Some activities are riskier than others. This is, of course, a completely bonkers game design, but it forces us to consider how to modify our gameplay to compensate.


- Opening higher-quality shards is a risk to your overall account performance. There is the possibility that you pull a Kymar or Trunda or other high-peforming Arena champ. But there is a greater probability that you'll end up with a mediocre one, generally unusuitable for most Arena-play in the current environment. E.g., For each non-Arena producing epic you keep on the books at level one, you add about 2000* pts to your debt. Legendaries add about 2500* to your debt. Leveling or ascending these simply adds even more to your debt.

*Rough, completely unscientific survey of champions

- Equipping gear on champions that doesn't help your performance in the Arena is extremely risky as it substantially adds to your Arena Debt. I haven't been able to fully calculate this... but its high...very high.

- Using books on characters that don't go into skills that improve arena performance is also a risk. It adds to your Arena Debt. (Unsure as to general level of increase).

The question becomes: can you afford the risk of raising your account power through game activities without getting a return on your investment in the Arena? The irony here is that some cash-shop items are also risky. Buying and using shards is a risk to your account performance. Buying and using books is a risk. Etc. Again, kinda bonkers.


What this theory means is:

1a) Keeping your account power to a minimum after recruiting the minimum cadre necessary for a competent Arena team is essential.

1b) Alternatively: You cannot let your debt outstrip your Arena-focused gear and champions. Having high debt and lower gear degrades your arena performance.

2) Don't build characters for fun. Chances are you probably can't afford the debt until really late-game.

3) If you aren't using a champion at this particular moment or foreseeable future, get rid of them or, at minimum, strip them of all gear.

4) Exploring parts of the game that don't improve arena performance is risky. You need to evalute everything you do in game to determine how it might affect your Arena Debt. Frankly, "fun" is inherently risky here.

5) Is it possible for an account to, at some point, become too loaded with Arena Debt to be successful in the near-term?

Okay, how crazy am I being?

22 май 2021, 01:1622.05.21
22 май 2021, 01:17(отредактировано)

accurate af. Bloated my account just having fun and playing the game. Looking at my roster wondering who to cannibalize if times got tough... and now looking at arena, times are definately tough.

22 май 2021, 01:2122.05.21

It seems your entire premise is that nothing but arena matters. If arena were the only thing that mattered in this game, then you might have a point. But while arena does improve your performance elsewhere, sacrificing everything to gain a chance of doing better in arena is a terrible strategy.

You are far better off simply improving your overall account. Ultimately, Clan Boss and Dungeons are the places that provides the most pertinent rewards, and so you should be focusing all efforts on getting teams that can handle those higher-ranked Dungeons and Clan Bosses.

So your analogy of "if you pull a sacred shard and get a non-amazing Arena champ, you are entering into debt" is flawed, because, with a few exceptions, just about every legendary champ is better than most epic champs.

As an example, suppose you used your sacred shard and got a middle-of-the-pack legendary such as Lugan the Steadfast. Is he amazing? No. But he provides some valuable tools that you may not have from epic champions, and with some exceptions, does the job better than most of them.

22 май 2021, 02:4222.05.21
22 май 2021, 02:45(отредактировано)

It seems your entire premise is that nothing but arena matters. If arena were the only thing that mattered in this game, then you might have a point. But while arena does improve your performance elsewhere, sacrificing everything to gain a chance of doing better in arena is a terrible strategy.

You are far better off simply improving your overall account. Ultimately, Clan Boss and Dungeons are the places that provides the most pertinent rewards, and so you should be focusing all efforts on getting teams that can handle those higher-ranked Dungeons and Clan Bosses.

So your analogy of "if you pull a sacred shard and get a non-amazing Arena champ, you are entering into debt" is flawed, because, with a few exceptions, just about every legendary champ is better than most epic champs.

As an example, suppose you used your sacred shard and got a middle-of-the-pack legendary such as Lugan the Steadfast. Is he amazing? No. But he provides some valuable tools that you may not have from epic champions, and with some exceptions, does the job better than most of them.

It's not that "only arena matters" but arena certainly weights more than anyother part of the game because only arena can get you the resource to build your great hall WHICH UPGRADES EVERY TEAM you have on every other aspect of the game. So having something that drags your arena efficiency therefor drags down your whole game,

So yeah, having a good arena team outweights having a good team everywhere else, hence why people think that there is a huge need to purge unused heroes, even legendary ones, which then becomes such a contradiction in a hero collection game

22 май 2021, 05:3222.05.21

It seems your entire premise is that nothing but arena matters. If arena were the only thing that mattered in this game, then you might have a point. But while arena does improve your performance elsewhere, sacrificing everything to gain a chance of doing better in arena is a terrible strategy.

You are far better off simply improving your overall account. Ultimately, Clan Boss and Dungeons are the places that provides the most pertinent rewards, and so you should be focusing all efforts on getting teams that can handle those higher-ranked Dungeons and Clan Bosses.

So your analogy of "if you pull a sacred shard and get a non-amazing Arena champ, you are entering into debt" is flawed, because, with a few exceptions, just about every legendary champ is better than most epic champs.

As an example, suppose you used your sacred shard and got a middle-of-the-pack legendary such as Lugan the Steadfast. Is he amazing? No. But he provides some valuable tools that you may not have from epic champions, and with some exceptions, does the job better than most of them.

have u ever tryed : Great Hall ? ... saying arena doesn't matter makes u a big fat chicken :D .

22 май 2021, 09:5022.05.21

Agree with the others in that the benefits of playing arena is quite high, and you would be doing a disservice to your account by not participating. This includes:

  • Great hall
  • Forge materials (Magisteel)
  • Daily quest completions (yes, I know you can just lose 5 battles to get the daily energy refill, but sometimes the advanced quest for 50 energy is to beat a team with a higher power than you)
  • Gold bars (for tag team arena, which you will want to start to gather to eventually get Drex over 100 days)

Getting your foot into the arena game is an important step that I think cannot be ignored entirely

22 май 2021, 10:3122.05.21
22 май 2021, 10:31(отредактировано)

It seems your entire premise is that nothing but arena matters. If arena were the only thing that mattered in this game, then you might have a point. But while arena does improve your performance elsewhere, sacrificing everything to gain a chance of doing better in arena is a terrible strategy.

You are far better off simply improving your overall account. Ultimately, Clan Boss and Dungeons are the places that provides the most pertinent rewards, and so you should be focusing all efforts on getting teams that can handle those higher-ranked Dungeons and Clan Bosses.

So your analogy of "if you pull a sacred shard and get a non-amazing Arena champ, you are entering into debt" is flawed, because, with a few exceptions, just about every legendary champ is better than most epic champs.

As an example, suppose you used your sacred shard and got a middle-of-the-pack legendary such as Lugan the Steadfast. Is he amazing? No. But he provides some valuable tools that you may not have from epic champions, and with some exceptions, does the job better than most of them.

Great hall is pretty essential.

No people should not dismantle dungeon teams or clan boss teams

But Faction war teams? im considering eating them myself to try and get power down to a million or so, so far ive stubbornly refused to do it as i want glyphs and forge materials.

22 май 2021, 16:0722.05.21

In essence yes arena only matters and the bonuses that it brings to everything else, you put your top notch champs to arena offenece, therefore this team will easly take you to level 14-16 in dungons and possibly to max potion tower and to lvl 6 of faction wars if you have 4 arena offence champs from different factions.

Worst thing is that arena tier bonuses applied to other aspects of the game (those bonuses should apply only to arena). and addtional 2% to stats per arena tier is a big boost elswere. 

If for months youe were in G1 and suddenly over weeks you droped to S2 or below you losing +10% to all stats which is big penalty and performance in other aspects of the game


My arena team was in S4 - spider level 12 i did in 1:10 min, 

now my team arena is better but im in S2  - spider level 12 now i run in 2:30 min

23 май 2021, 06:4123.05.21

You  are  completely  off  your  rails.

Your  post  sounds  like  the  ravings  of  a  mad  man.

Account  Power  =  Arena  Assets

Account  Power  is  created  by  the  below  things:

-  Total  Champions

-  Champion  Power

-  Artifact  Power

-  Classical  Arena  Power

-  Mastery  Power

-  Great  Hall  Power

Can't  you  see  the  above  things  are  Assets?

They  help  you  do  better.

Your  calling  all  the  above  things  "Arena  Debt"

Your  essential calling  your  Classical  Arena  Power  +  Great  Hall  Power  a  Debt.  lol

23 май 2021, 10:3023.05.21
Player J

You  are  completely  off  your  rails.

Your  post  sounds  like  the  ravings  of  a  mad  man.

Account  Power  =  Arena  Assets

Account  Power  is  created  by  the  below  things:

-  Total  Champions

-  Champion  Power

-  Artifact  Power

-  Classical  Arena  Power

-  Mastery  Power

-  Great  Hall  Power

Can't  you  see  the  above  things  are  Assets?

They  help  you  do  better.

Your  calling  all  the  above  things  "Arena  Debt"

Your  essential calling  your  Classical  Arena  Power  +  Great  Hall  Power  a  Debt.  lol

You don't actually counter any of his points why those things are assets instead of liabilities, like OP has pointed out.

Out of all the things you listed, total champions, champion power, artifact power, and mastery power can be kept to a minimum to artificially keep team power as low as possible so to get easier arena match up, hence getting higher arena power and great hall.

So what's your counter argument that those powers are asset? They just make you face harder arena opponents.

23 май 2021, 15:3423.05.21

You don't actually counter any of his points why those things are assets instead of liabilities, like OP has pointed out.

Out of all the things you listed, total champions, champion power, artifact power, and mastery power can be kept to a minimum to artificially keep team power as low as possible so to get easier arena match up, hence getting higher arena power and great hall.

So what's your counter argument that those powers are asset? They just make you face harder arena opponents.

I  shared  with  the  OP  the  basic  break  down  of  account  power.

It  should  be  more  than  enough  to   counter  the  OP  argument.

You  still  seem  confused.

I'm  not  sure  why.

I  guess  the  simplest  way  to  help  you  get  unconfused  is  to  ask  you  question.

Do  you  think  increasing Great  Hall  Power  is  good  thing  or  bad  thing?

Most  people  would  say  it  is  a  good  thing  which  is  why  it  is  an  Asset.

Will  you  face  harder  Arena  opponents  if  you  increase  your  Great  Hall  Power?

Yes  and  to  be  quite  frank  about  it.

You  should  face  harder  opponents.

You  increased  your  Great  Hall  Power.

This  means  your  account  has  got  stronger.

You  should  get  match  up  with  other  people  at  similar  strength  to  you.

If  your  power  is  50k,  You  should  get  match  up  with  people in  similar  range.

The  range  could  be  25k  swing  up   and  down  -  25k  to  75k  might  be  your  opponents.

If  your  power  increases  to  100k, You  should  have  harder  enemies.

You  gained  power  -  I.E  became stronger.

You  need  to  face  enemies  at  equal  strength to  your  new  found  strength.

The  range  might  be  75k  to  125k  as  example.

24 май 2021, 00:0524.05.21
24 май 2021, 00:20(отредактировано)
Player J

I  shared  with  the  OP  the  basic  break  down  of  account  power.

It  should  be  more  than  enough  to   counter  the  OP  argument.

You  still  seem  confused.

I'm  not  sure  why.

I  guess  the  simplest  way  to  help  you  get  unconfused  is  to  ask  you  question.

Do  you  think  increasing Great  Hall  Power  is  good  thing  or  bad  thing?

Most  people  would  say  it  is  a  good  thing  which  is  why  it  is  an  Asset.

Will  you  face  harder  Arena  opponents  if  you  increase  your  Great  Hall  Power?

Yes  and  to  be  quite  frank  about  it.

You  should  face  harder  opponents.

You  increased  your  Great  Hall  Power.

This  means  your  account  has  got  stronger.

You  should  get  match  up  with  other  people  at  similar  strength  to  you.

If  your  power  is  50k,  You  should  get  match  up  with  people in  similar  range.

The  range  could  be  25k  swing  up   and  down  -  25k  to  75k  might  be  your  opponents.

If  your  power  increases  to  100k, You  should  have  harder  enemies.

You  gained  power  -  I.E  became stronger.

You  need  to  face  enemies  at  equal  strength to  your  new  found  strength.

The  range  might  be  75k  to  125k  as  example.

Yeah, as I posted above, I agree that great hall and arena power is an asset in arena, BUT the other 4 you listed are not, and you don't (or seem to unable to) explain why ALL of those (total champions, champion power, artifact power, and mastery power) are assets in arena.

Even OP doesn't touch great hall power in his post, what he said is that having unused Champions, equipping artifacts to unused or rarely used champions, booking unused or rarely used champions will heighten your account power thus gets you harder match up.

So please, explain why the 6 things you listed as what makes account power are assets in arena.

24 май 2021, 02:1924.05.21

Yeah, as I posted above, I agree that great hall and arena power is an asset in arena, BUT the other 4 you listed are not, and you don't (or seem to unable to) explain why ALL of those (total champions, champion power, artifact power, and mastery power) are assets in arena.

Even OP doesn't touch great hall power in his post, what he said is that having unused Champions, equipping artifacts to unused or rarely used champions, booking unused or rarely used champions will heighten your account power thus gets you harder match up.

So please, explain why the 6 things you listed as what makes account power are assets in arena.

It  seems  Lee.Ozz  is  confused about:

-  Total  Champion

-  Champion  Power

-  Artifact  Power

-  Mastery  Power

Why  are  the  above  things  Assets  in  Arena?

Seems  like  I  need  to explain  these  as  well.

Total  Champion  &  Champion  Power  are  pretty  easy  to  figure  out.

It  is  about  giving yourself  more Options.

Who  do  you  think  is  better  off  in  Arena:

A  Player  who  owns  4  heroes


A  Player  who  owns  400  heroes 

The  Player  who  owns  only  4  heroes is  a  1  Trick  Pony.

They  can  only  do  same  strategy  against  everyone they  face.

This  Player  will  ultimately suffer  in  Arena  because eventually he  will  run  across  people who  do  his  strategy better  or  people  who  built  a  strategy  to  counter  him.

The  Player  who  owns  400  heroes  has  a  Robust  Roster.

This  Player  will  do  very  well  in  Arena.

The  Player  will  do  well  because  the  player  doesn't  need  to  rely  on  1  Strategy to  win.

The  Player  has  the  means  to  change  his  strategy  on  the  fly  based  on  enemy.

The  more  heroes you  have  -  the  more  counters  you  have  -  the  more  options  you  have

The  less  heroes  you  have  -  the  less  counters  you  have  -  the  less  options  you  have

It's Common  Sense.

A  lot  of  the  successful players  in  arena  have  a  Robust  Roster.


Why  is  Artifact  Power  an  Asset  in  Arena.

Well  if  your  heroes are  naked  your  going  to  get  wrecked  in  Arena.

Believe  it  or  not  Artifacts  help  your  Arena  team  in  2  ways.

1.  Directly

2.  Indirectly.

Artifacts  help  your  Arena  team  Directly  because  your  Arena  team  itself  needs  gear  to  be  successfu.

Artifacts  help  your  Arena  team  Indirectly  because  they  help  PVE  related  teams  which  can  impact  your  Arena  team.

For  Example:

Your  Dragon  Dungeon  Team

Your  Dragon  Dungeon  Team  needs  Artifacts  to  be  Successful.

Your  Dragon  Team  +  Dragon  Team  Artifacts  are  Indirectly  helping  your  Arena  Team.

How?  They  are  helping  you  farm/search  for  better  gear  pieces.

When  a  better  gear  piece  is  found,  it  is  than  put  on  your  Arena  team.

Let  me  give  you  a  quick  preview  of  how  this  plays  out  in  real  life.

Your  Arena  Speed  Booster  has  210  Speed.

You  build  Dragon  team  to  farm  Dragon.

Your  Dragon  team  finds  Speed  Gear.

The  Speed  Gear  is  better  than  what  you  currently have  on  your  Arena  Speed  Booster.

You  replace  the  gear  causing  your  Speed  Booster  to  have  220  total  speed.

This  preview  shows  you  the  Indirect  Relationship  +  Direct  Relationship  of  your  Artifacts.


Mastery  Power?

No  words  can  explain  how  impactful Masteries  are  in  Arena.

Arena  fights  can  be  won  or  lost  due  to  Masteries.

Masteries  are  so  huge.

Do  you  people really  believe Masteries  are  Liabilities?

The  only  people who  see  Masteries as  Liabilities are  people  who  are  intentionally trying  to  lose  in  arena.  Lol

24 май 2021, 02:3424.05.21
Player J

It  seems  Lee.Ozz  is  confused about:

-  Total  Champion

-  Champion  Power

-  Artifact  Power

-  Mastery  Power

Why  are  the  above  things  Assets  in  Arena?

Seems  like  I  need  to explain  these  as  well.

Total  Champion  &  Champion  Power  are  pretty  easy  to  figure  out.

It  is  about  giving yourself  more Options.

Who  do  you  think  is  better  off  in  Arena:

A  Player  who  owns  4  heroes


A  Player  who  owns  400  heroes 

The  Player  who  owns  only  4  heroes is  a  1  Trick  Pony.

They  can  only  do  same  strategy  against  everyone they  face.

This  Player  will  ultimately suffer  in  Arena  because eventually he  will  run  across  people who  do  his  strategy better  or  people  who  built  a  strategy  to  counter  him.

The  Player  who  owns  400  heroes  has  a  Robust  Roster.

This  Player  will  do  very  well  in  Arena.

The  Player  will  do  well  because  the  player  doesn't  need  to  rely  on  1  Strategy to  win.

The  Player  has  the  means  to  change  his  strategy  on  the  fly  based  on  enemy.

The  more  heroes you  have  -  the  more  counters  you  have  -  the  more  options  you  have

The  less  heroes  you  have  -  the  less  counters  you  have  -  the  less  options  you  have

It's Common  Sense.

A  lot  of  the  successful players  in  arena  have  a  Robust  Roster.


Why  is  Artifact  Power  an  Asset  in  Arena.

Well  if  your  heroes are  naked  your  going  to  get  wrecked  in  Arena.

Believe  it  or  not  Artifacts  help  your  Arena  team  in  2  ways.

1.  Directly

2.  Indirectly.

Artifacts  help  your  Arena  team  Directly  because  your  Arena  team  itself  needs  gear  to  be  successfu.

Artifacts  help  your  Arena  team  Indirectly  because  they  help  PVE  related  teams  which  can  impact  your  Arena  team.

For  Example:

Your  Dragon  Dungeon  Team

Your  Dragon  Dungeon  Team  needs  Artifacts  to  be  Successful.

Your  Dragon  Team  +  Dragon  Team  Artifacts  are  Indirectly  helping  your  Arena  Team.

How?  They  are  helping  you  farm/search  for  better  gear  pieces.

When  a  better  gear  piece  is  found,  it  is  than  put  on  your  Arena  team.

Let  me  give  you  a  quick  preview  of  how  this  plays  out  in  real  life.

Your  Arena  Speed  Booster  has  210  Speed.

You  build  Dragon  team  to  farm  Dragon.

Your  Dragon  team  finds  Speed  Gear.

The  Speed  Gear  is  better  than  what  you  currently have  on  your  Arena  Speed  Booster.

You  replace  the  gear  causing  your  Speed  Booster  to  have  220  total  speed.

This  preview  shows  you  the  Indirect  Relationship  +  Direct  Relationship  of  your  Artifacts.


Mastery  Power?

No  words  can  explain  how  impactful Masteries  are  in  Arena.

Arena  fights  can  be  won  or  lost  due  to  Masteries.

Masteries  are  so  huge.

Do  you  people really  believe Masteries  are  Liabilities?

The  only  people who  see  Masteries as  Liabilities are  people  who  are  intentionally trying  to  lose  in  arena.  Lol

1 . Really? 400 champs when all you need is speed aura lead, turn meter booster, buff stripper, defense down and nukers? Surely 8-10 champions will suffice... And probably use only 8 max, 4 attack team, 4 defense team. Maybe even 12 for tag team, 20 max for 3v3 team options. 400? I don't even think any heroes in the meta for ALL of contents would count up to 100. Robust roster in arena probably only count for like 20 champions, I mean be honest do you cycle 400 heroes on your arena? No, you most likely only have at max 30 mainstay champions for arena AND tag team arena

2&3 yeah, only gear and give masteries to essential champions, that's what OP said, his point is to never gear or give masteries to champions you never use and only keep gears as neccesary and not hoard them

24 май 2021, 03:1524.05.21
24 май 2021, 03:17(отредактировано)

1 . Really? 400 champs when all you need is speed aura lead, turn meter booster, buff stripper, defense down and nukers? Surely 8-10 champions will suffice... And probably use only 8 max, 4 attack team, 4 defense team. Maybe even 12 for tag team, 20 max for 3v3 team options. 400? I don't even think any heroes in the meta for ALL of contents would count up to 100. Robust roster in arena probably only count for like 20 champions, I mean be honest do you cycle 400 heroes on your arena? No, you most likely only have at max 30 mainstay champions for arena AND tag team arena

2&3 yeah, only gear and give masteries to essential champions, that's what OP said, his point is to never gear or give masteries to champions you never use and only keep gears as neccesary and not hoard them

Your  understanding of  Arena  is  completely flawed,   Lee.Ozz.

I  know  people  who  have  200  Leggo's  maxed  out  on  there  account.

This  isn't including  all  the  Epics  or  Rares  they  have  maxed  out.

We  are  talking  about  people who  have  spent  upwards  of  50k+ cash  on  the  game.

Do  you  think  you  will  only  have  4  heroes  maxed  with  such  cash  Investment?

You  need  to  broaden  your  mind.

These  people don't care.

They  beat  everything  in  the  game.

They  want  to  use  400  heroes  in  Arena.

Who  am  I  to  tell  them  No?

Who  says  only  11  heroes  suffice  in  Arena?

Who  says  30  heroes  is  max  for  Arena  &  Tag  Arena?

You  are  just  making  these  numbers  up.

Last  I  checked  the  game  has  585  total  heroes  in  game.

There  are  alot  more  heroes  viable  in  Arena  vs.  only  30.

There  are  hundreds  of  champions  which  can  be  used  in  arena.

Not  to  mention  Dupe  heroes!

24 май 2021, 03:5424.05.21
24 май 2021, 04:04(отредактировано)
Player J

Your  understanding of  Arena  is  completely flawed,   Lee.Ozz.

I  know  people  who  have  200  Leggo's  maxed  out  on  there  account.

This  isn't including  all  the  Epics  or  Rares  they  have  maxed  out.

We  are  talking  about  people who  have  spent  upwards  of  50k+ cash  on  the  game.

Do  you  think  you  will  only  have  4  heroes  maxed  with  such  cash  Investment?

You  need  to  broaden  your  mind.

These  people don't care.

They  beat  everything  in  the  game.

They  want  to  use  400  heroes  in  Arena.

Who  am  I  to  tell  them  No?

Who  says  only  11  heroes  suffice  in  Arena?

Who  says  30  heroes  is  max  for  Arena  &  Tag  Arena?

You  are  just  making  these  numbers  up.

Last  I  checked  the  game  has  585  total  heroes  in  game.

There  are  alot  more  heroes  viable  in  Arena  vs.  only  30.

There  are  hundreds  of  champions  which  can  be  used  in  arena.

Not  to  mention  Dupe  heroes!

Deflections, as I said, I ask you to be honest, how many mainstay arena champions do YOU have? 30 is the max number I guess that YOU have for arena heroes.

People can have 200 maxed up leggos, sure... But that's not the point of the thread, because we know once you hit gold rank in arena account power doesn't really count, but from bronze to silver it's a component that counts to the match up... Hence the need to artificially reduce account power and maintain only essential champs during said time.

And up to now, you have no argument to say that there's no need to maintain low account power, all you can say is having more champs give you variation of tactics while on every arena thread your suggestion is only for 1 type of team, speed-nuke.

And now your only argument is anecdotal that there's high level players that have a big roster and it doesn't affect them, yeah we know it doesn't effect high level players because the account power calculation doesn't apply to gold rank and up.

So if you REALLY think that all champs are going to be assets, I ask you this, why should I keep champs like War Mother? Why shouldn't I just use her as 5* chicken and reduce my account power while I'm at it?

24 май 2021, 07:4424.05.21

As long as account power is used to give you a wall of arbiters to fight in arena, any equipped gear or spare champions you have are a liability in progressing in arena.

Plarium need to remove account power from the matchup calculation as it is unreasonable (are the 300 champs sitting in our vaults contributing to progressing in arena? No! of course they aren't, so including them in the math is both idiotic and unnecessarily punitive) and blocks progression.

24 май 2021, 08:3524.05.21

Its pretty obvious that arena needs a rework. It cant be that G4 and 8 points in GH are necessary to get Arbiter when tons of teams with arbiter are found in S3.

Its just not logic. If Plarium sees ok that Arbiter teams dominate S3 then they need to make Arbiter obtainable at S3, cause if people that one day were able to reach G4 are now demoted to S3, then logic says the cut needs to be made there.

Its the evolutions most games have, at first the good items are obtained at a given level but as the game evolves and people is more and more strong, then that same items are more and more easy to get.

25 май 2021, 01:5325.05.21

A few clarifications might be necessary:

I guess I'm not actively recommending dismantling dungeon teams but I think there's a real argument to be made that each action, e.g., opening shards, building characters/teams, needs to be weighed against the potential for a negative impact to Arena performance.

Adding new characters is a risk unless you can gaurantee that they will be producers at some point in the near future.

Champions are assets only if they are producing, either in terms of Arena victories, gear, etc. If they don't produce anything, e.g., don't work as intended or don't get used, they are a liability (debt).

It's sort of like owning a plot of land. You can own land but if you never develop it, or it doesn't appreciate in value, it's a liability in terms of interest-bearing debt (if any), taxes, and maintenance. You can look at it as a potential investment but it still represents a risk until you finally sell it or otherwise use it for a profit.

So too with a champion. Unless you are using it to produce something to progress, there is a chance (risk) that it is dragging down your Arena performance--and therefore overall account performance.

That said, with the shard RNG it's entirely possible for someone to get to a point where they have a brutal Arena team and means to get good gear, while still having a relatively low account power.

If you are in that situation, does it make sense to farm the stuffing out of Bronze and Silver with easy wins while building up your Hall? Similarly, if you're getting easy wins for the moment, why add to your debt (account power) by opening shards and developing new characters?

Why not wait until you've mostly maxed out the Silver hall levels before moving on further?